Eight Direction & More Frames
Eight Direction & More Frames
Version: 3.0

Many forums have posted how to create 8-directional movement... and a few have shown how to increase the number of frames of animation to your character, but in many cases... they've never been put together... or have been included in an insertible script. A few have, though.

This script will allow you to move your character in eight directions instead of the default four. And it allows you have more frames of animation per step then the default four poses per facing direction. Yeesh.

  • Four and Eight Directional movement.
  • Able to increase the number of frames per step.
  • Able to have a separate "still-standing" frame in the same characterset.
  • Able to activate map events diagonally. *thanks to DraycosGoldaryn*
  • Able to perform additional action poses and animations, including idle animations.
  • Compatability to fukuyama's Train Actor script.
  • Compatible with some paperdoll / Visual Equipment scripts.
None. C'mon. It's a guy walking around. Boooorrrrrrinnng.


This fella is almost straight plug'n'play. Paste it above Main. Though for it to work properly, you'd need an appropriate characterset. However, you can design your own charactersets for use with this. But be sure to configure the system to work with whatever charset you use.

Q: Does this allow for 4 directional movement AND multiple animations?
A: Yep.
Q: Is this a finished script?
A: Oh, Pretty much.
Q: Do you have things like DASH and SNEAK in there
A: Heck yeah, and a few more tidbits you may enjoy
Q: Does this work with fukuyama's Train Actor script
A: To my surprise... yep. The demo has a patch included for that.
Q: Does this script affect the menus?
A: Oh, HELL yeah. But now, the script is updated for that
Q: You mentioned 'paperdoll' systems.
A: Yeah, like Rataime's Visual Equipment. I have a copy of that in the demo.

Um... It MAY conflict with some SDK coding... either now or later. It does reference some scripts that have been altered in Game_Character, Game_Player and Sprite_Character. It CERTAINLY will conflict with any ABS system like Near Fantastica's SSABS or Mr.Mo's ABS. If it doesn't... it'd be a miracle. Especially since some scripting ideas came from Mr.Mo's ABS. :)

Really.... I like those systems a lot.

Credits and Thanks
Actually, I thank Tana. After seeing her templates that include a standing character, It drove me to figure out how to include a still-pose IN the characterset. I also have to thank Skyla Doragono for showing me that fukuyama's system worked with it, and asked me to finish it. Thanks to uzumakishade for reminding me to make a patch for the menu system, otherwise your charsets would appear distorted in your menus (now included in the script itself). I would also like to give thanks to DraycosGoldaryn for the "Front Event Starting Determination" routine for the diagonal map event trigger issue. The def he supplied solved the diagonal trigger issue (No editing required). Finally, thanks to OmegaGroudon for pointing out the odd 'walk-pose' being shown by triggered events. And thanks to both Moghunter and Mr.Mo for some additional coding

Author's Notes
I thought version 2.0 WAS the final version guys.

Terms and Conditions
This system add-on is available royalty-free, and is permitted for commercial use. However, no warranty on this system is expressed or implied.

What is required as conditions for use is due credit. Not only for myself as the lead scripter for this add-on, but credit for others who had a hand in the system's development. Tana, for initial 8-directional layout. Skyla Doragono / Atemu (both the same person) for continuous betatesting and support. DraycosGoldaryn for support code for 8-directional event triggering, and to uzumakishade, DraycosGoldaryn and OmegaGroudon for additional error-checking. And funally Mr.Mo and Moghunter for additional coding. At the very least... the credit roll at the game's end.

[Image: xp_warning.png]
Image has link to Enterbrain's Download Page
Would you believe...? - Maxwell Smart


Now... better than ever, this script utilizes a few features from MogHunter's advanced movement script (haste, slow and other status effects on the field map), while allowing the use of new actions such as displaying action poses with the press of a button.

Dash, Sneak, perform an attack pose, wait long enough and an idle animation shows!

And that's not all!

The demo also includes Fukuyama's 'Train Actor' caterpillar script to showcase a compatability script, and Rataime's Visual Equipment script to show that THIS dash/sneak advanced movement script works with paperdoll / visual equipment scripts!
very nice but when I try to open the menu it crashes^^
*slams head against table*

I forgot to change '1' value in the menu portion of the script. Fixed now.
So...and how to use the sprites of Riku and Sora?
They looks very nice! ^_^
Ah, Riku and Sora. These are sprites courtesy of Atemu (when I knew her as Skyla Doragono).

It would require you to configure the system to use THOSE sprites instead. It would need you to set up the system for 8 directional movement, with only 8 poses and with a system to use 8 frames of animation. AND... set it to have a standing sprite. This 'standing' sprite is not an animation, but a separate frame that is only displayed when the character is not moving.

You'd be disabling other forms of animation such as attacks, items, idle and etc since neither Riku or Sora have any additional poses. AND... you'd have to rename the files to riku_custom.png and sora_custom.png so it knows that these sprites 'are' custom sprites. It's the '_custom' flag that it checks for and recognizes.
Wow...ok, 'll try it. Thanks.
Ummm.... ok. Does the characters turn diagonally? I mean, Do we have to make a diagonal charset for them to move the other 4 directions?
No. Characters may be able to move in all 8 directions even while only using the standard 4-direction characterset.

If you only want to use the default 4 direction and 4 frame poses, set:
to 4

CHARSET_POSES lets you define how many directions you use normally.
CHARSET_TOTAL_POSES allows you to expand your single characterset to go beyond your normal # of poses.
Oh, and you may wish to set the CHARSET_POSES_M , _C, _I and etc to be '1' Long story short, these are built in options that lets you switch between sneak, action, shooting and other types of poses you may have at your disposal (a special feature for scripters).

Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
I downloaded the demo and it's not giving me 8 direction movement
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]

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