RM2K Facesets, Inn & Windowskin Colors
RM2K Facesets, Inn & Windowskin Colors
Version: 2.0

In an attempt to return many a features lost from older RpgMaker 2000 and 03 systems, I wrote this... as soon as I paid for the system. Yep, first LEGAL script. Maybe a little rough in areas still...

  • A script to simulate the [Select Face] button in RM2K/2K3's Event list (minus the left/right & flip pic option.)
  • The availability to use Facesets OR Character Sprites in the menus.
  • Able to switch the game's (now 16) colors by changing from one windowskin to another, like RM2K did.
  • Utilize my inn script and display facesets in the inn script.

Inn System (using Faceset)
Menu System w/ Faceset System turned on.
Menu System's Status screen. Adjusted some fields to the right.
Message System using Faceset & Windowcolors.
Save menu. Only 3 slots when using the Faceset option.

Faceset Demo
In some cases, Getright will just save a php file. Use Save Link Target As... in those cases.

Additional Demos
The Faceset Menu only
Only for facesets, revisit the RM2K menu and not use charsets in your system.

The Inn System only
Only the Inn system with the 'Inn-Switch' for 'detecting' a successful stay at the inn. No facesets involved.

The Windowskin feature
As you change your windowskin, change the default colors used in the system and in your messageboxes.
New Feature not in previous demo: Stretch or Tile the windowskin!

The Complete Script

Additional Scripts
The Faceset Menu only
The Inn System only
The Windowskin feature

Pretty much plug the script into place and use a specially prepared windowskin that has 16 colored blocks (for the text colors) located in the upper-right block (between the 4 directional cursors).

Then, set/import your faceset file, set it in the configuration section and turn the system on.
@faceset_system = true            # If menus use facesets (true)
    @faceset_file = "Actors"          # Faceset file for heroes in menu.
Sorry that the configuration section begins so far down the script (line 260?), but apart from the above, and the default Inn System texts... there's not much to change.

Syntax: FaceSet.new(filename, index)
filename = name of faceset file stored in the pictures directory
index = index of portrait in the faceset file

The portraits/images inside the faceset files must be 96 x 96 pixels in size (double the RM2K image size). However, the faceset files do not have to be in any set size. It could be a 4 image high & 4 image wide faceset. It could be just 1 image wide and 20 high. It's your choice. But... it reads the index starting at the top, moving left to right. Then moves down to the next row... then the next.
You will have to use a single faceset that has portraits of all your heros. The value of faceset_file in Game_Temp holds the name of the faceset file. Each portrait must be in order to work properly. No juggling permitted. The first image must be image of the first hero, the second image... the second hero, etc.

Also to note. You will have to flag faceset_system to true (also in Game_Temp).
Quote:Also included is module RPG/Bitmap, which allows you to change the Default Font used throughout the entire system in one fell swoop.

Sample Resources
I just scaled a faceset at random to double in size (doesn't look bad, really).
Okay, a bit crummy. For menus, hero 1 must be the first pic, 2nd as the 2nd, etc.
Here's my test windowskin.

BONUS: Windowskins
Rm2k Windowskins Redone
RmXp Windowskins Revised

Terms and Conditions
This system is available royalty-free, and is permitted for commercial use. However, no warranty on this system is expressed or implied.

What is required as conditions for use is due credit. I gotta get listed for this script somewhere... at least in the game's end credits. Also, SephirothSpawn must be credited for technical support for the new Windowskin-Stretch/tile feature in the 2nd page's demo.

[Image: xp_warning_zps4f087ef6.png]
Image has link to Enterbrain's Download Page
Just wanted to point out your faceset size of 96px^ is just fine, the scroll arrow showing up in Window_MenuStatus was due to my not editing down the size of the bitmap from 480 480 to 360 480, so your script (and faceset files) do not have to be changed

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