to Version 6
Pointed out to me recently was an issue if the game developer gave the same name to two or more of his maps. This was an issue because the filename of the maps generated were one and the same. And with that, one map could be erased by another just because they shared the same name.
This prompted a revision to the file name system within MapMaker.
As of now, the filenames shown within MapMaker will be proceeded by the ID number of the map. In this, no two maps sharing the same name set within Properties will overwrite each other.
But the ID of the map wasn't the only change performed. As of now, characters that are considered illegal within filenames are removed just before the generated map(s) are saved as .png files.
\ / : * ? " < > |
While you may have these within your map names, they will not be used when saving your maps.
Lastly, there have been issues with the system when attempting to generate maps that have absolutely no content. And by that, I mean a map with no tiles, events, fogs, panoramas or the like... completely devoid of content. Until recently, it would generate a pop-up warning that the tool could not create any preview as there were no resources from which to draw. And sadly, those instances would cause the system to crash.
As of now, that will not be a problem, even when performing mass-generation of all maps within a project. Of course no .png file will be saved for such maps. And if the end-user wishes to disable the pop-up message from showing, the new 'display_empty_warn' setting within the updated INI file can be set to 'false'.
Indeed, the INI file has also been update, though only that setting is the new change.