I have used a demo of Blizz-abs as a sample setup. I changed the boarding and disembarking input keys to C. You
will probably noticed that I attempted to use the hq script calls for the dragon. I kept getting an error relating to
game_map. Thank you for replying and taking the time to assist.
06-02-2023, 05:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2023, 06:01 PM by DerVVulfman.)
Now, there is a SIZE-CAP for uploads... that being what issue you had attaching.
Now the bad news. The old saying is never to rewrite the wheel. BLIZZ rewrote the wheel, and made it virtually incompatible with a lot. For example, this is his version of the Game_Player class:
# Game_Player
# This class serves as override, so a Map_Actor class is loaded as current
# player.
class Game_Player < Map_Actor
# Initialization
def initialize
# call superclass method for first actor
That is the entire code. Yes, it shows it is no longer a 'direct' subclass of Game_Character but is instead a subclass of Map_Actor. But it does inherit from Game_Character eventually... like its "character's" great grandson.
UNFORTUNATELY, this is a full rewrite and erases/deletes methods that already existed and are needed by Vehicles, and probably other scripts that may rely upon default Game_Player methods. For example, any attempt to force the game player to 'refresh', this system will say that game_player.refresh is undefined.
Meanwhile, he reconstructed the INPUT class, so other scripts that allow new features to happen by way of defined keys (boarding a vehicle, pick-pocket someone, attempt to climb sheer cliffs) will not function.
# Simple ASCII table
Key = {'A' => 65, 'B' => 66, 'C' => 67, 'D' => 68, 'E' => 69, 'F' => 70,
'G' => 71, 'H' => 72, 'I' => 73, 'J' => 74, 'K' => 75, 'L' => 76,
'M' => 77, 'N' => 78, 'O' => 79, 'P' => 80, 'Q' => 81, 'R' => 82,
'S' => 83, 'T' => 84, 'U' => 85, 'V' => 86, 'W' => 87, 'X' => 88,
'Y' => 89, 'Z' => 90,
'0' => 48, '1' => 49, '2' => 50, '3' => 51, '4' => 52, '5' => 53,
'6' => 54, '7' => 55, '8' => 56, '9' => 57,
'NumberPad 0' => 45, 'NumberPad 1' => 35, 'NumberPad 2' => 40,
'NumberPad 3' => 34, 'NumberPad 4' => 37, 'NumberPad 5' => 12,
'NumberPad 6' => 39, 'NumberPad 7' => 36, 'NumberPad 8' => 38,
'NumberPad 9' => 33,
'F1' => 112, 'F2' => 113, 'F3' => 114, 'F4' => 115, 'F5' => 116,
'F6' => 117, 'F7' => 118, 'F8' => 119, 'F9' => 120, 'F10' => 121,
'F11' => 122, 'F12' => 123,
';' => 186, '=' => 187, ',' => 188, '-' => 189, '.' => 190, '/' => 220,
'\\' => 191, '\'' => 222, '[' => 219, ']' => 221, '`' => 192,
'Backspace' => 8, 'Tab' => 9, 'Enter' => 13, 'Shift' => 16,
'Left Shift' => 160, 'Right Shift' => 161, 'Left Ctrl' => 162,
'Right Ctrl' => 163, 'Left Alt' => 164, 'Right Alt' => 165,
'Ctrl' => 17, 'Alt' => 18, 'Esc' => 27, 'Space' => 32, 'Page Up' => 33,
'Page Down' => 34, 'End' => 35, 'Home' => 36, 'Insert' => 45,
'Delete' => 46, 'Arrow Left' => 37, 'Arrow Up' => 38,
'Arrow Right' => 39, 'Arrow Down' => 40,
'Mouse Left' => 1, 'Mouse Right' => 2, 'Mouse Middle' => 4,
'Mouse 4' => 5, 'Mouse 5' => 6}
# default button configuration
UP = [Key['Arrow Up']]
LEFT = [Key['Arrow Left']]
DOWN = [Key['Arrow Down']]
RIGHT = [Key['Arrow Right']]
A = [Key['Shift']]
B = [Key['Esc'], Key['NumberPad 0'], Key['X']]
C = [Key['Space'], Key['Enter'], Key['C']]
X = [Key['A']]
Y = [Key['S']]
Z = [Key['D']]
L = [Key['Q'], Key['Page Down']]
R = [Key['W'], Key['Page Up']]
F5 = [Key['F5']]
F6 = [Key['F6']]
F7 = [Key['F7']]
F8 = [Key['F8']]
F9 = [Key['F9']]
SHIFT = [Key['Shift']]
CTRL = [Key['Ctrl']]
ALT = [Key['Alt']]
# All keys
ALL_KEYS = (0...256).to_a
# Win32 API calls
GetKeyboardState = Win32API.new('user32','GetKeyboardState', 'P', 'I')
GetKeyboardLayout = Win32API.new('user32', 'GetKeyboardLayout','L', 'L')
MapVirtualKeyEx = Win32API.new('user32', 'MapVirtualKeyEx', 'IIL', 'I')
ToUnicodeEx = Win32API.new('user32', 'ToUnicodeEx', 'LLPPILL', 'L')
# some other constants
DEAD_KEY_MASK = 0x80000000
# data
@state = "\0" * 256
@triggered = Array.new(256, false)
@pressed = Array.new(256, false)
@released = Array.new(256, false)
@repeated = Array.new(256, 0)
# update
# Updates input.
def self.update
# get current language layout
@language_layout = GetKeyboardLayout.call(0)
# get new keyboard state
# for each key
ALL_KEYS.each {|key|
# if pressed state
# not released anymore
@released[key] = false
# if not pressed yet
if !@pressed[key]
# pressed and triggered
@pressed[key] = true
@triggered[key] = true
# not triggered anymore
@triggered[key] = false
# update of repeat counter
@repeated[key] < 17 ? @repeated[key] += 1 : @repeated[key] = 15
# not released yet
elsif !@released[key]
# if still pressed
if @pressed[key]
# not triggered, pressed or repeated, but released
@triggered[key] = false
@pressed[key] = false
@repeated[key] = 0
@released[key] = true
# not released anymore
@released[key] = false
# dir4
# 4 direction check.
def Input.dir4
return 2 if Input.press?(DOWN)
return 4 if Input.press?(LEFT)
return 6 if Input.press?(RIGHT)
return 8 if Input.press?(UP)
return 0
# dir8
# 8 direction check.
def Input.dir8
down = Input.press?(DOWN)
left = Input.press?(LEFT)
return 1 if down && left
right = Input.press?(RIGHT)
return 3 if down && right
up = Input.press?(UP)
return 7 if up && left
return 9 if up && right
return 2 if down
return 4 if left
return 6 if right
return 8 if up
return 0
# trigger?
# Test if key was triggered once.
def Input.trigger?(keys)
keys = [keys] unless keys.is_a?(Array)
return keys.any? {|key| @triggered[key]}
# press?
# Test if key is being pressed.
def Input.press?(keys)
keys = [keys] unless keys.is_a?(Array)
return keys.any? {|key| @pressed[key]}
# repeat?
# Test if key is being pressed for repeating.
def Input.repeat?(keys)
keys = [keys] unless keys.is_a?(Array)
return keys.any? {|key| @repeated[key] == 1 || @repeated[key] == 16}
# release?
# Test if key was released.
def Input.release?(keys)
keys = [keys] unless keys.is_a?(Array)
return keys.any? {|key| @released[key]}
# get_character
# vk - virtual key
# Gets the character from keyboard input using the input locale identifier
# (formerly called keyboard layout handles).
def self.get_character(vk)
# get corresponding character from virtual key
c = MapVirtualKeyEx.call(vk, 2, @language_layout)
# stop if character is non-printable and not a dead key
return '' if c < 32 && (c & DEAD_KEY_MASK != DEAD_KEY_MASK)
# get scan code
vsc = MapVirtualKeyEx.call(vk, 0, @language_layout)
# result string is never longer than 2 bytes (Unicode)
result = "\0" * 2
# get input string from Win32 API
length = ToUnicodeEx.call(vk, vsc, @state, result, 2, 0, @language_layout)
return (length == 0 ? '' : result)
# get_input_string
# Gets the string that was entered using the keyboard over the input locale
# identifier (formerly called keyboard layout handles).
def self.get_input_string
result = ''
# check every key
ALL_KEYS.each {|key|
# if repeated
if self.repeat?(key)
# get character from keyboard state
c = self.get_character(key)
# add character if there is a character
result += c if c != ''
# empty if result is empty
return '' if result == ''
# convert string from Unicode to UTF-8
return self.unicode_to_utf8(result)
# get_input_string
# string - string in Unicode format
# Converts a string from Unicode format to UTF-8 format as RGSS does not
# support Unicode.
def self.unicode_to_utf8(string)
result = ''
string.unpack('S*').each {|c|
# characters under 0x80 are 1 byte characters
if c < 0x0080
result += c.chr
# other characters under 0x800 are 2 byte characters
elsif c < 0x0800
result += (0xC0 | (c >> 6)).chr
result += (0x80 | (c & 0x3F)).chr
# the rest are 3 byte characters
result += (0xE0 | (c >> 12)).chr
result += (0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F)).chr
result += (0x80 | (c & 0x3F)).chr
return result
# module Input
# Added Blizz-ABS controls and control override.
module Input
# Blizz-ABS control setup
eval("Up = [#{BlizzABS::Control::UP}]")
eval("Left = [#{BlizzABS::Control::LEFT}]")
eval("Down = [#{BlizzABS::Control::DOWN}]")
eval("Right = [#{BlizzABS::Control::RIGHT}]")
eval("Prevpage = [#{BlizzABS::Control::PREVPAGE}]")
eval("Nextpage = [#{BlizzABS::Control::NEXTPAGE}]")
eval("Confirm = [#{BlizzABS::Control::CONFIRM}]")
eval("Cancel = [#{BlizzABS::Control::CANCEL}]")
eval("Attack = [#{BlizzABS::Control::ATTACK}]")
eval("Defend = [#{BlizzABS::Control::DEFEND}]")
eval("Skill = [#{BlizzABS::Control::SKILL}]")
eval("Item = [#{BlizzABS::Control::ITEM}]")
eval("Select = [#{BlizzABS::Control::SELECT}]")
eval("Hud = [#{BlizzABS::Control::HUD}]")
eval("Hotkey = [#{BlizzABS::Control::HOTKEY}]")
eval("Minimap = [#{BlizzABS::Control::MINIMAP}]")
eval("Run = [#{BlizzABS::Control::RUN}]")
eval("Sneak = [#{BlizzABS::Control::SNEAK}]")
eval("Jump = [#{BlizzABS::Control::JUMP}]")
eval("Turn = [#{BlizzABS::Control::TURN}]")
# default controls
Up = [Key['W']]
Left = [Key['A']]
Down = [Key['S']]
Right = [Key['D']]
Prevpage = [Key['Q']]
Nextpage = [Key['E']]
Confirm = [Key['H']]
Cancel = [Key['F']]
Attack = [Key['K']]
Defend = [Key['L']]
Skill = [Key['J']]
Item = [Key['I']]
Select = [Key['O']]
Hud = [Key['Z']]
Hotkey = [Key['X']]
Minimap = [Key['C']]
Run = [Key['M']]
Sneak = [Key['.']]
Jump = [Key[',']]
Turn = [Key['U']]
UP = Up
LEFT = Left
DOWN = Down
RIGHT = Right
B = Cancel
C = Confirm
L = Prevpage
R = Nextpage
UP |= Up
LEFT |= Left
DOWN |= Down
RIGHT |= Right
B = (B - [Key['X']]) | Cancel
C = (C - [Key['C']]) | Confirm
L = (L - [Key['Page Down']]) | Prevpage
R = (R - [Key['Page Up']]) | Nextpage
As this the case, he also just disabled native gamepad control. Yes, RPGMaker does support Gamepad usage, but altering the Input module like so eliminates it. *If you use a script that requires a full-keyboard script or a mouse script, make sure it doesn't disable gamepad.*
BlizzABS is not likely to be compatible with much of anything.
ODDLY... using the Blizz-ABS Config 2.84.exe program to turn on/off key controls didn't seem to do jack. It had the checkbox for 'Disable RMXP Default Controls' switched on. I un-checked it and turned it off, and savee. On reload, the the checkbox is once again checked and on. Meanwhile, the 'config.sbc' file which is saved... I found no instance of its use in the demo.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
Ah I see. Well that's unfortunate. It's surprising since XAS was compatible with this script. Like I mentioned earlier
I only migrated from XAS to BABS for performance reasons. I made backup data files so I can always go back to
XAS if need be. I want to know though, I see you made a ABS of your own, Lycan ABS and you made a patch
for it. How does Lycan ABS compare with Blizz-Abs? Am I able to have a party of perhaps 4-6 members. Sorry
for asking a lot, and thanks for checking it for me. Much appreciated.
06-02-2023, 06:05 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2023, 06:07 PM by DerVVulfman.)
Lycan is more TILE-based, ergo it is not as smooth as pixel-movement systems like BLIZZ. It is more focused on single-player action, though it does support multiple actors on the field with a companion control/command system. But it does have some fun weapon options. Got a pipe bomb, landmines, explosive warheads... know the exploding barrels in DOOM? I do wish to re-visit it some time soon for some stuff.
And I updated my previous post regarding input scripts n etc.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
I don't mind it being tile-based. My current project (11 years in the making, damn) includes multiple playable characters.
So it supporting multiple actors is enough for me to give Lycan ABS a try. Thanks for the help.