01-13-2022, 09:03 AM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2022, 09:14 AM by kyonides.)
Well, I've finally published my famous story Looking for a Save Point on FictionPress.
Yeah well, it's just the third book entitled The City of Yore. For obvious reasons, at least for the local forumers, I had to rename one of the main characters. Now she's called Liana. I'm laughing because it obviously means some sort of natural rope. Now that I think about that, it surely fits her personality there.
I only did that because some friend of mine suggested making a CGI animation of that story. Well, I'm not rich so I dunno how exactly is he expecting to come up with some sort of short clip alias mini episode, with no payment expected any time soon, based on my slow paced story.
Fine, according to our resident bag of fleas that love coconut parfume, my stories are always slow paced.
I can't help it, that's how I love to write them in the first place.
On the other hand, there's some online company telling me, for the second time ever, that they wanna send me a contract for publishing my stories on their website and cellphone app. Nonetheless, I can't trust them just like that for they seem to be located in China... And I don't think I'll learn Mandarin any time soon.
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9
The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.
01-21-2022, 05:46 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2022, 08:24 AM by kyonides.
Edit Reason: Added meme
As of late, I've been pissing Remi off just for fun!
Nah, I just wanted to tell you that I asked some Spanish speaking newspaper if they would like to publish the Spanish version of my story entitled Me the Conspiranoid (actually Me el Conspiranoico). It's a short novel that consists of 4 chapters only. Yeah, I warned them that I have not finished it just in case they complained about that later on.
I wonder what would they do next. Will they ever publish it?
First of all, I got to admit it is not some renown newspaper at all, they consider themselves as dissidents. And you know, that's not a problem at all, guys! Keep in mind my story handles a guy that thinks he's living in a world full of conspiracies. You could claim to have found out that the lead character is Fred from Conspiracies Retold Magazine!
So what will the crow or raven do next?
But I gotta be positive, right guys?
Or perhaps being POSITIVE isn't always a good thing after all.
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9
The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.
Since I've not been very creative as of late, I was wondering if I should start writing a new story based on what's happening in Ukraine. It might be entitled The Red Empires, starring Russia and China under pseudonyms and Queen Liana alias Lani as the evil monarch of the Western Blue Empire.
What do you think about such an idea, guys?
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9
The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.
02-27-2022, 06:45 AM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2022, 06:47 AM by Kain Nobel.)
Hello and good day everyone!
First off, this is not SPAM, a SCAM, nor am I affiliated with this company but I'm going to put this out there because it sounds like an awesomeopportunity.
JetBrains is hiring for a ton of positions in Munich, Germany, Prague, Czech Republic and Amsterdam, Netherlands. They're not hiring for much in the USA or anywhere else but even so I'd still encourage brave souls to apply. This is a great company and they make great software tools! I'm only posting this here because I know we have some talented people hanging out around here ;)
For anybody interested in a software developer job who lives in these locations, let them know because the job sounds pretty sweet. Who can argue with 5 weeks paid vacation? Are they really offering that? I don't even get that and I own my own business lol
So anyways, I'm not affiliated with JetBrains in any way but I'm sending in an application just for the heck of it. They're not hiring for much in the USA, but who cares? What are they going to do to me, tell me no? Tell me yes?OMG the horror! D:
...I've wasted my time on worse things, I'm applying :D
If anybody knows of any other good jobs out there related to these kinds of fields, maybe even something a little more entry level n00b friendly, let me know. I might not be the candidate they're looking for, but sometimes people know people who know people... and I might be PERFECT for the job ;)
In other words; business has slowed down a bit and I need some dollars! Also, this sounds like an excellent opportunity, I figured I'd share it with everyone. With a global staffing shortage right now is probably the best time to make any kind of crazy leap you can make, you just might land somewhere excellent and be like "OMG I have fat stacks in my bank account and I love my job too WTF is going on?!" :D
Put those positive vibes out there, go get it! Tis the worst of times, tis the best of times, but I ain't got the time to worry about nonsense I gotta keep moving forward! And if they tell me/you/us NO?! Too bad, so sad, onto the next one! I'd say use the coronavirus crisis as a time of opportunity, start applying for jobs you wouldn't normally apply for and see what you can get into, especially if you think you're good at something. I don't even pay attention to the "we want a senior developer with 5+ years experience leading ninjas" crap anymore because I think of that more as a "wish list" than a realistic expectation. All job postings look like that. It's nonsense. Laugh at it and just apply.
This has been a public service announcement by your friendly neighborhood Kain Nobel.
After checking out how many chapters one of Remi's story had posted on the board, I found something weird that made me laugh in no time. It was her character "Miss Bhavaria" to be precise.
For most of you that might mean practically nothing, while others might realize it sounds like Bayern, Germany (think on Munich or even Bayern München). For me it meant "Miss Alcoholic Beverage" because that is the brand of one of the famous Costa Rican beers, namely Bavaria, a recipe allegedly crafted by some German immigrant and brewmaster that lived in Costa Rica long time ago.
I really hope I don't have a twisted mind at all.
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9
The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.
You DO realize that Baveria is a real place in Germany, and that many last names are based on where a family originated? Having a name like Bhavaria would not be so unusual. Otherwise, explain the author Jack London who wrote "The Sea-Wolf" and "White Fang", or the actor Jaime de Hoyos (the original Mariachi in El Mariachi) whose name originates from Hoyos, Spain.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
03-21-2022, 02:16 AM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2022, 02:17 AM by kyonides.)
Of course I did! Otherwise I wouldn't have told everybody that it's referring to Bayern, Germany.
Its Latinized name would be Bavaria... In Spanish it'd be Baviera.
04-02-2022, 08:14 AM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2022, 08:15 AM by Kain Nobel.)
I'm feeling pretty disillusioned with modern tech these days. Something tells me we're going backwards and forgetting what good design actually consists of. It's almost like everything is just rushed, rushed, rushed. "You've got exactly 40 hours to make me something that doesn't work very well" "Yes boss, I'm on it!" "Tell your engineers to not put too much effort into making it usable" "Not a problem, easy $, cha-ching, cha-ching!"
"So... what are we building today?"
"Nothing, we've outsourced to China. We're laying off most of the engineering team. Don't worry, I have a sales gig for you though; we (China) just manufactured 20,000 wifi enabled toasters, we need you to sell it to the masses."
04-11-2022, 08:01 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2022, 08:05 AM by kyonides.)
Inspiration sucks. Especially when you're waiting for it to show up only to get disappointed over and over again. Nope, reading other people's works doesn't guarantee you'll get inspired or motivated to write anything.
Political Issues
I've been thinking that in order to end a war disguised as a special military operation to denazify Ukraine, one would need to get rid of the leaders of all of the main nations involved in the conflict. That would mean that they should get rid of Biden, Johnson, Zelensky and Putin almost at the same time. Since this is no game and I lack of military experience, my plan would probably fail and some of them could end up returning to power.
How could they prevent NATO or especially Russia from placing a puppet leader in Ukraine? Sadly, there is no precise or slick way to do that. Ukraine will remain poor after this war for quite some time. Even if it could receive loans to accelerate reconstruction, it would owe NATO or Russia so much money that it would wind up doing their bidding for a long period of time. Perhaps it could even last a whole century! Ask nations like Peru if you don't believe me.
Probably Ukraine's neutrality and never join NATO nor a revived Pact of Warsaw. It's relatively easy to achieve this goal so it might be their best bet here.
On the other hand, both US and Russia would love to deal a devastating blow to its opponent. Since many of us grew up in the times of the former Soviet Union and the precursor of the European Union, we gotta be eagerly waiting to see who's the final winner of this conflict. Curiously, Europe is tamed or barely realizing they were unprepared for war. So would they admit they should have listened to Trump? Probably not.
If US / NATO wins, we would think Ukraine and perhaps Russia could become fully democratic. (Just keep them out of Bidens' reach.)
If Russia wins, Putin will need to keep his minion rule Ukraine for the next couple of decades a la Lukashenko.
Conference on Ukraine
The other day I had been invited as a speaker at a local church to talk about Gog and Magog and what's happening in Ukraine as of late. It was uncomfortable to see some young people were falling asleep. I didn't pay too much attention to that and kept talking. At the end some people there called it a conference.
He, he. The truth is that I was only supposed to speak for about 20 to 30 minutes... I finished the exposition about 45 minutes later. I even had to use the rain that suddenly started pouring down as a lame joke, linked to one of my final key points there.
The only thing I can tell you for certain is that whoever paid attention might now think Putin is a villain or some precursor of the evil antichrist. Nope, that wasn't my intention but I couldn't exonerate him of all liability at all. The moron kept showing up on every news article about Ukraine, Sudan, and Israel.
Hey! The Sudanese president asked Putin for help when US government wanted to judge him for committing crimes against humanity. I couldn't make that up even if I had tried hard for months. Nor I had asked Putin to meet Iranian reps and Erdogan several times in the past few years, with the excuse of solving the never ending Syrian crisis. And nope, it's a still ongoing conflict. I can't feel happy about that anyway. Being right about something isn't always as rewarding as one would have imagined in the first place.
Anime Reviews
As of late, I've been watching several openings and endings of anime series. The list also includes covers that have been translated to English or Spanish. Add a few officially translated opening mashups as well.
Nah, I don't think it would make me rewatch stuff like Bleach or the like. What I hate about shonen anime, now that I am an adult, is how they overpowered their characters. Think about Strawberry's, I mean, Ichigo's final transformation or Gokuu's super saiyan blue or Naruto's nine tails. I just hope they won't depend on a single super destructive hit or special technique to win battles. You know, many not so famous or not so successful anime series (plus Dragon Ball) have resorted to such things before.
I do believe Naruto and Shippuuden suck because Naruto is a moron and yet, he manages to become the hokage or leader of his Village. He's possessed by a demon and he can still work as a ninja and later take care of internal affairs of that village just because. It sounds as if something is missing, even if Sasuke is there to deal with their ugly stuff on his behalf.
I wondered why some people disregarded anime like Dragon Quest: Dai's Adventures aka Dragon Warrior Daibouken. Yet, I am fully aware their characters look pretty much like Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball characters. Well, he was the character designer after all...
Don't ask me about Dr. Slump! I've never watched that in my whole life. I only know Arale is an android.
By the way, I hate Saint Seiya's sad soundtracks.
Guys, who has watched the Bruce Lee movie where Chuck Norris debuted(?) as a martial artist on the silver screen?
It doesn't matter if you watched it fully or partially.
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9
The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.
I was watching NTD News online and got confused after a reporter named Arian Pasdar commented on the new Uber and Lyft guidelines that made optional.
Are they fully aware of the fact that there's an actor called Adrian Pasdar out there? You know, he even voiced Tony Stark in Iron Man anime back in the days.
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9
The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.