Fon template & RTP -wip-
here are some simple tips that may help you guys, i will add these to the top soon.
I will add more to this as well, and as i'm still learning myself i welcome tips from you guys as well.

-Some basic things to keep in mind-
.Draw shadow under hair when and if you sprite any (look at example character).
.Don't be afraid to draw outside the outline, remember this when working on shirts and pants (look at example character).
.Use the darkest skin color of the template for your darkest shade if you want more contrast in certain spots.
.Keep your light source in mind, top left, top or top right (i'll be using top left).
.Don't use pure black for the most part, because it will stand out too much against other colors and the tilesets.
.Use more contrast between your main colors, by this i mean that you should be able to see the outline(s) for the hair very clrearly against the base color of the hair, same for any other piece like clothing etc..
.Don't go too bright or use too much saturation, it will be up to you to make the call or open a thread asking for advice, all i can say is that it will look bad if you go overboard with this.

.Compare the template frontal and side when you work on a character, notice how the template side is at a diagonal, and notice how the arms, legs, body lines line up compared to the frontal.
I will draw a color guide for body sections soon.
Here's a quick body guide for you guys, it will help you when making clothes and armor, now you can easily see the different sections for arms, forearms, stomach, and chest, i also outlined a basic scalp marker, use this when first making hair.
This is the basic guide for the female and the rest of the temps too guys.

The start of the warrior character (RTP), just wanted to show a bit of the work in progress for the hair. I will try to add something more detailed for hair and clothing later on.

Extra heads have been added to top post, smaller eyes and no nose.
Copy and paste these.
another set of eyes added for you folks, if you don't like the standard look feel free to switch 'em with these (or create your own of coarse) ^^

Here are the colors i used for the male warrior, know that i used these with the darkest color of the template, look at the example to see how i used that.
They are (from left to right) hair, armor, color used for boots, armor design and head strap, eye colors.
[Image: Colors-wm.png]
Showing off two of the first characters for FON run time package, a better look at the warrior and the wip on the first frame of the dark mage.
[Image: 2FONRTPCHARACs-wip.png]
For you guys looking to work with this template and have your own characters fit with mine, notice how i use that dark skin color.
A little update for the Dark Mage, hair color has been changed, rope belt added, changed color of face mark, lowered bottom of sohulder pads by a pixel.
These are the main things changed ;)
Awesome stuff. The style looks funny and it works overall. It's like an advanced version of the default VX sprites. Nice job on the templates.
Thank you, glad you see no problems with them ^^

Now working on a frontal for the female White Mage, about time i get to a female character.
Afterwards i will begin working on the child template, i may possibly create an obese kid after the adults are complete ;)

White Mage female frontal almost complete, a simple outfit for this class ;)

WM-f frontal completed, started on Fighter female last night, will upload the frontals when i have a few more completed.
Female fighter frontal complete, working on second skin color for male and female, then i will start work on child temp.
Second skin color added for male and female.

Child side frame.
[Image: FON-Child-tst.png]
edited a few pixels for child and added back frame, i will probably finish this tonight, just put this up for the hell of it ^^

Child arms edited closer to body for frontal and back frames, see it when the full thing is complete though ^^.
Tips all added to top folks, as well as a few more i edited from other forum.
** Child added to top **

I will make some slight shade edits to the male template (mainly to frontal and back frame), nothing too noticeable, i will let you know when i upload that.
Nice! This template keeps getting better and better. May use it in the future.
Thanks bud, i think you will like it much more when i start showing off the tiles and rtp in the future :D

Something i never posted here, just a quickie of sasuke from naruto. I remade someone's frame on another forum to give better tips.
These tips are those edited and added to the top post.
[Image: sasukecharacSide.png]

Also works as a good example for spriting on the side frame ^^

Okay the edits are done.

Edits to male after release.
Nothing that will really mess any character up at all, but replace the older stuff with this please.
Frontal stomach area shade edit for standing and moving, got rid of the extra gray shade of the outer sides of eyes, darker shade added to foot moving back (to us) for the back frame, raised light on forehead for frontal frames.

Raised and shrunk lighting on head for frontal, same shade change as male for back frame foot

The rest you will not notice unless you compare and look really hard ^^

I did not make the changes to the darker skin colors, because i will make a better shade than this.
Betta shades added folks, i will make the eye changes for these soon too.

I added the cat heads as well as some bigger eyes for the child, i have not tested out the cat heads but i think they are fine, possibly that ear facing us might need editing but right now i dont see a thing wrong.

Remember folks, follow the simple tips on the first post when working on your characters, and dont rush it ^^

another skin color added to top, 1 more on the way.
I added two more example characters, they were part of the rtp but i can do much better, use the colors if you like.
I will start sketching out designs for the character classes now, these were white mage female, fighter female.

I also forgot to add the back of the cat heads, will do that soon folks, i left that at original skin color, up to you to recolor it.

I'm getting paid to work on a tileset and sosme character sets so i will return to this project again guys.
I will upload some project pics to the screenshot thread soon.

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