Fon template & RTP -wip-
Welcome to the FON template and RTP thread, the template is now a work in progress, keep a look out for new updates.

Tips, please read!
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Example (for now) character-
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*Will upload frontal frames for obese male and female soon.

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VX version.
Other pieces.
Character Grid.
[Image: FonCharac_Grid.png]
Extra eyes.
[Image: ExtraEyes.png]
Tile Pieces- Pictures
[Image: NewBarrel.png]
**FON rtp list**
I will add more when i think of them.
Two of each type- male and female.
Brawler (Bare fist)
Black mage
White mage
Cleric (doesn't attack)
Two versions, good and evil.
Male and female for rest.
Special NPC's

King (G,E)
Queen (G,E)
Prince (G,E)
Princess (G,E)
Soldier (G,E)
Chancellor (G,E)
Jester (G,E)
Traveling salesman
Regular NPC's

Wow, you are taking it to a new level with the big heads! The body looks fat, but it looks good if that was what you were going for.
Thanks pal, yup i'm going for giant chibi here ^^, chibi character templates have always been my prefered style, and this time there will be no bs resolution problem that's for sure XD.

Look to top post for the complete character frame.
Looks so cute. I love the size and style, very unique. =)

- Jophie
Thank ya ^^

Look at top post for complete character frame.
Tileset wip pic added to top ma friends.
I've been told twice that the angle for the barrel and the pot is off, i will make the necessary corrections.

Screenshot added under other, what you see is a one pixel change for the pot, barrel and stool, the window has been worked on a tad more.
I also change the wall color to a darker shade for now, ah the difference a pixel change can make, gotta love spriting ^^
Back to the temp i go!

Just came to mind, I will be working on some diagonal walls now (after temp work), cheers friends.

RTP list updated.

I'm going ot try something more with the tileset, starting with the barrels, check back once in a while ^^

New barrel is up friends, look up ta see it.
If anyone wants the older barrel pm me for it.
Updated female frontal and side frame added to top, removed the older tile pictures.

As i've got the female standing back and side frames i decided to work on the frontal for the obese male, look up.
Ears have been edited since this picture, smaller now.
as i've almost completed the female i will release the male now, let me know what's up if you see anything wrong.
Nice work so far. Even though obese is my favourite so far, I still would like fatter than what you have. Heh. Keep up the awesome work.

- Jophie
I really like this template Freak. I've looked over it a few times trying to find something odd or off and I've been unable to do so. I would like to see the animation though.
Jophie: You know what, i may try thickening up the obese body type some more, probably two or three pixels wider for the body, i think that will truly make him obese.

Alpha-Mad: Do you have vx installed? Because i also made a version for that program, i will add it to the top in a sec.
Added to top in link form ^^

Btw thanks for your comments guys, glad you like what you see ^^.

I have made the obese template (body not head) bigger by two pixels, i will upload apic soon ^^
Forgot to add that i also shrunk his feet.
updated frontal frames added to top, mainly for obese male, i've made his body wider by two pixels.

Female complete, expect it soon, i just need to tweak away for a bit.
Female added to top folks, worked later than usual to finish it ^^, let me know if you see anything odd/wrong.

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