Game Over Replacer + Enhancer [Exclusive]
Game Over Replacer + Enhancer
Version: 1

Similar to Title Screen Replacer + Enhancer, this script changes the game over screen graphic to a new one of your choice. This script also allows developers to customise the look of their game over graphic by adjusting the tone, blend, positioning among other things.

  • Set game over graphic file name.
  • Set graphic tone, blend, position, blurs, zoom, waves, angle, flip, etc..

[Image: 2r4srbb.png]
Not photoshopped.

No demo.

? Game Over Screen Replacer + Enhancer                                         ?
? Version 1                                                                    ?
? by PK8                                                                       ?
? July 3rd, 2009                                                               ?
?                                                             ?
? ? Table of Contents                                                          ?
? ?? Author's Notes                - Line 15?21                                ?
? ?? Introduction & Description    - Line 23?26                                ?
? ?? Features                      - Line 28?30                                ?
? ?? This aliases the following... - Line 32?35                                ?
? ? Author's Notes                                                             ?
? This is similar to my Title Screen Replacer + Enhancer script. Set the file  ?
? name of the GameOver graphic and customise the look of the Game Over graphic.?
?                                                                              ?
? You'll need a file named "GameOver.png" in your Graphics/System directory in ?
? order for this script to work whenever your project's encrypted and lacking  ?
? in RTP Data.                                                                 ?
? ? Introduction & Description                                                 ?
? This script changes the game over screen graphic to a new one of your choice.?
? This script also allows developers to customise the look of their game over  ?
? graphic by adjusting the tone, blend, positioning among other things.        ?
? ? Features                                                                   ?
? ? Set game over graphic file name.                                           ?
? ? Set graphic tone, blend, position, blurs, zoom, waves, angle, flip, etc..  ?
? ? This aliases the following...                                              ?
? update                   - Scene_Gameover                                    ?
? create_gameover_graphic  - Scene_Gameover                                    ?
? dispose_gameover_graphic - Scene_Gameover                                    ?

# ** Game Over Screen Replacer + Enhancer Customisation!
# Set the initial settings!
class PK8
  # Game Over Screen Graphic file name? (Should be in Graphics/System)
  GameOver = "GameOver.png"
  # Graphic Tone? (Red, Green, Blue [-255 to 255], Grey [0 to 255])
  GameOver_Tone = [0, 0, 0, 0]
  # Graphic Position? (X, Y coordinates)
  GameOver_Position = [0, 0]
  # Graphic Zoom? (Width, Height) [100 denotes actual pixel size]
  GameOver_Zoom = [100, 100]
  # Blending (Type, Opacity, "Intensity")
  GameOver_Blend = [0, 255, 0]
  # Wave (Wave Amplitude, Wave Length [don't set it to 0], Wave Speed)
  GameOver_Wave = [0, 0, 0]
  # Set the angle of the graphic. (This is going to be tough to set up.)
  GameOver_Angle = 0
  # Flip graphic horizontally?
  GameOver_Mirror = false
  # Apply how much blur?
  GameOver_Blur = 0
  # Radial Blur (angle [0 to 360], division [2 to 100])
  GameOver_RadialBlur = [0, 2]

# ** Scene_Gameover
#  This class performs game over screen processing.
class Scene_Gameover < Scene_Base
  alias pk8_goe_update                   :update
  alias pk8_goe_create_gameover_graphic  :create_gameover_graphic
  alias pk8_goe_dispose_gameover_graphic :dispose_gameover_graphic
  # * Frame Update
  def update
  # * Create Game Over Graphic
  def create_gameover_graphic
    # Clearing @sprite bitmap and disposing sprite.
    # Creating background (for blending purposes)
    @bg =
    @bg.bitmap = Cache.system(PK8::GameOver)
    @bg.tone =[0], PK8::GameOver_Tone[1],
    PK8::GameOver_Tone[2], PK8::GameOver_Tone[3])
    @bg.x = PK8::GameOver_Position[0]
    @bg.y = PK8::GameOver_Position[1]
    @bg.zoom_x = PK8::GameOver_Zoom[0] * 0.01
    @bg.zoom_y = PK8::GameOver_Zoom[1] * 0.01
    @bg.color =[2], PK8::GameOver_Blend[2],
    PK8::GameOver_Blend[2], PK8::GameOver_Blend[1])
    @bg.wave_amp = PK8::GameOver_Wave[0]
    @bg.wave_length = PK8::GameOver_Wave[1]
    @bg.wave_speed = PK8::GameOver_Wave[2]
    @bg.angle = PK8::GameOver_Angle
    @bg.mirror = PK8::GameOver_Mirror
    PK8::GameOver_Blur.times do
    # Recreating sprite, bitmap and adding effects
    @sprite =
    @sprite.bitmap = Cache.system(PK8::GameOver)
    @sprite.tone =[0], PK8::GameOver_Tone[1],
    PK8::GameOver_Tone[2], PK8::GameOver_Tone[3])
    @sprite.x = PK8::GameOver_Position[0]
    @sprite.y = PK8::GameOver_Position[1]
    @sprite.zoom_x = PK8::GameOver_Zoom[0] * 0.01
    @sprite.zoom_y = PK8::GameOver_Zoom[1] * 0.01
    @sprite.blend_type = PK8::GameOver_Blend[0]
    @sprite.opacity = PK8::GameOver_Blend[1]
    @sprite.wave_amp = PK8::GameOver_Wave[0]
    @sprite.wave_length = PK8::GameOver_Wave[1]
    @sprite.wave_speed = PK8::GameOver_Wave[2]
    @sprite.angle = PK8::GameOver_Angle
    @sprite.mirror = PK8::GameOver_Mirror
    PK8::GameOver_Blur.times do
  # * Dispose of Game Over Graphic
  def dispose_gameover_graphic

Set up the script, starting at line 46. Also, create a GameOver.png and put it in your Graphics/System folder. This script won't work if your project is encrypted and is lacking RTP data.

Awaiting question.

This aliases update, create_gameover_graphic and dispose_gameover_graphic of Scene_Gameover

Author's Notes
This is similar to my Title Screen Replacer + Enhancer script. Set the file name of the GameOver graphic and customise the look of the Game Over graphic.

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Exclusive to RMVXPUniverse.

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