Arrow Over Player's Head 3.1
Arrow Over Player's Head
Version 3.1


I originally made it back in 2006 because I've seen people make some pretty elaborate maps in which the player would end up going behind/underneath certain tiles or blend in with the map. This is a lot more customizable than the last two systems and it's also easy to install.

  • Choose four ways to have the indicator show up. Hold, Toggle, Passability (the impassable tile that is one tile below the player would make the indicator show up), Terrain (If a player steps on a tile terrain tagged with whatever the value of PK_AOPH_TERRAIN may be, the indicator would appear. If not, it disappears, RMXP only).
  • Disable this system on certain maps.
  • Plenty of customization for the graphic. (file, x&y coordinates, x&y zoom, opacity and blend type!)
  • Set the button which (de)activates the indicator. (If PK_AOPH_METHOD is set to 0 or 1)
  • If the player is on a tile marked with a certain terrain tag, the indicator would show up. (Only if PK_AOPH_METHOD is set to 3) [RMXP only]
  • Adjust the amount of red, green, blue and saturation of the indicator graphic. (New to version 3.1!)
  • Plug and play!

.zip   Arrow Over Player\'s Head 3.1 (Size: 196.42 KB / Downloads: 25)
.zip   Arrow Over Player\'s Head 3.1 (Size: 250.8 KB / Downloads: 12)

Copy-paste the entire common event to your project. Depending on how far into development you are with your project, you should probably change the condition switch of the common event.

If you're not liking the indicator I gave you, you may create your own indicator and save it in the Graphics/Pictures directory of your project.

Credits and Thanks
Special thanks to Kain Nobel for making me want to make one again.

Author's Notes
I've been making the "Arrow Over Player's Head" systems for a few years now, starting in '06. This is my third time making this.

Unfortunately, since this system uses RMXP/RMVX's picture system in a way, the indicator would require a picture ID (from 1 to 50 in RMXP, from 1 to 20 in RMVX) to be displayed.
as i imagined it...sweet n_n
Thanks! :D
Update! This event system has been upgraded to 3.1!
Added features: New tone features.
Update: I've made a RMVX version of this.
Punk, is it compatible with mode7?i tried it yesterday but still it has problems. (eg. the arrow doesn't show). if you have ideas please tell me, thank you again for this wonderful map event.
Wow, I'm VERY late on the reply. I really don't know how Mode7 deals with pictures. @_@
Edit: No wait, I think it [Mode7] doesn't do anything to the pictures. If I were to make it compatible, I might have to somehow make some kind of "patch" to this system which would make it work with Mode7's zoom features.

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