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It's been awhile, my friend. I hope the time has treated you well. You have definitely been busy! I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind.
I was having little trouble with the old vehicle system and I came here to check out the demo and found that you completely rewrote the entire thing! I'm sure you may remember, but I requested a few things regarding the old system as possibilities:
1. Transfer from map to HQ (Present on the updated version)
It is slightly different, as you cannot set the vehicle's XY coordinates as you could in the last version using: enter_hq("Vehicle Name", X, Y, Direction).
Would it be possible to do this again? No worries if it's too difficult.
2. Directly enter a vehicle from map (Not present on the updated version)
Command was enter_vehicle("Vehicle Name", "Map Name")
3. Exit vehicle and drop off on another map (Not present on the updated version)
Command was: drop_off("Map Name", X, Y, Direction)
I was wondering if it would be possible to put these into the updated version? The one that I would really like to use is #3, the drop off command. I can get around the #2 command by just using the #1 command, it's just nice to have both. Anyways, if this would be possible, I would greatly appreciate it. However if it's too much to ask, then I will try and find another way to make the scenes work in my game. Thanks!
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Transferring to and from the vehicle headquarters from a map can readily be done with a common [Transfer] command event. If you want a sort of spell effect, I guess you could use my Anchor/Recall script so you can make an item return you to an anchor position. It's an old fav of mine and should work fine too. Vehicles is pretty much easier to handle now.
OH... did you like that you can now drive the vehicle around and go from map to map (if applicable) and park your vehicle on other maps without a problem?
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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Yes, I do enjoy the updated system and all of it's uses. Pretty awesome what you have done! I can see now how I could use the regular transfer function to do just about anything now. I checked out your Anchor/Recall script (which is great as usual) and I can definitely use that for a recall event, so thanks for the suggestion!
However, I may be a great fool, but I cannot figure out how you could transfer directly from a vehicle (while riding) to a map.
For example:
You are sailing your ship and you happen to move over a teleport event for a dock. The teleport event would force you to exit your vehicle and transfer you out of your ship and place you on the dock. On the dock you could then set up a teleport event to the mobile HQ and return to riding your ship from there. Does that make sense? Even if it would be possible to make a command that would force you to teleport to your mobile HQ while riding the vehicle automatically without pressing any buttons could also do the trick. Any thoughts? Thanks man!
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I used the following script command in an event with a player-touch trigger:
Code: $game_player.vehicle_disembark
That'll do it. For more control, you can set up a conditional block that ensures the player/vehicle is only facing one direction (like the port or shore).
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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08-19-2013, 12:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-19-2013, 01:01 AM by habs11.)
Sorry I disappeared for a little while, I kinda had a master's thesis to defend. Thanks a bunch! This is perfect. Once again, you never fail to get things done. Much appreciated!
Hey man,
Sorry about the double post, but I have a new question for you, go figure. With the last system, you made a patch for the following map looping script:
Code: #============================================================================
# Map Looping
# Extracted from Neo Mode 7 script
# Add [L] in the maps names to define looping maps
# To access maps names
$data_maps = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata")
# ** RPG::MapInfo
class RPG::MapInfo
# defines the map's name as the name without anything within brackets,
# including brackets
def name
return @name.gsub(/\[.*\]/) {""}
# the original name with the codes
def fullname
return @name
# ** Game_System
# Add attributes to this class
class Game_System
# * Aliased methods (F12 compatibility)
unless @already_aliased
alias initialize_mapLooping_game_system initialize
@already_aliased = true
# * Attributes
attr_accessor :mapLooping # true : map looping mode
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
self.mapLooping = false
# ** Game_Map
# Methods modifications to handle map looping
class Game_Map
# * Aliased methods (F12 compatibility)
unless @already_aliased
alias scroll_down_mapLooping_game_map scroll_down
alias scroll_left_mapLooping_game_map scroll_left
alias scroll_right_mapLooping_game_map scroll_right
alias scroll_up_mapLooping_game_map scroll_up
alias valid_mapLooping_game_map? valid?
alias passable_mapLooping_game_map? passable?
alias old_setup_mapLooping setup
@already_aliased = true
# * Scroll Down
# distance : scroll distance
def scroll_down(distance)
unless $game_system.mapLooping
@display_y = @display_y + distance
# * Scroll Left
# distance : scroll distance
def scroll_left(distance)
unless $game_system.mapLooping
@display_x = @display_x - distance
# * Scroll Right
# distance : scroll distance
def scroll_right(distance)
unless $game_system.mapLooping
@display_x = @display_x + distance
# * Scroll Up
# distance : scroll distance
def scroll_up(distance)
unless $game_system.mapLooping
@display_y = @display_y - distance
# * Determine Valid Coordinates
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
# Allow the hero to go out of the map when map looping
def valid?(x, y)
unless $game_system.mapLooping
return valid_mapLooping_game_map?(x, y)
if $game_system.mapLooping then return true end
return (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0&& y < height)
# * Determine if Passable
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
# d : direction (0,2,4,6,8,10)
# * 0,10 = determine if all directions are impassable
# self_event : Self (If event is determined passable)
def passable?(x, y, d, self_event = nil)
unless $game_system.mapLooping
return passable_mapLooping_game_map?(x, y, d, self_event)
unless valid?(x, y)
return false
bit = (1 << (d / 2 - 1)) & 0x0f
for event in events.values
if event.tile_id >= 0 and event != self_event and
event.x == x and event.y == y and not event.through
if @passages[event.tile_id] & bit != 0
return false
elsif @passages[event.tile_id] & 0x0f == 0x0f
return false
elsif @priorities[event.tile_id] == 0
return true
for i in [2, 1, 0]
tile_id = data[x % width, y % height, i] # handle map looping
if tile_id == nil
return false
elsif @passages[tile_id] & bit != 0
return false
elsif @passages[tile_id] & 0x0f == 0x0f
return false
elsif @priorities[tile_id] == 0
return true
return true
# * Setup
# map_id : map ID
def setup(map_id)
map_data = $data_maps[$game_map.map_id]
$game_system.mapLooping = map_data.fullname.include?("[L]")
# ** Game_Character
# "update" method modifications to handle map looping
class Game_Character
# * Aliased methods (F12 compatibility)
unless @already_aliased
alias initialize_mapLooping_game_character initialize
alias update_mapLooping_game_character update
@already_aliased = true
# * Attributes
attr_accessor :x
attr_accessor :y
attr_accessor :real_x
attr_accessor :real_y
attr_accessor :map_number_x # map's number with X-looping
attr_accessor :map_number_y # map's number with Y-looping
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
self.map_number_x = 0
self.map_number_y = 0
# * Update : handle map looping
def update
unless $game_system.mapLooping
# if x-coordinate is out of the map
unless (x.between?(0, $game_map.width - 1))
difference = 128 * x - real_x
if self.is_a?(Game_Player)
# increase or decrease map's number
self.map_number_x += difference / (difference.abs)
# x-coordinate is equal to its equivalent in the map
self.x %= $game_map.width
self.real_x = 128 * x - difference
# if y-coordinate is out of the map
unless (y.between?(0, $game_map.height - 1))
difference = 128 * y - real_y
if self.is_a?(Game_Player)
# increase or decrease map's number
self.map_number_y += difference / (difference.abs)
# y-coordinate is equal to its equivalent in the map
self.y %= $game_map.height
self.real_y = 128 * y - difference
# ** Game_Player
class Game_Player < Game_Character
# * Aliased methods (F12 compatibility)
unless @already_aliased
alias center_mapLooping_game_player center
@already_aliased = true
# * Always center around the hero if map looping
def center(x, y)
unless $game_system.mapLooping
center_mapLooping_game_player(x, y)
$game_map.display_x = x * 128 - CENTER_X
$game_map.display_y = y * 128 - CENTER_Y
# ** Sprite_Character
class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite
# * Aliased methods (F12 compatibility)
unless @already_aliased
alias update_mapLooping_sprite_character update
@already_aliased = true
# * Update
def update
if $game_system.mapLooping
unless x + computed_right_width >= 0 && x - computed_left_width < 640
self.x %= $game_map.width << 5
while y + computed_lower_height < 0
self.y += $game_map.height << 5
self.z += $game_map.height << 5
while y - computed_upper_height >= 480
self.y -= $game_map.height << 5
self.z -= $game_map.height << 5
# * Sprite's upper height (doesn't handle rotation)
def computed_upper_height
return (oy * zoom_y).to_i
# * Sprite's lower height
def computed_lower_height
return ((src_rect.height - oy) * zoom_y).to_i
# * Sprite's left width
def computed_left_width
return (ox * zoom_x).to_i
# * Sprite's right width
def computed_right_width
return ((src_rect.width - ox) * zoom_x).to_i
You used the following patch:
Code: #==============================================================================
# ** Super Simple Vehicle System / Mode7 Patch
# by DerVVulfman
# version 2
# 10-26-2007
# This script appends the check_terrain routine in the Vehicle System to permit
# looping vehicles. Also, it calls on the valid? routine in the Mode7 system.
# The only 'drawback' to this system was the routine that prevents the player
# from exiting vehicles along map borders. A strange nuance about the Mode7
# system (or possibly about any loop script) is that tiles detected on map
# borders read as terrain tag 1. To prevent landing/disembarking in water, this
# patch prevents landing on map borders.
# To use this system, merely paste it BELOW both the Vehicle and Mode7 systems.
# This script handles the rest.
# ** Game_Character
# This class deals with characters. It's used as a superclass for the
# Game_Player and Game_Event classes.
class Game_Character
# * Check the terrain for the vehicle
# new_x : future x position
# new_y : future y position
alias m7_check_terrain check_terrain
def check_terrain(new_x, new_y)
m7_check_terrain(new_x, new_y)
vehicle = $game_system.vehicle_number
if vehicle != 0
# Passable for matching terrain
if VEHICLES[vehicle-1][4]!= nil
# If loopable game map
if $game_map.valid?(new_x, new_y)
# Set the looping switch off
ssvs_m7_looping = false
# Branch on direction
case @direction
when 2; ssvs_m7_looping = true if new_y == $game_map.height and @y == ($game_map.height - 1)
when 4; ssvs_m7_looping = true if new_x == -1 and @x == 0
when 6; ssvs_m7_looping = true if new_x == $game_map.width and @x == ($game_map.width - 1)
when 8; ssvs_m7_looping = true if new_y == -1 and @y == 0
# If looping noted...
@state = true if ssvs_m7_looping
# * Determine if Landing is Possible
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
alias m7_land_possible? land_possible?
def land_possible?(x, y)
# Original result
result = m7_land_possible?(x, y)
# Ensure false result if on map edges
result = false if x == 0
result = false if y == 0
result = false if x == $game_map.width-1
result = false if y == $game_map.height-1
# Return result
return result
Would it be possible to update the patch for the new system? Thanks!
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Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you, football season for me is quite busy. I have a few issues with the system if you have the time to check them out.
1. There is a bug in the audio. Let's say you have your "world map" set to "A" music and your vehicle set to "B" music. If you board your vehicle, and then land, it's all good. However, if you go to your mobile HQ while on your vehicle, and then back to the world map, the game will play the "A" music instead of continuing with the "B" music. Then if you land, the music will stop entirely. From there, you can reboard your vehicle and the "B" music will play, but if you land, the music stops entirely again. The same is true if you use your "$game_player.map_to_hq('Dragon')" command to board your vehicle. It's kinda hard to explain, I was just messing around on your demo to try and find out exactly what was going on. Let me know if you can find the problem.
2. Even if you have your Thru set to "false", your vehicle still goes right through things that are blocked by and X in the pass-ability portion of the tileset. Try making a forest in the middle of the ocean on your demo and see the ship go right through it. This is an issue for me, as my world map has several ports, and my ship just goes right over the other boats that are docked.
Along the same lines, you cannot trigger events that are set to "player touch" on your vehicle. For example, a certain area of the map is haunted and there are events set up around it to trigger the screen to tint to a darker shade when the player gets close. When my vehicle runs over the events, they do not trigger. However, interestingly enough, if I position the vehicle directly over them and press the action button, they will trigger. I know that on your demo you have an event that triggers on player touch with the "$game_player.vehicle_disembark" command, but if you try the same event while on the ship, it does not work. Not sure if this helps, but I'd thought I would let you know.
3. Regarding the "$game_player.vehicle_disembark" command, it will not work unless you are position on a tile that allows you do exit your vehicle. For example, if I was riding in my ship and I encountered another ship out on the seas, I would want to disembark the player, and then teleport them over to the other ship. However, I cannot do this, as the script will not allow the player to disembark while still on the water. Is there a way to just have you disembark anyway, regardless if it is "allowable" by the terrain in the script? If not, I think I may have a solution to get around it.
4. Last one. Have you got a chance to check out a "map loop" feature, as described in my previous post?
I know this is a lot of questions, and I totally understand if you are busy with other things. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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You solved most of your issues... Look towards the 1st page and the 'submitted patches' section (the 2nd post) for a Mode7 'original' patch. Not that the Lycan ABS didn't have looping going on in it.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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to version 9.2
There was a bug discovered and reported by Habs11 after sending a copy of his game to his brother. The error message itself, very odd and never before seen, was triggered when using the feature that lets the player transfer to a vehicle headquarters. Fixing the error was simple enough as the offending statement was no longer used and depreciated.
So the newest version now extends credits to Habs11 for the bug discovery.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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ACK! I didn't realize Habs11 even asked a question when I came here to replace my map looping patch!!!!
This is a bump for the Map Loop patch, not the vehicle system itself.... The map loop patch now works with both the Mode7 system as well as the Lycan ABS which has its own map loop capabilities.
Oops... Sorry Habs.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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DerVVulfman, sorry to bring up an old topic I've only recently discovered your script.
Everything else works but the vehicle tends move through other events and other
parts of the map even though I set the through to be false. And not just the vehicle
the other events are moving through objects. This only happens when I enter the
vehicle. I want to make a land vehicle and I just cannot seem to make it work the
way I planned it out. If you the have the time could you please try and help me with
this problem?