Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP
Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP

I'm no longer supporting this script.
He won't be updated anymore, the bugs with won't be fixed.

Updated to Version 2.2 | June - 02 - 2009

Last Updates

- Orginal VX Version By Enu
- Original VX English Translation by Kylock and Mr.Bubble
- XP Translation to english by cairn

Finally! The SBS Tankentai XP is fully translated (thank cairn).
For the ones that don't know this script, this is an highly customizable side view battle system.

The most importante feature of this script, is that you can use normal chasets instead of Special Battlers.(you can configure it to use Special Battlers, but it's up to you :lol: )

It was originally made by Enu for the RMVX. Enu made an RMXP version too, but it really outdated.
This version is very different from Enu's XP version.

One of the main differences is that this script is 90% compatible with VX add-ons (most of them just need an few adjustment, due to the XP char height).

And more: i've added lot's of new features for the XP Version.


screen shots


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Credits and Thanks
Excuse me, i have a little trouble with this script. The actors, when they are died, (with the atb) stand up and fall back if an enemy or an actor still alive uses a skill! I don't know why... Can you help me please? :)
Good I'll use this since no other battle system is working on my RPG maker XP

Can you help me, please? :(
It's a bug from the system, just wait the next update. (i through that this bug was already solved, but whatever, i will check this later)
Ok! Thank you very much! :)
Excuse me again... But I have a big problem! Until now the script doesn't give me problem but I don't know why some monsters, even if I kill, they remains on the battle and continues to fight! The same things happens with the actors sometimes... they have Hp = 0 and continue to fight! I have tryed to see if there is a custom thing that do this... but nothing! I've already tryed to see if there are some incompatibles but I don't think this because the problem is only with some monster or troop... I hope you can help me! Thanks! :)
Hi, I have two questions: Cheery
1) I wish that the heroes instead of walking are stationary. How do I do???
2) I wish that the weapon's icon of the hero appear when the hero is already stationary and not when only attack! Confused

Please,help me!!! Cry
1 -
Look for this line in the SBS | Config
"WAIT" => [ 0, 1, 15, 0, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],

Change the -1 (in red) to 0.

2 -
It's possible, but not easy.
First of all, you need to set with action will show the weapon, for the idle anim this one:
"WAIT" => [ 0, 1, 15, 0, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],

The part on red is where the weapon action goes.

Now take a look in this part of the script
# ? Weapon Animations
  # Weapon Animations can only be used with Battler Animations as seen
  # and defined above.
  # Xa - Distance weapon sprite is moved on the X-axis.
  # Ya - Distance weapon sprite is moved on the Y-axis.  Please note that
  #      the Y-axis is inverted. This means negative values move up, positive
  #      values move down.
  # Za - If true, weapon sprite is displayed over battler sprite.
  #      If false, weapon sprite is displayed behind battler sprite.
  # A1 - Starting angle of weapon sprite rotation.  Negative numbers will
  #      result in counter-clockwise rotation.
  # A2 - Ending angle of weapon sprite rotation.  Rotation will stop here.
  # Or - Rotation Origin - [0: Center] [1: Upper Left] [2: Upper Right]
  #                        [3:Bottom Left] [4:Bottom Right]
  # Inv - Invert - If true, horizontally inverts weapon sprite.
  # Xs - X scale - Stretches weapon sprite horizontally by a factor of X.
  #                Values may be decimals. (0.6, 0.9, etc.)
  # Ys - Y scale - Stretches weapon sprite vertically by a factor of Y.
  #                Values may be decimals. (0.6, 0.9, etc.)
  # Xp - X pitch - For adjusting the X axis. This number changes the initial
  #                X coordinate.
  # Yp - Y pitch - For adjusting the Y axis. This number changes the initial
  #                Y coordinate.
  # Weapon2 - If set to true, Two Weapon Style's Weapon 2 sprite will be used
  #           instead.
  # Action Name        Xa   Ya  Za    A1    A2  Or  Inv  Xs  Ys   Xp   Yp Weapon2
  "VERT_SWING"   => [  6,   8,false,-135,  45,  4,false,   1,  1,  -6, -12,false],
  "VERT_SWINGL"  => [  6,   8,false,-135,  45,  4,false,   1,  1,  -6, -12, true],
  "UNDER_SWING"  => [  6,   8,false, 270,  45,  4,false,   1,  1,  -6, -12,false],
  "OVER_SWING"   => [  6,   8,false,  45,-100,  4,false,   1,  1,  -6, -12,false],
  "RAISED"       => [  6,  -4,false,  90, -45,  4,false,   1,  1,  -6, -12,false],
Now it's up to you to figure out how to set the weapon animation.
1 -
Look for this line in the SBS | Config
"WAIT" => [ 0, 1, 15, 0, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],

Change the -1 (in red) to 0.

2 -
It's possible, but not easy.
First of all, you need to set with action will show the weapon, for the idle anim this one:
"WAIT" => [ 0, 1, 15, 0, 0, -1, 0, true,"" ],

Thank you Cheery :cheery:
I try to do this and functionally Blush

I have another question:
- It's possible that the point 1 and the point 2 required in the previous question can be set hero from hero?.... Example:
Hero 1: Stationary
Hero 2: (Only trasformation-Cat Form) Walking

The same thing for show the weapons...Example:

Can you help me??? :cheery:

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