ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2
@ Atoa

during battle, when you select skill, or item, it opens window for item/ skill selection.
When the windows opens, the info about chars (picture, name, HP/ Mp etc) is deleted, so that it doesn't mess with the skill or items list. good.

however, when using ATB add-on, the ATB bar remains and is still visible while browsing the skill or item list.

i was wondering how to delete it.

is this the correct command ? :

@atb_meters.visible = false

and where to put it ? i d say in the ACBS | Battle Main Code ? in Scene_Battle ?

if possible to delete the ATB bar in skill or item menu, please could you confirm how to proceed exactly.
thank you

[Image: 319369atb_bar.png]
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@ Atoa,
i have found a glitch with the optional script "Victory Window 3 (FF7)"
I am not sure you know about it so i will report it.

In the class Scene_Battle, around line 315, there is this code :

@bgs_memorize = $game_system.bgs_memorize
    Audio.bgs_play('Audio/SE/' + Exp_SE, 100, 300)
    value = 20
    value = [exp, 1].max if exp < value
    exp_value = (exp / value).to_i
    exp = exp_value * value
    max_exp = exp
    for n in 0..gainedexp - exp_value
      exp -= exp_value

this is more specifically about this :
value = 20

i am not sure what this "value" stand for, and by default the script is made for a value of 20.
Anyway, i have noticed when using this add-on that the experience given after a battle was messed up.

Example :
a party of 2 actors kills 4 enemy giving 15 exp each,
so the final exp received after battle = 30 exp (4 x 15 /2 with xp share)
The window Exp will draw exp received = 30, but the actors will actually receive only 20 XP...

I ve found out that it was because of this value. The value act as an experience cap.
if value = 20, if experience got in battle < 20, it will work fine.
but if you re supposed to get more than 20 exp, you get only 20.

i ve change the value = 40, and 40 was new cap. Setting Value = 99999 seems to be fixing the bug (unless you want an enemy to give more than 99999 xp...).

i just hope that changing value = 20 with value = 99999 will not affect the game.

thank you for reading
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ATB Glitch - I've added an option for that in the ATB. So you can set if the bar will be shown or hidden when browsing items.

Victory Window 3 (FF7) Gitch - the Victory Window 3 (FF7) will be totally rewrite, since the current versio haves some glitches and also it's no longer working with the battle anymore (due to the changes i've already made).
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mediafire please u.u*....4shared send me again to the download screen u.u
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@ Atoa
thank you for your answer however i m sorry i couldn't find the option in the ATB script.
please advise line# or code

i ve just tried 4shared, it is working good.
after clicking on the download link, a window pops up.
click on the blue icon "download"

then there is a message "Your download link will appear after wait" with a count down.
when the count down reach 0, "Your download link will appear after wait" turns to
"Download file now ".
click on "Download file now " and your download will start
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is the "steal" skill supposed to work ?
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#97 must be my pc....i´ll try from another
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In the current version it's not working, there's an bug with it, but i alread fixed it.

mediafire don't allow me to update the download file and keep the old link, and since i have this script in various sites, i don't want to have to change the link on each site every time i update the script.
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when i make a skill that "TARGET/ALLENEMIES", the skill animation
appears on all enemies (duplicated as many times as there are enemies),
and damage all enemies.

I want to have only 1 animation that damage all ennemies.

for example : Storm Fire against 3 enemies
i want the storm fire to appears only 1 time (and not 3), but to damage 3 enemies.

is it possible ?
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ok ^^ a friend downloaded it for me ^^ was a problem of my weird computer
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