Celestial Tear: Demon's Revenge [RELEASE]
The graphics look different for an rmxp game and the story is pretty interesting too.
Can't wait to play when this arrives :)

Thank you, unfortunately my project is on hold. Mostly due to people I was paying were not committed to working on my game and bailing. The graphics are most likely going to change because my tileset artist is one of the many that abandoned my game. :( So I don't have the resources, also some personal events take away time from working on my game. I can only hope nothing else goes wrong in the future.

But thank you for your interest and I hope you are still around when I eventually release a demo. :)
Hey guys, I'm back from for some advice.
Trex and I have been very busy for a little more time than we would have liked. But I believe it all has been worth it. We have mentioned more times than most the importance of our Rpg Demons Revenge and in the recent few months we have been putting a lot more work into it to prepare if for our kick starter presentation. We have always wanted it to be a commercial game and this makes our dream more of a reality. So in essence we need you guys help. If you are not familiar with Kick starter here is the website http://www.kickstarter.com/

We have set a budget goals and pledge rewards we want to know what you guys think we should show that we may not already be prepared to present.
So far we have prepared concept art. Our motion comic and some gameplay footage. Trex is completing the cover art and here is a sample of the art style he decided to go with.
[Image: Untitled-1-8.png]

And also the face sets and Battler sprites we have.
[Image: jagconcept.png]
[Image: Senconcept.png]
[Image: sinconcept.png]

We have much more to show and really want to know what you guys think. We would like to post story and what we have on our kick starter thus far but we would really like to get you guys initial reactions first. So please any comments or critiques are welcome.
Here is a sample of the motion comics we have in the game to move the story from time to time. The final product will probably have narration but this is more like a demo of it. This pretty much jumps off some of the lore in the game. We really hope you like it.

When we are done with the game we hope to have compiled a nice collection of these to make a really fun multimedia comic. I choose this style because with our budget and time frame I would like to make something that's not overly complicated but still pretty fun to look at.

That's genuinely awesome! The only thing that doesn't look good is the writing at the beginning around 30 seconds in. The rest looks pro!
Really? I think the FINAL final render will look and feel much better too. We plan on having thunder and war sound effects to compliment the music and art. Once it's done, we'll post it here for more comments and critique :D. But for now we just want to make sure that the basics are looking good. Thanks!
The only rec I can think of is to make the edges of characters darker or more defined so that they pop more. Kind of like cutouts. Also, the more you contrast the characters or actions with the background (colorwise) the better, in my opinion.
I definitely love the idea too.
Thanks a lot. I've been told several times by Yin that the lines need to be more clean. I do believe everything needs to be a bit brighter as in some places things are too dark and hard to see. When we show the game play and some of the things we put into it I think you will see how everything will come together. And hopefully you like that too.
So guys the moment we have all been waiting for. After all of the hard work, we were finally approved and have our kickstarter up and running! (No changes were made to the motion comic for this, but will be done for the final version)

Check it out :D

Wish us luck and if you really like it, then support us, doesn't matter how :D
We are really happy you guys have enjoyed what we have been showing off lately. We want to do a demo soon to really give you guys an idea on what we are trying to do. And to showcase our ingenuity and story telling. Please check out our updates if you can on our Kickstarter page. We will show off as much as possible here to let you guys take a look at our development as possible.

Update of Sens faceport

[Image: update.png]

Storytelling -
We have not really been able to interpret our main focus of our story as much as we would have liked. We want to ask the question: Are we who we are? Or are we shaped by the events and circumstances that happen to us. Our characters all come from diffrent backgrounds and races and are in a lot of ways different.
But what defines them truly? Sen feels out of place in the world. She feels a disconnection between both Humans and Jehts even though she has co exsited with both. She pushes others away, even those who try to befriend her. But why? Is it because she is guilty of murdering her brother, and does not think she deserves to have any friends or people care about her. Is it because she just doesn't know who she is and where she's from. We are really diving deep into this world's cultures and beliefs and letting you see just what makes our characters tick. We know what it is. It's up to you, the players to decide for yourself. We all have an interpretation for this question. And we want to take you on this journey to discover the answers for yourself.

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