09-25-2014, 03:39 AM
Meanwhile, my study into C++ language continues further with the understanding of a specialized sub-branch of its constructor system.
A constructor in C++ is basically the same as making the 'initialize' method in Ruby (or RGSS as the case may be). However, they allow you to set up multiple constructors for different conditions. And they have a specialized one called a copy-constructor. It sorta lets you create a new 'object' that can be a pale duplicate of an already existing one......
For scripters, it's like you make the $game_map object from the class Game_Map. Then you actually make a copy of the object with a 'copy constructor' in Game_Map, so you could end up with a second object called $copy_map. Weird.... dunno exactly what I would do with it.
Meanwhile, my study into C++ language continues further with the understanding of a specialized sub-branch of its constructor system.
A constructor in C++ is basically the same as making the 'initialize' method in Ruby (or RGSS as the case may be). However, they allow you to set up multiple constructors for different conditions. And they have a specialized one called a copy-constructor. It sorta lets you create a new 'object' that can be a pale duplicate of an already existing one......
For scripters, it's like you make the $game_map object from the class Game_Map. Then you actually make a copy of the object with a 'copy constructor' in Game_Map, so you could end up with a second object called $copy_map. Weird.... dunno exactly what I would do with it.