10-26-2011, 08:30 PM
(10-26-2011, 04:01 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: A texture is a bitmap that is divided into 5 32x32 blocks. The first block is a pattern block that describes how your texture is applied to your map tile.... all four sides described by the colors (red, green, blue, etc). The second to fifth blocks are the patterns for the four sides of the bitmap tile. One block represents the red side and the 'pattern' block applies it as it is instructed.Yes I already checked this tutorial, it was helpful however, I still have some problem with the Hmap, I do not understand how I can make a house roof for exemple.
I created a help file for textures that MGC had been using in his demo. You'll find it as "H-Mode7_Textures.chm".
BTW: Welcome aboard.
I would be most grateful if you could make a tutorial for a house roof or explain to me by email at: louis.preaux@gmail.com
I want my house to be 4squares by 4 squares (the squares that you can see in "events" layer).
Thank you very much for you support!
BTW: thanks a lot! I hope that we will be able to help each other on the forum, as soon as I know everything I will share my knowledge hehe! see you!