Gangsta translator
Someone on another forum I go to has been working on it for a few days.
Quote: Well this was my project for about 3 days. It's still not done but it's pretty good.

If you have a mistranslation or think something should be translated differently, use one of the contact forms. It takes five seconds.
Basically, type in what you want translated to "gangster speak".

Let's begin!
Regular Wrote:Dude, get off my turf or I will slap you in the face around a bit with a large trout!
Gangsta Wrote:Man, get da hell off mah turf or I'll slap you in da mug around a bit wit' a big trout!

Have fun:

Edit: It looks like this translator may need more work to be done.
Normal Wrote:The big brown bear ate the fish
Gansta Wrote:Da big brown bear ate da fish
Meh... >_o Maybe another one.

Normal Wrote:Get off of my lawn, darn kids!
Gansta Wrote:Get da hell off of mah lawn, damn kids!
Normal Wrote:Hey, can you help me with this?
Gansta Wrote:'Sup G, can you help me wit' dis?

Damn... Sounds like some of the guys who request help in some of my posts. Winking Tongue sticking out
Lol, i see those a lot in the request forum.
Regular Wrote:I'm going to kick your sorry little butt if you keep flirting with my girlfriend.
Translated Wrote:I'm gonna kick yo sorry ba dink-a-dink if you keep cup cakin' wit' mah girlfriend.
Ba dink-a-dink? Confused Happy
(07-27-2009, 06:12 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: Ba dink-a-dink? Confused Happy

Ba dink a dink?... Laughing Now I've seen it aaall Laughing
Quote:I'm gonna kick yo sorry ba dink-a-dink if you keep cup cakin' wit' mah girlfriend.

Y'all do dat durin' da breedin' season, you bastards?
"The things I always protect never change!" - Sakata Gintoki, Gintama.
"Two people dying separately? No. If we die, we'll die together." - Suigintou, Rozen Maiden.
And sorry for my mistakes in English words, if I do it.
Quote:It's ironic that I'm using this.
It's ironic dat I'm playin' dis up.
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