60.25's MSPaint Stuff (lotsa stuffs), Because 3 undos is all I need >:U
How many times do I gotta remake these threads around the place, I'm bored of it heh.

A lot of this will NOT be in the order they were made, for the most part. Enjoy? Or don't. Either way. No, really, either way is fine.

A character from a failed project, this would've been the "Conversation Image" (OVERsized faceset)
[Image: court.png]
All the imagery (even the menus) were in this varying stroke pixeled style.

An unfinished character set of the lead character from the same game, under a different styled look
[Image: stark_PC.png]

The following two were just playing around to try to recreate a style I've seen in older pulp styled comics.
[Image: chuck-1.png] & [Image: chuck2-1.png]

This is an attempt to create a sort of soldier.
[Image: armywip.png]
The purpose was to see if I could do camouflage.

I truly need to finish this. Someone asked what some things looked like when I started, so I did this... I'm too cowardly to finish it.
[Image: inworks.png]
Notice the baby outline in the stomach? If I continue it, they'll be like a little baby Siamese tumor twin or something there hehe.

"Imies", a selected set based on people who were in a chat room one night. A few members of this site are in the below haha.
[Image: imie.png]
I'm actually there twice, because I didn't like the way the first one came out.

An early attempt to be "Artsy" if that counts,
[Image: dead.png]

What this is, I'm not going into, it won't be used but it does look nice... at least to me.
[Image: boo.png]

I like symmetrical giant purple faces apparently
[Image: face.png]

Here's a look at my lead character in my main project, in varying costumes adorned during the game:
[Image: aaroncostume2.png]
Obviously the top row is the actual size :s

I really liked the following so much, I set it up (with a slight edit) to be a logo, there's two versions because people couldn't tell what it was originally :(
[Image: ananger.png] & [Image: anangerblah.png]

I absolutely ADORE this image, so here it is.
[Image: meetcharlie.png]
If you couldn't tell Charlie is the one on the right meant to be blushing.
If you didn't know I honestly think this is the best thing I ever did.

Hey look a self portrait!
[Image: selfportrait.png]
Too bad my hairs now black & I'm for the most part clean shaven now.

This is fun, a game I'm working on (Faris Adventure) has these little wad like enemies. Here's a comparison of the first ever attempt to sprite bad guys (let alone sprite anything original), and the redesigned enemy battlers below them :D
[Image: newwads-2.png]

An attempt to draw a samurai a month ago became a weird pointed eared guy with a gun... have a look?
[Image: scifigunman.png]

When I need to get things off I sprite random things. Like this.
[Image: questionmarksm.png] & [Image: questionmarksmblue.png] & [Image: questionmarklg.png] & [Image: questionmarklgblue.png]
I liked this too the point it is also a logo, as is the "an anger" listed quite some above ago.

Need to finish the shirt area I think:
[Image: waters.png]

Currently filling a request for a classic monster styled RTP character set.
[Image: monsters.png]
A = Gillman, Original Version
B = Gillman, Recolor
C = Vampire, Original Version
D = Vampire, Redone Torso & Hair
E = Vampire, Redone II
Can't show the full sheets as it's an "exclusive" type deal, but can show that much I s'pose.
The Gillman was based from Tana's RTP Giant.
I can't critique. ;_; Plus, really horrible praise coming in... now. I really like your work. :P

And that brown wad monster keeps reminding me of Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. XD
I'm not a fan or anything of this style, so I can't give you my opinion on these, except that they're well done, I guess. :P

There's just this one that I LOVE : [Image: boo.png]
Here's some more stuff D:
[Image: goblinheadandfriend2.png]
Worked on this tonight, and yeah they don't match but oh wells.
On the left is the initial sketch, on the right the 'near finished product' (aka: the point I gave up).

[Image: goblinheadsenemey.png]
Another one, that like the two above were meant to go together - but none of them match haha

And something for a side project game
[Image: nicholas.png]
Meant to be an anthropomorphic (HOLY CRAP! I spelled that right! :D) cat, but looks more like a rat :\

Also MicKo, glad you found something ya like heh.
Yeah a lot of people don't like my usual styles, and constantly yell at me for not doing things 'proper'.

Also Punk, shh don't say that D:
It's supposed to look like the Toxic Avenger XD

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