Our Planet...
Alright, I'm guessing this is the first story of the site...

Punkid stood on the cliff, waiting for the others. As he waited, he thought of all the things that could be done with his world he was hoping to create. After a half an hour of standing, his crew finally came.
"Hey, master!" Lemur said. Punkid looked back and smilied.
"Why did you call me your master?" He asked Lemur.
"You better get use to being called that now that your gonna have your own planet." Punkid's smile went away.
"I... have some bad news..." He said. "The only way I can build a planet is to overthrow the king."
Verafor walked over. "Why?" He asked.
"He challanged us. He said to me the only way I would be able to create a planet is if I overthrow him in events to see if I am worthy." Punkid said.
"I can't believe King Kamain would do such a thing... Will we help in this task?" Clyde asked. Punkid turned around.
"You have too... my first task is to defeat his army."
Everyone suddenly went quiet, and then Clyde spoke. "Sir.... you meen we have to fight the army of 10,000 skilled knights? Are you insane."
"It's the only way!" Punkid said. "Now, get ready. Our 1st task begins in two days...."

Yes, I know, very short beginning, but I want to see what people think...

And sory I dubble posted, didn't want to put this in my story.
"Time to get packed." Clyde, Lemur, and Verafor packed up there things.
It was getting dark outside. "Well, I better head home for tonight." Clyde said to the others.
"Just stay here, your house is like 5 miles away." Verafor said. Clyde nodded his head and layed down on the ground. "Goodnight, tommorow I guess we'll start training or something..." Clyde said falling into sleep.
The Next Day
Punkid came running into Verafors hut where everyone was.
"Guy's! The king's dead!" He yelled, waking every one up. They all finally stood up.
"The kings dead? How?" Verafor asked. Punkid nodded his head.
"Does that meen you can build your planet now?" Lemur asked.
"I don't think so. I have to get permission and get a stone saying this will be my planet." Punkid replied.
"I never asked this before but what will the planets name be?" Clyde asked.
"I'm thinking it will be RMXP UNIVERSE..."
"What does that stand for?" Verafor asked.
Before Punkid could answer, two guards pushed him out of the way and ran into the hut.
"You men will help us, won't you?" One of the guards asked.
"Help you with what?" Clyde replied.
They took the men outside and pointed down towards a field. Kamains 10,000 warrior army was down there in rage.
"Is this our first task?" Punkid asked.
"I don't know, they have been staring at your guy's hunt for minutes." The guard replied. Clyde looked at Punkid.
"Kamains soul possessed the army into fighting us because it's our first task..." Clyde said.
"Then we must fight. I want my planet!" Punkid yelled and charged down toward the army...

Hopefully this will go along well....
That's pretty cool Clyde. I'm totally diggin this story. Go Punkid!
Thanks, I'll have chapter 2 in a while. Don't feel like wrighting right now...
haha cool. I like this, WRITE MORE!
Me too.
Thanks, I'll have more soon....

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