09-06-2016, 04:07 AM
No screens of the Quest system today. BUT HELLA WORK BEING DONE ON INSTRUCTIONS!
The commands to turn on/off the quest and its objectives have been made very compact and easy to use. But can it be any easier than having the system check quest data for you and mark them completed?
I can't help it. The quest system will have a detailed set of instructions. But as big as they will be, I want to make them easy to understand... at least for an intermediate level.
The commands to turn on/off the quest and its objectives have been made very compact and easy to use. But can it be any easier than having the system check quest data for you and mark them completed?
I can't help it. The quest system will have a detailed set of instructions. But as big as they will be, I want to make them easy to understand... at least for an intermediate level.
# FUNCTION: Brings up the Quest Log screen itself
# ALTERNATE: $scene = Scene_QuestLog.new()
# For those who are not adding Queen's Quest into their menu, they can
# easily utilize a map event or common event to access the quest log.
# EXAMPLE: Quest_Log()
# It can't get much simpler than this, can it?
# NOTE: The classic "$scene=..." script call includes a parameter for
# calling the main menu. However, it is not being discussed here.
# FUNCTION: Adds a quest to your log of quests, and makes it current
# SYNTAX: QUEST_Add(quest_id[, reset])
# ALTERNATE: $game_party.add_quest_info(quest_id[, reset])
# Made very simple, this command is what you use to add a new quest to
# your list of quests, or to refresh and reset the values to a quest
# that is already in your log. Please note that you cannot 'refresh' a
# quest that does not already exist in your log.
# EXAMPLES: QUEST_Add(5) <-- adds quest '5' to your log
# QUEST_Add(3, true) <--- refreshes quest '3'
# Please note that you cannot 'refresh' a quest that doesn't exist in
# your log. So while the second example can refresh the third quest in
# your log, it will not create 'and' refresh simultaneously. The quest
# must already exist. Fortunately, there is a test to determine that.
# Additional: Some quests can be set up to turn on an RPGMaker switch
# when the quest is active (see Qreating the Quests).