12-30-2024, 12:07 AM
(12-29-2024, 11:57 PM)kyonides Wrote: And here I come once again to prove you wrong!
Actually, no. Please recall that I stated...
(12-29-2024, 10:19 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: Note that you cannot evaluate symbols into their original objects as the second code block has shown. the 'eval' command only works with strings. And the .respond_to? command is a method within the Object class and will not respond to symbols.
Your example code does not perform an evaluation. It does not use the 'eval' command that is part of the Object class. As I was being explicit about the use of the Eval command and your supplied code does not perform any evaluation, your statement is essentially a half-truth.
I am aware that 'instance_variable_get' is a newer method within the OBJECT class, but was introduced within Ruby 2.5.5. And it needs to be said that users of the Ruby RPGMaker engines (XP to VXACE) do not use as new a version of Ruby, and the command will not function.