Anime Facemaker
This is a web-based maker for shojo anime-esque faces. I think it might be useful for some.

Broken link:

Use (New link submitted by dricc):

Some limitations:
> Your characters only have a frontal view
> Some lack of variety in terms of the clothing and other features at the moment (I think this is still in development)
> Not very good at making men (unless you want to make a main character who is a pretty boy).

To save your picture, use the print scrn key, or whatever screen capturing program to use to save your image once you finish it. This may be useful for making anime-styled facesets. :)

-Edited by DerVVulfman with up-to-date link-
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I made some RMXP RTP folks using this tool. XD (Warning: These might not look like their RTP counterparts and I used certain items more than once.)
Fighter01 - [Image: 169i4og.png]
Fighter02 - [Image: m7ba03.png]
Fighter03 - [Image: algaac.png]

Attempt at Fighter04 - [Image: 21l3ods.png]
Fighter06 - [Image: qs4gzn.png] (If only there was different colored armor. :P)
Fighter08 - [Image: 2vimi6s.png]
Lancer02 - [Image: jb7j2q.png] (No headgear but that's okay, right?)
Lancer04 - [Image: 2cyiotd.png]
Warrior03 - [Image: 2ajp8xf.png]
Thief04 - [Image: s1nmu8.png]
Hunter01 - [Image: 10ifkg6.png]
Hunter02 - [Image: rl9h53.png]
Hunter03 - [Image: 14kwen4.png]
Gunner02 - [Image: 6xt6xl.png]
Cleric01 - [Image: 2ik4pjm.png]
Cleric02 - [Image: 33e3jwy.png]
Cleric03 - [Image: awrkli.png]
Cleric05 - [Image: 28sa4qa.png]

Edit 2:
Mage02 - [Image: 24awgli.png]
Mage03 - [Image: 2e207z7.png] (this sucks. :()
Grappler01 - [Image: qns6xl.png]
Content Hidden
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Punk Wrote: I made some RMXP RTP folks using this tool. XD (Warning: These might not look like their RTP counterparts and I used certain items more than once.)
Fighter01 - [Image: 169i4og.png]
Fighter02 - [Image: m7ba03.png]
Fighter03 - [Image: algaac.png]
Nice. Isn't Aluxes' eyes supposed to be brown, though? Meh, whatever.
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Actually, I think it's a darker blue (I screwed that one up).

Edit: Crap! This generator doesn't have facial hair. D:<
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Cool,now i can do whatever face i like...n_n
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Oh Wow that is a very sweet looking program.
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This is really amazing,when your lazy of drawing,searching for faces this will do the job.
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Can we use the images for non-commercial or commercial?
also who should be credited for these works?
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Info should be right here.
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Thanks but i don't see any info dealing with the use of the material.
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   FaceMaker XP 3 10,114 05-08-2022, 01:26 AM
Last Post: DerVVulfman

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