02-18-2025, 06:18 PM
ForeverZer0's Pathfinding Advanced
Version: 1.0r
Version: 1.0r
This is an advanced an highly inteligent pathfinding system. It allows for the user to either, through script or script call, quickly and easily have events or the game player automatically walk a path to a given set of coordinates. The system is smart enough to quickly find paths through relalatively complex areas, and asjust on the fly for any obstacle that moves to block its path. I used the A* algorithm, basic search algorithm used often for robotics. More on this algorithm can be read about here:
- Fast and intelligent pathfinding
- Easy to use script calls
- Optional "range" parameter can have character find alternate locations if the preferred one is blocked and they are within the given range.
- Optional Proc Class defined callbacks can be given to have something execute if when the character reaches its goal, or when it fails to do so.
- Compatible Near Fantastica Pathfinding v1 methods included:
- find_path(x, y)
- clear_path
- find_path(x, y)
None. Its characters moving around the screen.
The Header and Instructions
# ForeverZer0's Pathfinding Advanced
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# By DerVVulfman
# Based on the works of ForeverZer0
# Version: 1.0r
# Date: 02.18.2025 (MM/DD/YYYY)
# =============
# This is an advanced an highly inteligent pathfinding system. It allows for
# the user to either, through script or script call, quickly and easily have
# events or the game player automatically walk a path to a given set of co-
# ordinates. The system is smart enough to quickly find paths through rela-
# latively complex areas, and asjust on the fly for any obstacle that moves
# to block its path. I used the A* algorithm, basic search algorithm used
# often for robotics. More on this algorithm can be read about here:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# =========
# - Fast and intelligent pathfinding
# - Easy to use script calls
# - Optional "range" parameter can have character find alternate locations
# if the preferred one is blocked and they are within the given range.
# - Optional callbacks can be given to have something execute if when the
# character reaches its goal, or when it fails to do so.
# - Compatible Near Fantastica Pathfinding v1 methods included:
# - find_path(x,y)
# - clear_path
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# =============
# - Place script below default scripts, and above "Main".
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# =============
# - The system is used by way of Script Calls, and there are five varieties
# of note:
# Script Call: Pathfind
# ---------------------
# To actively execute pathfinding, use the following script call:
# --or--
# self.pathfind(X, Y)
# --or--
# self.find_path(X, Y)
# * The latter two used within Game_Character and only deals with
# the specific character influenced (usable by Move Routes) and
# only permits the defined value settings. No custom ranges nor
# callbacks are passed.
# < Parameters>
# * X: The x-coordinate / destination from which to pathfind
# * Y: The y-coordinate / destination from which to pathfind
# * CHARACTER: (Optional) The event or character to move
# * RANGE: (Optional) How close to the destination for a success
# * SUCCESS_PROC: (Optional) The process executed if the destination reached
# * FAILURE_PROC: (Optional) The process executed if pathfinding failed
# Of the above, only the x and y values are required. The other parameters
# have default settings, and are described more in detail below:
# CHARACTER: (Default: $game_player) This defines the object under the
# influence of the pathfinding system. It may be the player,
# an event ($game_map.events[id], etc.), or the ID of an
# event on the current map. Use -1 for the Game Player.
# SUCCESS_PROC: (Default: nil) A Proc (procedure) object that is executed
# when the player, event or character reaches its destina-
# tion. It expected that the Proc was defined before the
# pathfind command was executed.
# FAILURE_PROC: (Default: nil) A Proc object that will be executed if the
# player, event or character fails to reach its destination
# and has gone through its alloted number of retries. For
# more information, see Script Call: Retries.
# Example:
# + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
# | @>Script: def create_proc |
# | : Proc.new |
# | : end |
# | : a_proc = create_proc { p "I win" } |
# | : b_proc = create_proc { p "I lose" } |
# | : pathfind 17, 4, 1, 0, a_proc, b_proc |
# | @>Event Erase |
# | @> |
# + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
# The above example shows the quick generation of two procedures. The first
# procedure (a_proc) will print the words "I win" when executed, and the
# second procedure (b_proc) will instead display the words "I lose".
# After that, I execute a pathfind call that will move an event to the
# coordinates of (17,4). the event is event #1, and it must actually
# reach and be at the coordinates as there is 0 leeway in the range...
# ... ergo 17, 4, 1, 0 (x, y, event_id, range)
# The last two values assigned are the procedures to be called, a_proc
# is the "I win" procedure that will execute if the event actually reaches
# its destination. Need I say more?
# Okay, more. You can set the SUCCESS_PROC to nil and have a FAILURE_PROC
# if you only want a procedure to execute on failure.
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Script Call: Clear Path
# --------------------
# - In order to abruptly halt the movement of an event controlled by the
# pathfinding system, you may use the following script call:
# SYNTAX: clear_path(CHARACTER)
# --or--
# self.clear_path
# * The latter used within Game_Character and only deals with the
# specific character influenced (usable by Move Routes).
# < Parameters>
# * CHARACTER: (Default: $game_player) This defines the object under the
# influence of the pathfinding system. It may be the player,
# an event ($game_map.events[id], etc.), or the ID of an
# event on the current map. Use -1 for the Game Player.
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Script Call: Retries
# --------------------
# - By default, the pathfinder will make 35 attempts to recalculate a route
# that gets blocked. This value can be changed in game by the script call:
# SYNTAX: pathfind_retries(NUMBER)
# < Parameters>
# * NUMBER: (Default: 35) The number of retries before it fails
# This script call will allow you to set the number of retries possible
# before the system considers the pathfinding attempt to be a failure.
# As it has a default value, just running "pathfind_retries" alone will
# reset the number of retries back to 35.
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Script Call: Range
# --------------------
# - For longer pathfind routes, it is sometimes necessary to increase the
# pathfind system's range. This may cause increased lag when an object
# blocks the character from being able to move, but will increase the
# range that the system can work with. Use the following script call:
# SYNTAX: pathfind_range(NUMBER)
# < Parameters>
# * NUMBER: (Default: 1000) The number of steps needed for travel
# As it has a default value, just running "pathfind_range" alone will
# reset the steps/range back to 1000.
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Script Call: Enhanced
# --------------------
# - Normally, the pathfinding system runs in an enhanced mode that allows
# for a more efficient means to recalculate collisions if the pathway
# suddenly becomes blocked. However, if you run into problems, it can
# be turned off with the below script call:
# SYNTAX: pathfind_enhanced(BOOLEAN)
# < Parameters>
# * BOOLEAN: (Default: true) A boolean (or true/false) value
# As it has a default value, just running "pathfind_enhanced" alone will
# turn enhanced mode back on.
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# ==============
# Designed for RPGMaker XP. Consistent with Ruby 2.7 Coding Standards.
# Highly compatible. May experience issues with Custom Movement scripts,
# but even then, it is unlikely.
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# ===============
# - ForeverZer0, for the original script
# - Special thanks to Jragyn for help making the big maze for the demo and
# help testing.
# - Credit goes to the Peter Hart, Nils Nilsson and Bertram Raphael for the
# original search algorithm that was implemented
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# =====================
# Free for use, even in commercial scripts. However, I require due credit for
# myself and all others listed in Credits/Thanks.
The Engine Code
# ForeverZer0's Pathfinding Advanced
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# By DerVVulfman
# Based on the works of ForeverZer0
# Version: 1.0
# Date: 02.18.2025 (MM/DD/YYYY)
# > ENGINE <
# ** Game_Map
# This class handles the map. It includes scrolling and passable determining
# functions. Refer to "$game_map" for the instance of this class.
class Game_Map
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :collision_retry # Number of tries before path fails
attr_accessor :recalculate_paths # Flag if enhanced re-pathing is on
attr_accessor :search_limiter # The steps range for travel distance
attr_accessor :clear_item # map character halted in pathfinding
# * Alias Listings
alias zer0_pathfinding_init initialize
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Initialize instance variables used for pathfinding.
@collision_retry = 35
@recalculate_paths = true
@search_limiter = 1000
@clear_item = nil
# Perform the original method
# ** Interpreter
# This interpreter runs event commands. This class is used within the
# Game_System class and the Game_Event class.
class Interpreter
# * Pathfind
# x : x-coordinates
# y : y-coordinats
# character : (optional) instance or ID of a game-map event/character
# range : (optional) How close to target location needed
# success_proc : (optional) Procedure run when the destination is reached
# fail_proc : (optional) Procedure run when the destination is blocked
def pathfind(x, y, *args)
# Ensure arguments passed are valid
args[0] = @event_id if args[0].nil?
args[1] = 0 if args[1].nil?
# Create the instance of the target's Pathfind object (simpler script call)
Pathfind.new(Node.new(x, y), *args)
# * Clear the path
# x : x-coordinates
# y : y-coordinats
# character : (optional) instance or ID of a game-map event/character
def clear_path(char = -1)
# Set the character. Can either us an ID or an instance of a Game_Character.
# A value of -1, which is default, is the Game_Player.
if char.is_a?(Integer)
@character = (char == -1) ? $game_player : $game_map.events[char]
elsif char.is_a?(Game_Character)
@character = char
# Pass value into Game_Map instance variable
$game_map.clear_item = @character
# * Pathfind system retries permitted
# value : (default:35) Times pathfinding is attempted before fail
def pathfind_retries(value=35)
# Ensure only integer values allowed
return if value.nil?
return unless value.is_a?(Integer)
# Ensure values are in valid range
return if value < 1
return if value > 100
# Pass value into Game_Map instance variable
$game_map.collision_retry = value
# * Pathfind System Enhanced
# value : (default:true) If pathfinding is in enhanced mode
def pathfind_enhanced(value=true)
# Ensure only true/false (boolean) values are passed
return unless value.is_a?(TrueClass) || value.is_a?(FalseClass)
# Pass value into Game_Map instance variable
$game_map.recalculate_paths = value
# * Pathfind system range in steps
# value : (default:1000) Range or number of steps for a calculated path
def pathfind_range(value=1000)
# Ensure only integer values allowed
return if value.nil?
return unless value.is_a?(Integer)
# Ensure values are in valid range
return if value < 1
return if value > 5000
# Pass value into Game_Map instance variable
$game_map.search_limiter = value
# ** Pathfind
# This class handles the point-to-point navigation system. It observes the
# Game_Character class and is used within the Game_Event class ($game_event).
class Pathfind
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :route # Move Route
attr_accessor :range # How close to target location needed
attr_reader :goal # Destination node used for comparison
attr_reader :found # Ssuccess flag
attr_reader :character # Subject character on map
attr_accessor :success_proc # procedure to be called on success
attr_accessor :failure_proc # procedure to be called on failure
attr_accessor :target # Final destination node
attr_accessor :collisions # Number of collision retry attempts
# * Object Initialization
# node : Destination node location for pathrfinding
# char : (optional) instance or ID of a game-map event/character
# range : (optional) Default 0: How close to target location needed
# callbacks : (optional) Procedures run when the path is reahed/failed
def initialize(node, char = -1, range = 0, *callbacks)
# Set the character. Can either us an ID or an instance of a Game_Character.
# A value of -1, which is default, is the Game_Player.
if char.is_a?(Integer)
@character = (char == -1) ? $game_player : $game_map.events[char]
elsif char.is_a?(Game_Character)
@character = char
# Set forcing flag. Will be disabled for recalculating on the fly.
@forcing = true
# Call a public method, since this method may need to be used again,
# and "initialize" is private.
setup(node, range, *callbacks)
# * Setup
# node : Destination node location for pathrfinding
# range : (optional) Default 0: How close to target location needed
# callbacks : (optional) Procedures run when the path is reahed/failed
def setup(node, range = 0, *callbacks)
# Initialize the node we are trying to get to.
@target = Node.new(node.x, node.y)
@goal = @target.clone
# Set to Game Player if no character exists
@character = $game_player if @character.nil?
# Set beginning nodes and required variables.
@start_node = Node.new(@character.x, @character.y)
@nearest = Node.new(0, 0, 0, -1)
@range, @found, @collisions = range, false, 0
# Set callbacks for success and failure if included, else nil.
@success_proc = callbacks[0]
@failure_proc = callbacks[1]
# Initialize sets to track open and closed nodes
@open_set, @close_set = [@start_node], {}
# Find the optimal path
# * Calculate path to target
def calculate_path
# Only do calculation if goal is actually passable, unless we only
# need to get close or within range
if @character.passable?(@goal.x, @goal.y, 0) || @range > 0
# Initialize counter
counter, wait = 0, 0
until @open_set.empty?
# Increase count
counter += 1
# Give up if pathfinding is taking more than 500 iterations
if counter >= $game_map.search_limiter
@found = false
# Get the node with lowest cost and add it to the closed list
@current_node = get_current
@close_set[[@current_node.x, @current_node.y]] = @current_node
if @current_node == @goal ||
(@range > 0 && @goal.in_range?(@current_node, @range))
# We reached goal, exit the loop!
@target = @goal
@goal, @found = @current_node, true
else # if not goal
# Keep track of the node with the lowest cost so far
if @current_node.heuristic < @nearest.heuristic ||
@nearest.heuristic < 1
@nearest = @current_node
# Get adjacent nodes and check if they can be added to the open list
neighbor_nodes(@current_node).each {|neighbor|
# Skip Node if it already exists in one of the lists.
next if can_skip?(neighbor)
# Add node to open list following the binary heap conventions
arrange(@open_set.size - 1)
# If no path was found, see if we can get close to goal
unless @found
if @range > 0 && @nearest.heuristic > 0
# Create an alternate path.
setup(@nearest, @range, @success_proc, @failure_proc)
elsif @failure_proc != nil && (($game_map.collision_retry == 0) ||
(@collisions > $game_map.collision_retry))
# If out of retries, call the Proc for failure if defined
# Create the move route using the generated path
# * Create move route
def create_move_route
# There's no path to generate if no path was found
return if !@found
# Create a new move route that isn't repeatable
@route = RPG::MoveRoute.new
@route.repeat = false
# Generate path by starting from goal and following parents
node = @goal
while node.parent
# Get direction from parent to node as RPG::MoveCommand
code = case direction(node.parent.x, node.parent.y, node.x, node.y)
when 2 then 4 # Up
when 4 then 3 # Left
when 6 then 2 # Right
when 8 then 1 # Down
else; 0
# Add movement code to the start of the array
@route.list.unshift(RPG::MoveCommand.new(code)) if code != 0
node = node.parent
# If the path should be assigned to the character
if (@forcing && !@route.list.empty?)
@collisions = 0
@character.force_move_route(@route) if @character.paths.size == 1
# Reset forcing flag if needed
@forcing = true
# Return the constructed RPG::MoveRoute
return @route
# * Arrange pathfinding nodes
def arrange(index)
# Rearrange nodes in the open_set
while index > 0
# Break loop unless current item's cost is less than parent's
break if @open_set[index].score > @open_set[index / 2].score
# Bring lowest value to the top.
temp = @open_set[index / 2]
@open_set[index / 2] = @open_set[index]
@open_set[index] = temp
index /= 2
# * Get Current Node
def get_current
# Exit method if no nodes present in the set or if set reduced to 1
return if @open_set.empty?
return @open_set[0] if @open_set.size == 1
# Set current node to local variable and replace it with the last
current = @open_set[0]
@open_set[0] = @open_set.pop
# Loop and rearrange array according to the A* algorithm until done.
y = 0
loop {
x = y
# If two children exist
if 2 * x + 1 < @open_set.size
if @open_set[2 * x].score <= @open_set[x].score
y = 2 * x
if @open_set[2 * x + 1].score <= @open_set[y].score
y = 2 * x + 1
# If only one child exists
elsif 2 * x < @open_set.size &&
@open_set[2 * x].score <= @open_set[x].score
y = 2 * x
# Swap a child if it is less than the parent.
break if x == y
temp = @open_set[x]
@open_set[x] = @open_set[y]
@open_set[y] = temp
# Return the original first node (which was removed)
return current
# * Get event's facing direction as numeric value (2,4,6,8,0)
def direction(x1, y1, x2, y2)
# Return the numerical direction between coordinates.
return 6 if x1 > x2 # Right
return 4 if x1 < x2 # Left
return 2 if y1 > y2 # Bottom
return 8 if y1 < y2 # Top
return 0
# & Check neighboring nodes
def neighbor_nodes(node)
# Create array to hold the nodes
nodes = []
# Check each direction.
nodes.push(get_neighbor(node.x + 1, node.y, node)) # Right
nodes.push(get_neighbor(node.x - 1, node.y, node)) # Left
nodes.push(get_neighbor(node.x, node.y + 1, node)) # Down
nodes.push(get_neighbor(node.x, node.y - 1, node)) # Up
# Remove any nil elements, then return results.
return nodes.compact
# * Get neighboring node
# x : x-coordinate of pathfind destination
# y : y-coordinate of pathfind destination
# parent : parent event/character moving to destination
def get_neighbor(x, y, parent)
# Calculate direction, return new node if passable.
direction = direction(x, y, parent.x, parent.y)
if @character.passable?(parent.x, parent.y, direction)
# The heuristic is simply the distance
heuristics = ((x - @goal.x).abs + (y - @goal.y).abs)
return Node.new(x, y, parent, parent.cost + 1, heuristics)
# * Get if the scope be skipped?
# node ; Node
def can_skip?(node)
# Branch by if node is in either the open or closed set.
if @open_set.include?(node)
index = @open_set.index(node)
return true if @open_set[index].score <= node.score
# Swap them and update list order
@open_set[index] = node
return true
elsif @close_set[[node.x, node.y]] != nil
# If the existing passed node has a lower score than this one.
return true if @close_set[[node.x, node.y]].score <= node.score
# Update the existing node
@close_set[[node.x, node.y]] = node
# Return false if no criteria was met.
return false
# ** Game_Character
# This class deals with characters. It's used as a superclass for the
# Game_Player and Game_Event classes.
class Game_Character
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :paths # pathfinding array
attr_accessor :move_route_forcing # forced move route flag
attr_accessor :move_route # move route
# * Alias Listings
alias zer0_pathfinding_init initialize
alias zer0_recalculate_paths_move move_type_custom
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Add public instance variable for paths
@paths = []
# Original method
# * Move Type : Custom
def move_type_custom
# If Game_Map has a flagged character whose move route is to clear
unless $game_map.clear_item.nil?
# Clear the move route and reset if the character is self
if $game_map.clear_item == self
$game_map.clear_item = nil
# Execute pathfinder version of custom if paths exist and can recalculate
return move_type_pathfinder if $game_map.recalculate_paths && @paths != []
# Exit method if no move route or list
return if @move_route.nil?
return if @move_route.list.nil?
# Original method
# * Pathfind for Self Character
# x : x-coordinates
# y : y-coordinats
def pathfind(x, y)
# Exit if invalid
return if self.nil?
# Process Pathfind call
Pathfind.new(Node.new(x, y), self.id)
# * Find Path for Self Character (method name used by Near Fantastica V1)
# x : x-coordinates
# y : y-coordinats
def find_path(x, y)
# Exit if invalid
return if self.nil?
# Process Pathfind call
Pathfind.new(Node.new(x, y), self.id)
# * Clear Path for Self Character (method name used by Near Fantastica V1)
def clear_path
# Exit if invalid
return if self.nil?
# Pass self into Game_Map instance variable
$game_map.clear_item = self
# * Clear the move route
def move_type_clear
@paths = []
@move_route = nil
@move_route_index = 0
@original_move_route = nil
@original_move_route_index = 0
# * Next Route
def next_route
# Stop any custom move route that may be occuring.
if @move_route != nil
# Set index and disable forcing of current route
@move_route_index = @move_route.list.size
@move_route_forcing = false
# Reset to what it was originally
@move_route = @original_move_route
@move_route_index = @original_move_route_index
@original_move_route = nil
# Remove first path from the paths array.
# If there is another path to follow...
if @paths[0] != nil
# Setup path again to reflect any changes since original creation
@forcing = false
@paths[0].setup(@paths[0].target, @paths[0].range,
@paths[0].success_proc, @paths[0].failure_proc)
force_move_route(@paths[0].route) if @paths[0].found
# * Move Type : Pathfinding
def move_type_pathfinder
# Interrupt if not stopping
return if jumping? || moving?
# Exit if no valid move route or list
return if @move_route.nil?
return if @move_route.list.nil?
# Loop until finally arriving at move command list
while @move_route_index < @move_route.list.size
# Get the move command at index
command = @move_route.list[@move_route_index]
# If command code is 0 (end of list)
if command.code == 0
# Reset the move route index to the top if [repeat action] option is ON
@move_route_index = 0 if @move_route.repeat
# Process non-repeating move route with test for path success
# For moveement commands (from move down to jump)
if command.code <= 14
# Perform normal movement based on command codes
# If movement failure occurs when "Ignore If Can't Move" is unchecked.
if !@move_route.skippable && !moving? && !jumping?
# Test for new path or on failure
# End method
# Advance index
@move_route_index += 1
# If waiting
if command.code == 15
# Set wait count (from provided parameter)
@wait_count = command.parameters[0] * 2 - 1
@move_route_index += 1
# If direction change (turning) commands
if command.code >= 16 and command.code <= 26
# Perform facing turn
# Advance index
@move_route_index += 1
# If other command (commands that don't 'return')
if command.code >= 27
# Perform all other commands in move route list
# Increment move index.
@move_route_index += 1
# * Move Type : Pathfinding non-repeat move route with possible success
# command : move command
def move_type_path_repeat_success
# Exit method if [repeat action] option is ON
return if @move_route.repeat
# If move route is forced and not repeating
if @move_route_forcing and not @move_route.repeat
# The move route is no longer forced (moving ended)
@move_route_forcing = false
# Restore original move route
@move_route = @original_move_route
@move_route_index = @original_move_route_index
@original_move_route = nil
# If there was a path to follow and we reached goal
unless @paths[0].nil?
if self.x == @paths[0].goal.x &&
y == @paths[0].goal.y && @paths[0].success_proc
# Call success Proc if goal is reached and it is defined.
# Clear stop count
@stop_count = 0
# * Move Type : Pathfinding with normal movement commands
# command : move command
def move_type_path_movements(command)
# Branch by command code
case command.code
when 1 then move_down # Move down
when 2 then move_left # Move left
when 3 then move_right # Move right
when 4 then move_up # Move up
when 5 then move_lower_left # Move lower left
when 6 then move_lower_right # Move lower right
when 7 then move_upper_left # Move upper left
when 8 then move_upper_right # Move upper right
when 9 then move_random # Move random
when 10 then move_toward_player # Move toward player
when 11 then move_away_from_player # Move away from player
when 12 then move_forward # Step forward
when 13 then move_backward # Step backward
when 14 then jump(command.parameters[0], command.parameters[1]) # Jump
# * Move Type : Pathfinding correct path or failed
def move_type_path_correction
# If path is current and collision limit is not reached
if @paths[0] != nil && @paths[0].collisions < $game_map.collision_retry
# Setup path again to update starting location.
goal = @paths[0].target
range = @paths[0].range
reach = @paths[0].success_proc
fail = @paths[0].failure_proc
counter = @paths[0].collisions + 1
# Find another path to goal
@paths[0] = Pathfind.new(goal, self, range, reach, fail)
@paths[0].collisions = counter
force_move_route(@paths[0].route) if @paths[0].found
# Wait a bit before starting to follow the new path
@wait_count = 6
# Call failure Proc if defined and set move index.
@move_route_index = @move_route.list.size
@paths[0].failure_proc.call if @paths[0].failure_proc != nil
# * Move Type : Pathfinding with normal turn-facing commands
# command : move command
def move_type_path_turning(command)
# Branch by command code
case command.code
when 16 then turn_down # Turn down
when 17 then turn_left # Turn left
when 18 then turn_right # Turn right
when 19 then turn_up # Turn up
when 20 then turn_right_90 # Turn 90° right
when 21 then turn_left_90 # Turn 90° left
when 22 then turn_180 # Turn 180°
when 23 then turn_right_or_left_90 # Turn 90° right or left
when 24 then turn_random # Turn at Random
when 25 then turn_toward_player # Turn toward player
when 26 then turn_away_from_player # Turn away from player
# * Move Type : Pathfinding with other move route commands
# command : move command
def move_type_path_other(command)
# Branch by command code
case command.code
when 27 # Switch ON
$game_switches[command.parameters[0]] = true
$game_map.need_refresh = true
when 28 # Switch OFF
$game_switches[command.parameters[0]] = false
$game_map.need_refresh = true
when 29 ; @move_speed = command.parameters[0] # Change speed
when 30 ; @move_frequency = command.parameters[0] # Change freq
when 31 ; @walk_anime = true # Move ON
when 32 ; @walk_anime = false # Move OFF
when 33 ; @step_anime = true # Stop ON
when 34 ; @step_anime = false # Stop OFF
when 35 ; @direction_fix = true # Direction ON
when 36 ; @direction_fix = false # Direction OFF
when 37 ; @through = true # Through ON
when 38 ; @through = false # Through OFF
when 39 ; @always_on_top = true # On top ON
when 40 ; @always_on_top = false # On top OFF
when 41 ; move_type_path_graphic(command) # Change Graphic
when 42 ; @opacity = command.parameters[0] # Change Opacity
when 43 ; @blend_type = command.parameters[0] # Change Blending
when 44 ; $game_system.se_play(command.parameters[0]) # Play SE
when 45 ; result = eval(command.parameters[0]) # Script
# * Move Type : Pathfinding with graphic change
# command : move command
def move_type_path_graphic(command)
# Can't change into a tile
@tile_id = 0
@character_name = command.parameters[0]
@character_hue = command.parameters[1]
# Update direction
unless @original_direction == command.parameters[2]
@direction = command.parameters[2]
@original_direction = @direction
@prelock_direction = 0
# Update frame
unless @original_pattern == command.parameters[3]
@pattern = command.parameters[3]
@original_pattern = @pattern
# ** Node
# This class governs traversable map points refered to within A* pathfinding
# systems as nodes.
class Node
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :x # x-coordinate to destination
attr_accessor :y # y-coordinate to destination
attr_accessor :parent # event/char moving to destination
attr_accessor :cost # cost in distance
attr_accessor :heuristic # distance between nodes or goal
# * Object Initialization
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
# parent : parent event/character moving to destination
# cost : cost in distance
# heuristic : distance between nodes or goal
def initialize(x, y, parent = nil, cost = 0, heuristic = 0)
# Set public instance variables.
@x, @y, @parent, @cost, @heuristic = x, y, parent, cost, heuristic
# * Get the heuristic cost score of this node
def score
return @cost + @heuristic
# * Get if the node is in range of another
# node : Node
# range : range
def in_range?(node, range)
return (@x - node.x).abs + (@y - node.y).abs <= range
# * Get if a node tested is the same/self
def ==(node)
return ((node.is_a?(Node)) && (node.x == @x) && (node.y == @y))
Paste Below Scene_Debug and above Main. Likely, it will need be above other scripts or script-sets that utilize pathfinding codes or algorythms.
Designed for RPGMaker XP. Consistent with Ruby 2.7 Coding Standards.
Highly compatible. May experience issues with Custom Movement scripts, but even then, it is unlikely.
Credits and Thanks
- ForeverZer0, for the original script
- Special thanks to Jragyn for help making the big maze for the demo and help testing.
- Credit goes to the Peter Hart, Nils Nilsson and Bertram Raphael for the original search algorithm that was implemented
Author's Notes
I was asked to look into the original work as it had issues with move routes that were blocked/impeded which brought up critical errors. It pretty much involved a couple lines of code added just to exit methods before the errors occurred.
Three of the original script calls have now been passed into the Interpreter class to make it cleaner from a user's perspective. And more safeguard measures and default options were added.
And a lot of the language within the Instruction/Header page is mostly the same as the original. Only that some instructions were made clearer.
Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial scripts. However, I require due credit for myself and all others listed in Credits/Thanks.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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