Terra Chimera - Soulfire
my resolution is 1280*800 (Notebook Widescreen), maybe this is the problem (but I also have the problem that every VX Game I start is switching in Fullscreen, I don't know why.
Well I meant the resolution for VX, but try this. Open up your control panel and go into the Fonts folder. Check if Verdana is in there. If it isn't, that might be the problem right there... VX might be substituting Verdana for a different, wider font.
I have Verdana and the VX Resolution is the same on every computer I think (544*416).
I really don't know what it is Oo
I noticed a bug that occurs with the encrypted version of the game. For some reason the auto light script can't access the picture files needed to show shadows and lights if it's encrypted. Here's the fix:

1. Download the picture files here.
2. Extract the folders into the game's directory.

This should not affect save game states or anything like that, but it does enhance the intro a bit if you want to revisit it :)


EDIT: By the way. Zarox, I've created a script that forces the game to use Verdana font. This may fix your problem... though I'm not entirely sure why it happened in the first place. Anyway, download this: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jn2zxmw3to...pts.rvdata

Then create a folder called Data in the game's directory and place this file in there. It should take priority over the encrypted file. If that doesn't work then I'll upload a new version of the demo with the script installed for you to download.
yeah I think it's working now, I test it deeper later. ty

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