Maps and screenshots thread
Well, I think you have to give him the benefit of the doubt. He may have been disappointed and everything, but in the end he said "thank you". You said that his comment was "rude" and "offensive". Words have a meaning, man, and I strongly believe that comment is neither of the two.
You are basing all your reaction on your interpretation, on guessing his intentions.
Besides, the second part of your reasoning ("Next time I will just post half-ass criticism with no thought whatsoever and no means of actually helping the person") does not make sense at all. Are you giving criticism for the sake of helping or because you want to be praised for the way in which you give it?
Really, you exploded like a volcano, I really thought you were joking, maybe mocking the users that in some communities make a huuuuge deal of tiny little things such as incomprehensions over an RPG Maker map.
Lunarea Wrote:[Image: Forest2.png]

A forest at night. There are also fireflies on the map, but they flicker on and off, so they're tough to capture in an image. It's a really simple map, since it's at the beginning of the game. Mainly, it's just experimenting with the new trees. I'll likely add a little detail here and there to break up the big field of grass.

Oh, and I know there's a missing patch of grass near the bottom. I fixed it but didn't upload a new version of the image.

Nice job so far, Lunarea. The bark of the tree and the grass overlapping its roots and are both well done. The trunk is rounded and well shaded. When I first looked at your map the first thing I noticed at me was that the foliage on the trees, especially the smaller one, looked somewhat flat. That said, it took me a long time to determine what actually gave me that impression. It think the main problem is that the trees have no shadows. The tree should cast a shadow on the ground and the leaves should cast shadows on each other. I don't think there should be a highlights on the leaves in the lower right hand corner of the tree. One other thing, I think the smaller tree would ideally have a slightly thinner trunk than the other tree.

I offer all this with a grain of salt; I am an artist but not a pixel artist. When I think something is out of proportion I can simply add another layer of paint or erase and redraw some lines. I realize that it is not that easy to edit pixel art. Making the trunk of one tree thinner would mean editing the grass and roots at the bottom as well right?

All in all it looks just fine. Add a cast shadow on the ground and I think the rest should fall into place.


That said I should probably post a screenshot or two of my own. It has been a while.

These two screenshots came from a demo for my Precision Time System that have been meaning to release for a while now.
As you can see, it includes a HUD as well as a weather system and day and night system. Also it doesn't rain indoors for some reason...

Precision Time System

The cave has a low ceiling so that it can realistically fit under the the plateau above.
Wizoo here!
well i apologize for my comment since you thought that it was offensive and rude.

hey PK8(Punk) what is this LaunchPlay?
is it a desktop app for launching RM games?
give me some info please.


here is a test map for the tiles, te first screen shot was only to show the tiles.

[Image: shot.jpg]
Wizoo: I apologize. Where I come from, that kind of comment would be meant as sarcasm or intentionally rude or arrogant.
Your map is odd looking, but since its a test map, I am not going to get into it persay. Your streets are incrediably detailed compared to the VX tiles you have, and it stands out too much. Same goes with the houses. Another thing I would like to state about the house is the fact that I still connot distinguish between the top and the walls. Your house on the way left is well done though, yet it could use some more detailing.

First thing I notice the the fact that you use the dirt to grass autotile wrong. It looks bad. The udulations look bad as well, as they are symetrical. Your cliffs could use some more work as well. You need more detailing on the lower cliffs and Isuggest to add some as well. Also, some of your cliffs are too straight. There seems to be a height error in the middle left. Some of your long grass could use some detailing as well, as some of it is plain. Also, things hanging off the edges dont look good. You also have some symettrical mapping going on there.

The second map needs work as well. The north wall is too straight. You also seem to randonly dispurse things throughout the map. Instead, have a pallette of a few things to add unity to a map and make it look like its not all over the place. Again, the symettrical mapping is there, though this time its more noticiable. Also, the top left corner of the cave needs to be shrunken. o:

[Image: 11.png]
Made this map a while ago. o:
Some of the shading is lost because of the screen tint. Certain areas of the leaves blend where they don't in natural lighting. I'll be adding shadows at some point, though I'll probably need to do it for all the tiles. I haven't really done shadows for anything, really. Not because I'm trying to get away without it, but because I'm still working on the proper semi-transparent shadow color. My attempts so far have been judged too dark, so I'm still working on it.
One can edit pixel art with layers too, so it's not a major issue to change anything. I'm getting conflicting criticism on the tree trunks, though. Some people prefer cohesiveness and the same trunk size, others think I should change it. I'll probably leave it as is, but I'll likely revisit it in the future. It's one of those recurring locations, but I only need a single map for this particular game segment.

Does your time system display current time or an "ingame" time?

You did an nice job mimicking the VX textures. The tiles have a more painted look that you've pulled off. I'm not a fan of the bright yellow with the dark windows. I think you'd do better with a more neutral color for either the yellow portion or the dark parts.

You really should edit the cliff to include a "submerged" portion. The section on the bottom left makes it look like the cliffs are floating on top of the water. Also, the green vines on the lower right are lacking shadows, so they look very flat. Not a bad job otherwise. Just be careful with the functionality of it. So much clutter is nice visually, but if a player has to navigate through a maze just to get through the screen, it's a lot less fun.
which color do you recommend?
What's the building used for? If you want just a really neutral building, light gray (i.e. silver) or blue are modern and versatile enough to pass for anything. You can also use a dark red/brown if it's (say) an apartment building. Dark green would be good for shops and such. This is to replace the yellow.

If you want to keep the yellow, make the darker portions more brown or copper (warm colors). Otherwise, even just changing the windows to be the light blue you have in the middle structure would do fine. Just turn the saturation on the yellow down - make it a little more cream-colored. Kind of like the color of the blond-haired guy in your signature. :)
i would have to test your colors before i give any output on them.
Another map. These maps arent supposed to be playable, just for looks. :3
[Image: 21.png]
Bacon: The first map looks great! I would second Luna's comment about the underwater cliffs, but if that's not an option, no worries. I would suggest that those fallen rocks don't fit the tileset. They are the wrong color and seem out of place. Also, having some dirt patches really adds to your map. That's my opinion though.

As for the second map, the top wall seems too flat. Some elevation changes would help, especially on the outside. I could see the waves taking down parts of the wall at different heights. Other than that, it looks good.

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