Card Game Data Structure
Card Game Data Structure
Version: 1.0

This is mainly a tool for scripters, This small script contains classes that are very useful in making card games (Ex. BlackJack, Poker, etc.). Includes A Deck Class, A Card class, A Hand class, a Sprite class for Cards. Also includes Card graphics.

Look at the script editor after you add this, there's your screenshot

Pretty much pointless, see my BlackJack demo for an aplication of this.

Yay the families will be overjoyed...
class Game_Deck
  # * Constants
  Suits = %w( spades hearts diamonds clubs )
  Values = 'A','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','J','Q','K'
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(num_decks = 1)
    # Setup Cards
    @cards = []
    # Setup Deck
    @deck = []
    # Setup Discarded
    @discard = []
    # Setup In Play
    @in_play = []
    # Setup Number of Decks
    @num_decks = num_decks
    # Setup Cards
    # Shuffle
  # * Setup Cards
  def setup_cards
    # Run Through number of decks times
    @num_decks.times do
      # Run Through Each Suit
      Suits.each do |suit|
        # Run Through each value
        Values.each do |number|
          # Setup Card
          card =, number)
          # Push into cards array
          @deck << card
  # * Shuffle
  def shuffle
    # Setup local variable cards
    cards = []
    # Clear Discarded
    # Setup Cards to Deck
    @cards = [@deck].flatten!
    # Delete Cards already out
    # Run through until cards are empty
    until @cards.empty?
      # Push a Random Card and Delete
      cards << @cards.delete_at(rand(@cards.size))
    # Set Cards to Cards
    @cards = cards
  # * Draw
  def draw(number = 1)
    # Return if number is 1
    if number == 1
      # Shuffle if empty?
      shuffle if @cards.empty?
      # Get Card
      card = @cards.shift
      # Add Card to in play
      @in_play << card
      # Return card
      return card
    # Setup Array
    drawn = []
    # Run Through number of times
    number.times do
      # Shuffle if empty?
      shuffle if @cards.empty?
      # Break if cards are still empty (all in play)
      break if @cards.empty?
      # Get Card
      card = @cards.shift
      # Add Card to in play
      @in_play << card
      # Add to Drawn
      drawn << card
    # Return Drawn Cards
    return drawn
  # * Discard In Play
  def discard
    # Add all in play cards to discard
    @discard += @in_play
    # Clear in play
  # * Number
  def number(*strings)
    # Setup Local Variable
    number = 0
    # Run Through each card
    @cards.each do |card|
      # Run Through Each String Sent to this method
      strings.each do |string|
        # If A Suit
        if Suits.include?(string)
          # Increase By 1 if suits are equal
          number += 1 if card.suit == string
        # If A Value
        elsif Values.include?(string)
          # Increase By 1 if values are equal
          number += 1 if card.value == string
    return number
  # * Size
  def size
    return @cards.size
  # * Delete Cards In Use
  def delete_in_use_cards
    # Return if empty cards
    return if @in_play.empty?
    # Run Through each in play card and Delete Card from list
    @in_play.each {|card| @cards.delete(card)}
    # Clear In Play

class Game_Card
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader :number
  attr_reader :suit
  attr_reader :value
  attr_accessor :flipped
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(suit, value, face10 = false, ace11 = false)
    @suit = suit
    @value = value
    @face10 = face10
    @ace11 = ace11
    @flipped = true
  # * Ace?
  def ace?
    return @value == 'A'
  # * King?
  def king?
    return @value == 'K'
  # * Queen?
  def queen?
    return @value == 'Q'
  # * Jack?
  def jack?
    return @value == 'J'
  # * Face?
  def face?
    return ['J','Q','K'].include?(@value)
  # * Ten?
  def ten?
    return @value == '10' || (self.face? and @face10)
  # * To String (Returns card's value)
  def to_s
    return self.value
  # * Setup Number (Private)
  def setup_number
    case @value
    when 'A'
      @number = @ace11 ? 11 : 1
    when 'J'
      @number = @face10 ? 10 : 11
    when 'Q'
      @number = @face10 ? 10 : 12
    when 'K'
      @number = @face10 ? 10 : 13
      @number = @value.to_i

class Game_CardHand
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Setup Cards
    @cards = []
  # * Each (Runs Through Each Card in Hand)
  def each
    @cards.each {|card| yield(card)}
  # * Cards
  def cards
    return @cards.size
  # * Draw
  def draw(*cards)
  # * Discard
  def discard
  # * To String (ex. A234K)
  def to_s
    string = ''
    @cards.each {|card| string += card.to_s}
    return string

module RPG
module Cache
  # * Card
  def self.card(suit, number)
    style = $game_system.card_style
    self.load_bitmap("Graphics/Cards/#{style}/", "#{suit}_#{number}")
  # * Card Back
  def self.card_back(style)
    self.load_bitmap("Graphics/Cards/Backs/", style)

class Sprite_Card < Sprite
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(card, flipped = true)
    # Setup Suit and Value
    @suit, @value = card.suit, card.value
    # Setup Flipped Flag
    @flipped = flipped
    # Setup Bitmap
    if @flipped
      # Get Flipped Card
      self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.card(@suit, @value)
      # Get Card Back
      self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.card_back($game_system.card_back_style)
  # * Flipped
  def flipped=(bool)
    # Set Flipped Flag
    @flipped = bool
    # Setup Bitmap
    if @flipped
      # Get Flipped Card
      self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.card(@suit, @value)
      # Get Card Back
      self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.card_back($game_system.card_back_style)

class Game_System
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :card_style
  attr_accessor :card_back_style
  # * Initialize
  alias card_setup_initialize initialize
  def initialize
    # The Usual
    # Setup Card Style
    @card_style = 'Normal'
    # Setup Card Back Style
    @card_back_style = 'DragonKid'

The best way to ensure compatibility is to make classes that inherit from these classes like I did in my BlackJack minigame, I tried to include useful methods in these classes and I will give an explanation of what each of them do here

Name: Game_Deck
Description: The Deck class. Holds in play, discarded, and cards not played yet, automatically shuffles if there are no cards left, also handles multiple decks.
  • initialize(number of decks) (private)
    - Creates a new Game_Deck object automatically called from the new method, the parameter number of decks is the number of decks of cards to use (The Default is 1)
  • setup_cards
    - Creates all of the Cards, one for each suit and value
  • shuffle
    - Shuffles the Deck
  • draw(number of cards)
    - Draws number of cards from the deck automatically shuffles if the deck is empty during this process, the parameter number of cards is the number of cards to draw (The default is 1). If only one card is drawn this method will return that card, else it will return an array.
    - Note: will return as many cards as it can if drawing more than one card (All cards could be in play making it unable to shuffle)
  • discard
    - Discards All In Play Cards
  • number(variable amount of strings)
    - Tells how many of cards of suit or value are remaining in the deck. The strings have to match with the constants which is explained further down
  • size
    - Tells how many cards are remaining in the deck
  • delete_in_use_cards (private)
    - Deletes all in play cards from deck, used when reshuffling

  • Suits
    -The suits used, by default there are clubs, hearts, diamonds, and spades.
    - Note: remember create a class that inherits from this one and then change the constant in that class if for any reason you want to change it (note you will have to rename/add graphics if if you do)
  • Values
    - The values used, by default A-K (Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, and K). No Jokers.
    - see note for Suits.

  • None

Name: Game_Card
Description: The Card class. Represents a card. It is created and used within the Game_Deck class.
  • initialize(suit, value, face cards are 10, aces are 11) (private)
    - Creates a new Game_Card object automatically called from the new method, the parameter suit tells the suit of the card, value is the value of the card, face cards are 10 flag telling if face cards (J,Q,K) are worth 10 else their worth is 11,12,and 13 repectively, aces are 11 flag telling if aces are worth 11 instead of 1
  • ace?
    - returns true if the card is an ace
  • jack?
    - returns true if the card is a jack
  • queen?
    - returns true if the card is a queen
  • king?
    - returns true if the card is a jack
  • face?
    - returns true if the card is a face card
  • ten?
    - returns true if the card is worth 10
  • to_s
    - returns a String Representation of this object (The Cards Value)
  • setup_number (private)
    - Sets up the cards worth.

  • None

  • number (readable)
  • The Cards Worth. (1-13)
  • suit (readable)
  • The Cards Suit.
  • value (readable)
  • The Cards Value. (A-K)
  • flipped (accessible)
  • The Flipped Flag It is set to true in the initialize method.

Name: Game_CardHand
Description: A Class for a Player's Hand, Holds Game_Card objects.
  • initialize (private)
    - Creates a new Game_CardHand object automatically called from the new method. Nothing fancy here.
  • each
  • Runs through all cards in hand
  • cards
  • Returns the number of card in hand
  • draw(variable amount Game_Card)
    - Adds Cards to Hand
  • discard
  • Discards (Clears) All cards from Hand
  • to_s
  • returns the string representation of this object, that is the values of all cards in hand

  • None

  • None

Name: Sprite_Card
Description: A Sprite Class for Displaying Cards.
  • initialize(card, flipped flag) (private)
    - Creates a new Sprite_Card object automatically called from the new method. The Parameter card is a Game_Card Object, and the flipped flag tells if the card is displayed face up or face down (The Default is true - face up)
  • flipped=(boolean)
    - Sets the flipped flag, either send true or false to this method

  • None[/list[

    • None

    Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
    Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.
    As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.

    Should be compatible with anything as long as you follow my note in the instructions section

    Credits and Thanks
    EiB for providing me with the graphics (see attachment)
    Tana - DragonKid

    If I'm missing anything PM me and tell

    Terms and Conditions
    Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.
umm if i want to make a table in my game so that user can go up to it and play the game how do i do that? please help :)
umm Sorry this is not for nonprogrammers

this is just a library for scripters to write card games you would have to first write a game using this

and then just make a table and call your script
"/ well thanks anyways
Tanks trick, this system works fine in VX and XP i think, its a good idea to make with this some card games,
taks trick, i like this :P
PD: (Can i call you trick ? if not replace all trick with trikster :P)
Sure I guess

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