Geez... I worked on that almost 10 years ago?
Mimi's Battleback Changer
by DerVVulfman (August 8, 2006)
This script is able to change the battle background using events and scripted values.
Quick Animations - Repaired
DerVVulfman (January 24, 2013)
The original Quick Animations by SephirothSpawn answered a call placed by people wondering if it would be possible to show cell animations of a sort in RPGMaker XP, similar to the animations performed by an Animated Gif. His method made use of assigning a folder that had a series of .png files numbered from 1.png on up, and playing them in sequence. The drawback, however, was that the folder was not specified as one of the Cache files in the Graphics folder, and was not saved/stored or accessible withing the encrypted .rgssad folder. This rewrite of his system lets you create folders within the Graphics\Pictures folder which will be encrytped and playable from your final product.