by Selwyn

Selwyn @ RMXP.Org Mon Jun 19, 2006 Wrote:Important : This is mainly

designed for scripter!

okay, this will allow you want to make your game in a resolution of 800 by

600, or greater if you so desire.

what you need :

The Display DLL, download it in your game folder (it has to be named

Display.dll) and the following script

The Script

Or an edit by DerVVulfman:
The Script

Required .Dll Resource

.zip (Size: 4.6 KB / Downloads: 44)

how to use it :

in main, before 'begin', put the following line :

and in each Scene_
right after Input.update

two negative points:
- the ALT key doesn't work anymore,
- F10 is used to switch in full-screen mode.

Give credit, enjoy!
Hmmm....any demo? And where can i get The display.dll?
Nice necro, this topic is 2 years old, and alot of things happened, so chances are, you gotta find display.dll yourself.
Charlie's Arena uses this script. You can find the ddl inside the game's folder. About the demo, just follow the instructions, it's very simple to use, you don't really need one.
Whoops. The link to the display.dll is restored. Sorry.
I keep getting syntax error on line 24. I put all the Resolution.update's in the right spot, at least I think I did. Can anyone help?
Apparently, what caused the .dll link to be missing is what caused an error in the code... breaking it apart. It must have occurred during the transfer from Hideout last year.

The code has been repaired.
are widescreen, more particularly HD modes possible. 1280x720 and 1920x1080? Honestly im mainly looking to do 1680x1050 as thats what most monitors do right now.
actually, 1680x1050 is less then 10 percent of monitors on home computers. ( a lot of people re-use old monitors ) and most laptops are 1280x800 16:10, although there are a few 1280x960 16:9 laptops out there. The reason behind this is simple, many people simply reuse their old screens rather than buy new ones when they upgrade their old computers. What this equates to is this, if you want an accurate portrayal of screen sizes, look back about 5 years and see what was common then. The default resolution for XP was 1024x768 on the CRT monitors, and occasionally 1280x1024, at 4:3 ratios. If you look into wide screen monitors, you will find that the average widescreen was a LCD with a max resolution of 1280x800 16:10, and occasionally you would find 1280x960 16:9, just like our laptops. Now if you look specifically at the high-performance 3D gaming market, you will find the ratio's that you are talking about, but first you'll need to get them off of their 3D FPS and WoW accounts.

Now that said, if you still want to target those resolutions, this script, last I checked, should be able to do it with no issues, although I'm not sure how that will effect your games performance.
thanks to all!
Oh, Charlie, how do you disable this black space?
[Image: spaceft.jpg]

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