(02-03-2013, 08:48 PM)Raphael Rpg Games Wrote: This is not H-mode 7, but Neo mode 7!I somehow found this very old version which isn't even "H-mode 7" or "Neo-mode 7" as titled.
At the beginning of the script it reads:
# Mode 7# Written by: MGCaladtogel# Version: unknown# English version date: 21.5.2007
(02-03-2013, 06:47 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: The stark thick borders and subtle pallete shading reminds me of Okami. This is being done with HMode7? Sweet!Heavily inspired by Okami, Wind Waker, Paper Mario style, aiming for my whole game to feel like an interactive story book RPG.
I'm actually using bigger proportions for my characters and tilesets, the smallest characterset is 192x256 pixels.
Here's the intro cutscene for my game so far if you guys are interested!
I don't really understand your question, could you give me an example?