12-13-2008, 07:37 AM
Some of you may have been around reading the shoutbox on Dec. 21, 2007 and were wondering... what the heck is going on here???
The most 'freeform' of roleplay as our illustrious Punkid89 played the role of a Fugitive as a few RMXPUniverse members hunted him down for vengeance (and some for kicks). All of it in the cozy comfort of the shoutbox... which I don't think was EVER used for something like this before. An now, without further delay...
* Not intended to be continued in this topic, but fun posts like this are welcome. :)
The most 'freeform' of roleplay as our illustrious Punkid89 played the role of a Fugitive as a few RMXPUniverse members hunted him down for vengeance (and some for kicks). All of it in the cozy comfort of the shoutbox... which I don't think was EVER used for something like this before. An now, without further delay...
DerVVulfman * Kalier * ChaosMaxima * Alistor * Firestalker5
Guest starring:
and Intoducing
Trickster as the Victim
DerVVulfman * Kalier * ChaosMaxima * Alistor * Firestalker5
Guest starring:
and Intoducing
Trickster as the Victim
Hunt the Punkid
Punkid89 -- :P
Trickster -- oh so now Punk wants to appear and talk?
Punkid89 -- *Punkid89 chucks Trickster out a window. :)
DerVVulfman -- o.o Wow...... harsh.....
Punkid89 -- :(
Punkid89 -- *Punkid89 revives Trickster. :D
DerVVulfman -- ;)
DerVVulfman --
DerVVulfman -- Did he revive?
DerVVulfman -- :o Clear!
DerVVulfman -- *Zap!*
DerVVulfman -- :o Clear!
DerVVulfman -- *Zap!*
DerVVulfman -- :mellow: ...Got a pulse.....
ChaosMaxima -- Heh.
ChaosMaxima -- Is Trickster dead yet?
DerVVulfman -- Breathing now... but oxygen deprived for a couple minutes.
DerVVulfman -- Just gotta wait till he wakes up from the coma.
DerVVulfman -- :( NEVER throw anyone out a 2nd story window.
ChaosMaxima -- I agree...
DerVVulfman -- :glare: Hmm... pupils dialate with light. No significant brain damage detected.
ChaosMaxima -- Nah, you never know. Sometimes, when people fall of from a 2nd story window, they get a heart attack before they fall and die off.
DerVVulfman -- :mellow: No. Breathing steady. No respi.... Hey, Punk ran away??? Guess he didn't wanna get caught.
ChaosMaxima -- Trickster's ghost will haunt him forever... muahahahaha *cough*
DerVVulfman -- Can't. The patient is still responding to treatment. Just gotta wait to see if he wakes up.
ChaosMaxima -- Why DID punk throw him off, just by the way? :P
Trickster -- just a note I hate shoutboxes....
DerVVulfman -- Dunno... Bad hair day?
DerVVulfman -- The patient made a full recovery. Now comes the medical bill.
DerVVulfman -- Think Trickster will make Punk pay for the costs?
ChaosMaxima -- @Trickster: Yes, people begin to hate when you're thrown off from the second story of a building...
ChaosMaxima -- He should... he had better.
ChaosMaxima -- So punk did run away. He's not even on the active member's list.
DerVVulfman -- Well, guess a lawyer representing Trickster will have to go and suopena him for assault. :P
DerVVulfman -- How many RMXPU Store Points do you think Trickster can get for this?
PinedaXP -- I'd be happy to take everything away from Punk, and I'm evil, enough for a lawyer :lol:
Kalier -- Hello, Everyone. So, we're throwing people out of windows now?
DerVVulfman -- Trickster was the victim of an assault... Punk threw him out a window.
PinedaXP -- no! *looks away* why do you think so? *throws you* :lol:
PinedaXP -- Dervv, would you ever consider pushing me? :(
Kalier -- Must have been bored.
DerVVulfman -- Nah.... :(
DerVVulfman -- And I think Punk just had a bad hair day, or depressed or something.
PinedaXP -- Yayz! :D
ChaosMaxima -- Trickster should a a lawyer for this...
ChaosMaxima -- By the way, DVV, didn't somebody throw you out as well?
Kalier -- I missed a lot of what happened. Uh, how did this throwing Trickster out the window start?
DerVVulfman -- That was VV(VinVulpis), not DVV (me). Common mistake.
ChaosMaxima -- Punk...
DerVVulfman -- Punk said something... Trickster commented that Punk actually used the shoutbox... Punk threw him out the window. :( That's all.
Kalier -- I see.
ChaosMaxima -- poor fella...
DerVVulfman -- Totally unwarranted.
DerVVulfman -- Had to use a portable defibrilator on him. :P
ChaosMaxima -- Gotta look that up in the dictionary.
Kalier -- I wonder...
Punkid89 -- :o
Punkid89 -- Me and Trickster usually chuck people out windows. :D
Punkid89 -- Inside joke!
Punkid89 -- :D
Punkid89 -- (ask Atnas. :P)
Punkid89 -- :D *Punkid89 runs from Derv
DerVVulfman -- Ain't throwin' me out no window! :(
Kalier -- How about we all gang up on Punkid? We'll throw HIM out!
DerVVulfman -- He's making a break for it guys!!!! :o GET HIM!!!
Kalier -- Punkid is surrounded. No where to hide!
Kalier -- What? He left?
DerVVulfman -- Damn... trap door in the floor. Careful guys...
ChaosMaxima -- Again?!
ChaosMaxima -- Darn...
Kalier -- When he comes back, we'll get him.
ChaosMaxima -- Yep, we will.
DerVVulfman -- Shhh.... Thought I heard something down here.
Kalier -- *whisper*Keep alert guys. We're dealing with a very clever foe.
ChaosMaxima -- *whisper* He's around... he's on the active user's list...
DerVVulfman -- Who's by the trap door? Don't want him slipping by.
ChaosMaxima -- I am.
Kalier -- Could always slice his legs off.
ChaosMaxima -- Anybody got a BIG stick?
DerVVulfman -- No. Gotta make it look like an accident... :P
ChaosMaxima -- Knocking somebody unconsious is the best way to defeat them.
DerVVulfman -- With a big stick.
Kalier -- Ah, come on. That's no fun!
DerVVulfman -- Lots of crates down here. *pulls out flashlight* ... Lots... of crates... What's in 'em?
ChaosMaxima -- ok... we could drown him AFTER he's unconsious. Now that's fun.
Kalier -- Don't open them! Knowing Punk he could have explosives in there!
ChaosMaxima -- Big stick = Good for breaking crates as well.
Kalier -- Or...wait? What if it's something we could use? Open one slowly.
DerVVulfman -- *gulp* Glad I didn't use a 'match'! :(
Punkid89 -- Muahahaha!
Punkid89 -- *Punkid89 makes a run for it.
Punkid89 -- *Punkid89 thought to himself "Why did I do that!?"
ChaosMaxima -- Throws big stick!!
DerVVulfman -- Chaos! Watch out!!!
ChaosMaxima -- HAHA.
Punkid89 -- *ducks*
Kalier -- Damn! He's noticed!
ChaosMaxima -- *gulp*Missed...
DerVVulfman -- :o DON'T... throw your weapon?!?
Kalier -- Get him! Don't let him get away again!
DerVVulfman -- *Dashes after him*
ChaosMaxima -- find explosives! Somebody!!
Punkid89 -- :D
Punkid89 -- *finds a hiding spot*
Kalier -- Rip this place apart! There's no escape for you, Punk!
ChaosMaxima -- Check the crates!! Everybody, now!!
DerVVulfman -- *stops* Shh... I have good ears... *listens for breathing*
ChaosMaxima -- Ah... found my good ol' stick.
ChaosMaxima -- You'd end up hearing my breathing...
Kalier -- Just let me slice his legs off.
Kalier -- Or at least BREAK them.
ChaosMaxima -- Want my stick?
DerVVulfman -- He's panicking... breathing heavier... I'm used to ... Sure, break 'em. :P
Kalier -- Really? Great!
ChaosMaxima -- Here, have my stick. Things will probably become easier with it.
DerVVulfman -- 'Kay, sis. Next time he runs, I'll get him. Coulda tried out for track no problem. ;)
Punkid89 -- *breathes heavily.*
Punkid89 -- Oh crap!
ChaosMaxima -- *gives stick to Kalier*
Kalier -- How sturdy is your stick? I want to shatter every bone in his leg.
Punkid89 -- *finds an object he could make use of*
Punkid89 -- Oh crap!
ChaosMaxima -- Oh no! I don't have a weapon!
Punkid89 -- *runs*
Kalier -- Corner him, and let me at him!
ChaosMaxima -- *runs away*
DerVVulfman -- *Mad dash to Punk* Ain't.... getting... away....!!!
ChaosMaxima -- Ah... I think I found something. *Throws a rubber duck at punk* Eat that!
Kalier -- Wolfman! You let him get away?! AGAIN?!
Punkid89 -- where am I?
Kalier -- Do you have him?
Kalier -- Ah, you're right here, Punk. Take that!
ChaosMaxima -- I did my part... I threw the rubber duck at him :D
DerVVulfman -- *CRACK!*
Punkid89 -- I CAN EXPLAIN! :D
Punkid89 -- ;-;
Kalier -- *Strikes Punk in the knee cap*
DerVVulfman -- Ooooooww.... yuck....
ChaosMaxima -- Nice one~
Kalier -- No explaination is good enough. *Smiles evilly*
ChaosMaxima -- Now's the chance! Knock 'em out.
Kalier -- *Strikes again just for good measure*
Punkid89 -- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *faints*
Kalier -- Got him! Good job, guys.
ChaosMaxima -- Now we can peacefully drown him. MUAHAHA.
DerVVulfman -- *looks around* Don't see anyone down here, do you?
DerVVulfman -- Waitaminute... can't do that. Who'll pay for the site?
ChaosMaxima -- Kalier... who did you hit?
Kalier -- Oh, he must have a bank account somewhere...
Kalier -- W-what? Chaos, what do you mean?
DerVVulfman -- :mellow: Check his wallet.
ChaosMaxima -- Point taken. Leave punk alive... but send him to Cuba or something...
ChaosMaxima -- Are you sure you hit punk... 'cause I don't see his body anywhere...
Kalier -- What?!
DerVVulfman -- It's that lump over there...
Kalier -- I'm pretty sure I broke his legs. What the hell IS that creep?!
DerVVulfman -- Fainted from the site of blood.
ChaosMaxima -- Hahaha.
Kalier -- I can make him bleed some more...
ChaosMaxima -- Hey Kalier, did you just see, you were the member of the moment.
Punkid89 -- (ot: I should make a bleeding Rebirth skin. :lol:)
Kalier -- Huh? I haven't done anything.
DerVVulfman -- Looks like he's waking up. *slaps him* SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ATTACK A MEMBER!
ChaosMaxima -- Punk's ALIVE!? Oh wait... we wanted him to be.. but what IS this guy, he can think when he's unconscious.
Kalier -- Let me hurt him some more.
Kalier -- I can break a few more bones, right? No one would know the difference.
ChaosMaxima -- Sure ^__^. Just make sure you don't kill him.
Kalier -- Let's see...fingers--one by one. Hahahahah!
Trickster -- you all should participate in ccoa's contest the prize is Hot cocoa! she told me this earlier
Trickster -- http://ivi.b1.jcink.com/?act=ST&f=3&t=99...etlastpost
Alistor -- Hey... are we beating the snot out of punk again?
Trickster -- Hot cocoa for the winner!
DerVVulfman -- Breaking his toes. Needs his fingers to keep the forum up. Break his toes and he has to STAY seated to work here.
Kalier -- How about an arm? Toes are no fun. Too easy.
Kalier -- And we could always tie him to his computer...
DerVVulfman -- Hmmm...Think your friend Hadrule would have any ideas?
ChaosMaxima -- He needs his arms... listen to DVV.
Alistor -- *grins evilly* i call dibs on the achillies tendon... *insert evil snicker*
DerVVulfman -- ;) He was always.... inventive....
Kalier -- Do you want me to get REALLY gory?
ChaosMaxima -- Remember, leave him alive.
Kalier -- He only needs ONE arm.
ChaosMaxima -- And... people die of loss of blood, so be careful.
DerVVulfman -- There goes Hadrule then.....
Kalier -- How about his ears? He doesn't need THOSE. You only need ONE eye, too...
Alistor -- hmm... we could always cut him with pen knives while giving him dual blood transfusions, in order to keep him from bleeding out.
DerVVulfman -- Mmmm.... Punk de Picasso...
ChaosMaxima -- ... I think he's waking up again... DVV, do your job!
Alistor -- i know! torture by paper cuts! thousands of paper cuts, stinging pain, but no chance of death by blood loss.
DerVVulfman -- Someone... GET A REAM OF PAPER!!!!
Kalier -- *mutters*I want BLOOD! Lots of it!
Alistor -- yes!!!!! and, then we can pour peroxide on his body.
DerVVulfman -- Alcohol!!! IODINE!!!
Kalier -- Can I skin him?
Kalier -- Rip the flesh from his bones?
DerVVulfman -- That you, or Xylis?
Alistor -- yes, skin him, one painful layer at a time. between layers, douse him with astringents, and blast of heat from a blow dryer.
DerVVulfman -- ;)
Kalier -- Is there much of a difference?
Alistor -- that way it burns and dries out, making the next layer easier to peel away.
Alistor -- god... i'm good at this. I have issues.
Kalier -- Who said I wanted it to be easy? I want to make him feel every agonizing moment.
DerVVulfman -- @Kalier. Nope... guess not. @Alistor. Keeps it clean too, eh?
Alistor -- i didn't say t would be easy for him... it makes it way easier for us to cause pain, but he'll still feel every agonizing moment as his flesh separates from the layers under neath, exposing raw nerves and new, unweathered flesh.
DerVVulfman -- Um... where did he go?
DerVVulfman -- Chaos. I thought you were watching him?
Kalier -- Don't tell me he's fled again?! The only way we're going to beat this guy is if you let me destroy him!
DerVVulfman -- You... broke his... legs. How... did he... escape?????
Alistor -- as the air blasts against the exposed nerves, his body will feel like it is on fire, like a million needles are pricking him on every inch of exposed skin. he'll be begging for death, but it will be denied, untill our blood lust is satiated. I have an insatiable blood lust though, so he'll be there for a while
Kalier -- I tried to tell you! You should have let me slice them off!
Kalier -- Just give me five minutes, and there will be nothing left of him to escape.
DerVVulfman -- *thinking*
DerVVulfman -- He won't report us... He'd be too embarrassed.
Kalier -- I'll cut his legs off at the hips, and slice an arm off, so he can't pull himself along the floor.
ChaosMaxima -- Back... gone to get myself a weapon.
ChaosMaxima -- What!? He escaped again?
Alistor -- Hey, Vader pulled himself with one arm after Obi-Wan decimated his other limbs
Kalier -- I'll also take an eye, and both his ears. Strip the flesh from his face, so he resembles nothing more than a pile of flesh.
DerVVulfman -- Yeah... and you were supposed to watch him.
Kalier -- Er, bones.
ChaosMaxima -- ... Yeah, but I didn't have a weapon. Oops.
DerVVulfman -- THERE HE IS!!!!!
Alistor -- Kalier, you are my new best friend... your style of violence so neatly mirrors my own sadistic tendencies.
ChaosMaxima -- Anyway, he couldn't have gotten that far, he barely even has half his body.
Kalier -- Thank you, Alistor. And Wolfman! Get him! Hold him for me!
ChaosMaxima -- CATCH HIM! @_@
DerVVulfman -- *Mad dash* Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr!
Punkid89 -- OH GAWD!
Alistor -- *does a flying leap and grabs a nub.* Help me hold him!
Kalier -- Don't let him get away!
Punkid89 -- *runs!*
ChaosMaxima -- Nevermind, I've got him. I knew that my new weapon would help :)
Punkid89 -- *runs*
Punkid89 -- I LOVE MY MEMBERS!!! :D
ChaosMaxima -- Gotcha! Now you ain't running anywhere, I got a whip!!
Alistor -- your name is blue and ours are green!
DerVVulfman -- Triggers the 'mancatcher' snare!
Kalier -- Hahahaha! You're mine, Punk! I'm going to strip your flesh down to nothing!
Punkid89 -- OH DARN IT!
DerVVulfman -- See what happens? Do something and it comes back to you times three!
Alistor -- I HATE GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Punkid89 -- :(
Punkid89 -- rawwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Kalier -- What?! I knew it! He's not human!
Punkid89 -- *Punkid89 transforms into a gigantic demon. :D
DerVVulfman -- Kalier? Go XYLIS on him. ;)
ChaosMaxima -- Oh... mah.. gawd... *runs away*
Kalier -- You got it, Wolfman! Here I come!
Alistor -- anyone here got a katana i can use?
Punkid89 -- rawrrrrr! I like pie. ^,..,^
Punkid89 -- What Katana?
Punkid89 -- I don't want to hurt you!
Punkid89 -- I just want to give you some pie I made! o,..,o
Punkid89 -- <( ^,..,^ <)
Punkid89 -- (> ^,..,^)>
ChaosMaxima -- Watch out!! Punk's Pie = Poison!!
DerVVulfman -- *Tosses Katana with black wood sheathe to Alistor*
Kalier -- Pie? Your face is going to be a meat pie when I'm done with it!
Punkid89 -- what? It's not poison!
Punkid89 -- It's delicious! ^....^
Punkid89 -- Mmmm yum.
DerVVulfman -- *Draws a semi-automatic Lochester RSV from Kalier's weapon stash. Loads high explosive incendiary 13mm rounds*
Punkid89 -- Why the violence.
Kalier -- *summons a horde of shadow demons to rip through Punk's scales*
Punkid89 -- WHY!!!!!
Punkid89 -- YOUCH!
DerVVulfman -- I wouldn't move. One shot will blow your head clean off!
DerVVulfman -- *looks at ... what's left...* Yeeesh...! :(
Punkid89 -- *runs, jumps off a cliff and cries*
DerVVulfman -- *blarg*
Punkid89 -- ;,..,;
Kalier -- *Leaps after him, giving chase*
DerVVulfman -- Wait!!!! Whoops... that's a bit... high up?
Kalier -- Xylis is a cat demon, remember? You told me to go Xylis on him.
ChaosMaxima -- Anybody got a aeroplane or something?
ChaosMaxima -- I don't think we're gonna be able to climp up that cliff.
ChaosMaxima -- WAY too high...
Kalier -- What about my claws?
ChaosMaxima -- Uh... that's only YOU. What about the rest of us, eh?
DerVVulfman -- *Transforms to werewolf*
DerVVulfman -- Find a rope... ;)
Kalier -- I don't mind. I'll bring the what's left back down to you.
ChaosMaxima -- Lucky people... well... at least Alistor's here...
ChaosMaxima -- Or... not?
Punkid89 -- Stop chasing meeeeee! :D *claws himself to death*
ChaosMaxima -- NOOOO!! Who'll run the site!
DerVVulfman -- Restrain him! He'll transfer to another body!!!
ChaosMaxima -- You guys do that.. I'm stuck down here >_>
Kalier -- Not if I can help it. Isnaras cani iscul taransh
Kalier -- Oops That didn't turn out right.
Kalier -- *Casts restraining spell*
DerVVulfman -- Combines incantation with soul-catcher: Our souer sisourum patistatin!
Kalier -- Now, Punk. I'm not nice, so I'm not going to let you go peacefully. Prepare to return to the lower recesses of the Underworld!
DerVVulfman -- Um... you thinking "Archadmir's" flaming flesh realm? Youch!
Kalier -- *Slices at Punk with six inch long claws*
DerVVulfman -- I'd rather have suffered the 1000 paper cuts torture Alistor dreamed up.
Kalier -- Hehe! I'm not Alistor.
Kalier -- Look at him. He's trembling in terror. Do you think I should have pity on him?
Kalier -- Hmph! I have no pity for such a diabolical soul!
DerVVulfman -- Do not let his soul pass. We may still have need of it. ;)
Kalier -- *begins to summon Hell Hounds*
Kalier -- He can rule this forum from the Underworld!
DerVVulfman -- *bends low. Sharpened teeth exposed*
DerVVulfman -- I could rip your throat out with my teeth, mortal........
Kalier -- Too bad the others can't watch his demise. It's going to be fantastic.
Kalier -- *licks claws*
Firestalker5 -- Um.... I'm hiding now. This is getting scary.
Kalier -- *Hell Hounds begin to surround Punk*
DerVVulfman -- *lips peel back revealing sharpened teeth* HOWWWLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!
Kalier -- Any last words?
Firestalker5 -- *Casts protective charms on Punk, then runs away like a girl!*
DerVVulfman -- RARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
Firestalker5 -- <<<<< is scared of Hell Hounds
Punkid89 -- *dead and soul has passed on. *
Kalier -- Ah, Wolfman. It looks like we've got a new game to hunt.
DerVVulfman -- *begins 'winding'... catching the scent*
Firestalker5 -- WAIT!!!! Not me, right?
Kalier -- You got it! Now, let's get him!
Firestalker5 -- DAMN!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
DerVVulfman -- LEAP!!!!!
Firestalker5 -- Ummmmm..... help?
Firestalker5 -- Duck
Kalier -- You're not getting away, firestalker! You had to meddle in the fun, now prepare for retribution!
Firestalker5 -- roll
Firestalker5 -- run
DerVVulfman -- * Claws bared as pounces*
Kalier -- No one's going to help you up here. We've got you cornered.
Firestalker5 -- *Summons Raw Meat and throws it at Hell Hounds*
DerVVulfman -- HOWLLL!!!!!
Firestalker5 -- duck
Firestalker5 -- ouch
Kalier -- Now, how am I going to kill you? Slowly? Or quickly? I don't really need the Hell Hounds to do my business for me.
Firestalker5 -- *died horribly and in much pain*
Firestalker5 -- Actually I believe DerVV got me
Firestalker5 -- oh wait I'm dead......
DerVVulfman -- Mmmm... fresh meat. Lady's first.
Kalier -- The game has ended? And I was having so much fun. *pouts*
Firestalker5 -- I mean..... OOOOooooo I 'm a ghost and DerVV got me
Kalier -- Yech! You have it. I prefer the soul.
Firestalker5 -- ok I guess since I'm dead I should be going now. I am supposed to be on vacation after all
DerVVulfman -- Kinda... small, though. Didn't live that long.
Firestalker5 -- Hey Kailer if you eat my soul how will be reincarnated and have you chase me again?
Kalier -- Hehe. You WANT me to chase you?
Firestalker5 -- Sure.... i would have put more of a fight if I had more time to be chased
Firestalker5 -- I'll be better next time.... If Kailer doesn't eat my soul that is.
Kalier -- Well, I suppose. You DID try to help someone, so that doesn't make you evil.
Kalier -- You can keep your soul. For now.
Firestalker5 -- I really only came by to check my PM box and saw you all chasing Punk thought I's help out.
Firestalker5 -- I be ready for the next time.
Firestalker5 -- :P
Firestalker5 -- I better get going. Talk to you all later
Firestalker5 -- it's been fun
DerVVulfman -- *Transform back to human*
DerVVulfman -- Bye.
Kalier -- *sheaths claws*
Kalier -- Bye. Me, too.
DerVVulfman -- And with that, I too say Adieu. Thanks for watching Creature Feature.
Kalier -- Oh, I had fun! Good night!
Trickster -- oh so now Punk wants to appear and talk?
Punkid89 -- *Punkid89 chucks Trickster out a window. :)
DerVVulfman -- o.o Wow...... harsh.....
Punkid89 -- :(
Punkid89 -- *Punkid89 revives Trickster. :D
DerVVulfman -- ;)
DerVVulfman --

DerVVulfman -- Did he revive?
DerVVulfman -- :o Clear!
DerVVulfman -- *Zap!*
DerVVulfman -- :o Clear!
DerVVulfman -- *Zap!*
DerVVulfman -- :mellow: ...Got a pulse.....
ChaosMaxima -- Heh.
ChaosMaxima -- Is Trickster dead yet?
DerVVulfman -- Breathing now... but oxygen deprived for a couple minutes.
DerVVulfman -- Just gotta wait till he wakes up from the coma.
DerVVulfman -- :( NEVER throw anyone out a 2nd story window.
ChaosMaxima -- I agree...
DerVVulfman -- :glare: Hmm... pupils dialate with light. No significant brain damage detected.
ChaosMaxima -- Nah, you never know. Sometimes, when people fall of from a 2nd story window, they get a heart attack before they fall and die off.
DerVVulfman -- :mellow: No. Breathing steady. No respi.... Hey, Punk ran away??? Guess he didn't wanna get caught.
ChaosMaxima -- Trickster's ghost will haunt him forever... muahahahaha *cough*
DerVVulfman -- Can't. The patient is still responding to treatment. Just gotta wait to see if he wakes up.
ChaosMaxima -- Why DID punk throw him off, just by the way? :P
Trickster -- just a note I hate shoutboxes....
DerVVulfman -- Dunno... Bad hair day?
DerVVulfman -- The patient made a full recovery. Now comes the medical bill.
DerVVulfman -- Think Trickster will make Punk pay for the costs?
ChaosMaxima -- @Trickster: Yes, people begin to hate when you're thrown off from the second story of a building...
ChaosMaxima -- He should... he had better.
ChaosMaxima -- So punk did run away. He's not even on the active member's list.
DerVVulfman -- Well, guess a lawyer representing Trickster will have to go and suopena him for assault. :P
DerVVulfman -- How many RMXPU Store Points do you think Trickster can get for this?
PinedaXP -- I'd be happy to take everything away from Punk, and I'm evil, enough for a lawyer :lol:
Kalier -- Hello, Everyone. So, we're throwing people out of windows now?
DerVVulfman -- Trickster was the victim of an assault... Punk threw him out a window.
PinedaXP -- no! *looks away* why do you think so? *throws you* :lol:
PinedaXP -- Dervv, would you ever consider pushing me? :(
Kalier -- Must have been bored.
DerVVulfman -- Nah.... :(
DerVVulfman -- And I think Punk just had a bad hair day, or depressed or something.
PinedaXP -- Yayz! :D
ChaosMaxima -- Trickster should a a lawyer for this...
ChaosMaxima -- By the way, DVV, didn't somebody throw you out as well?
Kalier -- I missed a lot of what happened. Uh, how did this throwing Trickster out the window start?
DerVVulfman -- That was VV(VinVulpis), not DVV (me). Common mistake.
ChaosMaxima -- Punk...
DerVVulfman -- Punk said something... Trickster commented that Punk actually used the shoutbox... Punk threw him out the window. :( That's all.
Kalier -- I see.
ChaosMaxima -- poor fella...
DerVVulfman -- Totally unwarranted.
DerVVulfman -- Had to use a portable defibrilator on him. :P
ChaosMaxima -- Gotta look that up in the dictionary.
Kalier -- I wonder...
Punkid89 -- :o
Punkid89 -- Me and Trickster usually chuck people out windows. :D
Punkid89 -- Inside joke!
Punkid89 -- :D
Punkid89 -- (ask Atnas. :P)
Punkid89 -- :D *Punkid89 runs from Derv
DerVVulfman -- Ain't throwin' me out no window! :(
Kalier -- How about we all gang up on Punkid? We'll throw HIM out!
DerVVulfman -- He's making a break for it guys!!!! :o GET HIM!!!

Kalier -- Punkid is surrounded. No where to hide!
Kalier -- What? He left?
DerVVulfman -- Damn... trap door in the floor. Careful guys...
ChaosMaxima -- Again?!
ChaosMaxima -- Darn...
Kalier -- When he comes back, we'll get him.
ChaosMaxima -- Yep, we will.

DerVVulfman -- Shhh.... Thought I heard something down here.
Kalier -- *whisper*Keep alert guys. We're dealing with a very clever foe.
ChaosMaxima -- *whisper* He's around... he's on the active user's list...
DerVVulfman -- Who's by the trap door? Don't want him slipping by.
ChaosMaxima -- I am.
Kalier -- Could always slice his legs off.
ChaosMaxima -- Anybody got a BIG stick?
DerVVulfman -- No. Gotta make it look like an accident... :P
ChaosMaxima -- Knocking somebody unconsious is the best way to defeat them.
DerVVulfman -- With a big stick.
Kalier -- Ah, come on. That's no fun!
DerVVulfman -- Lots of crates down here. *pulls out flashlight* ... Lots... of crates... What's in 'em?
ChaosMaxima -- ok... we could drown him AFTER he's unconsious. Now that's fun.
Kalier -- Don't open them! Knowing Punk he could have explosives in there!
ChaosMaxima -- Big stick = Good for breaking crates as well.
Kalier -- Or...wait? What if it's something we could use? Open one slowly.
DerVVulfman -- *gulp* Glad I didn't use a 'match'! :(
Punkid89 -- Muahahaha!
Punkid89 -- *Punkid89 makes a run for it.
Punkid89 -- *Punkid89 thought to himself "Why did I do that!?"
ChaosMaxima -- Throws big stick!!
DerVVulfman -- Chaos! Watch out!!!
ChaosMaxima -- HAHA.
Punkid89 -- *ducks*
Kalier -- Damn! He's noticed!
ChaosMaxima -- *gulp*Missed...
DerVVulfman -- :o DON'T... throw your weapon?!?
Kalier -- Get him! Don't let him get away again!
DerVVulfman -- *Dashes after him*
ChaosMaxima -- find explosives! Somebody!!
Punkid89 -- :D
Punkid89 -- *finds a hiding spot*
Kalier -- Rip this place apart! There's no escape for you, Punk!
ChaosMaxima -- Check the crates!! Everybody, now!!
DerVVulfman -- *stops* Shh... I have good ears... *listens for breathing*
ChaosMaxima -- Ah... found my good ol' stick.
ChaosMaxima -- You'd end up hearing my breathing...
Kalier -- Just let me slice his legs off.
Kalier -- Or at least BREAK them.
ChaosMaxima -- Want my stick?
DerVVulfman -- He's panicking... breathing heavier... I'm used to ... Sure, break 'em. :P
Kalier -- Really? Great!
ChaosMaxima -- Here, have my stick. Things will probably become easier with it.
DerVVulfman -- 'Kay, sis. Next time he runs, I'll get him. Coulda tried out for track no problem. ;)
Punkid89 -- *breathes heavily.*
Punkid89 -- Oh crap!
ChaosMaxima -- *gives stick to Kalier*
Kalier -- How sturdy is your stick? I want to shatter every bone in his leg.
Punkid89 -- *finds an object he could make use of*
Punkid89 -- Oh crap!
ChaosMaxima -- Oh no! I don't have a weapon!
Punkid89 -- *runs*
Kalier -- Corner him, and let me at him!
ChaosMaxima -- *runs away*
DerVVulfman -- *Mad dash to Punk* Ain't.... getting... away....!!!
ChaosMaxima -- Ah... I think I found something. *Throws a rubber duck at punk* Eat that!
Kalier -- Wolfman! You let him get away?! AGAIN?!
Punkid89 -- where am I?
Kalier -- Do you have him?
Kalier -- Ah, you're right here, Punk. Take that!
ChaosMaxima -- I did my part... I threw the rubber duck at him :D
DerVVulfman -- *CRACK!*
Punkid89 -- I CAN EXPLAIN! :D
Punkid89 -- ;-;
Kalier -- *Strikes Punk in the knee cap*
DerVVulfman -- Ooooooww.... yuck....
ChaosMaxima -- Nice one~
Kalier -- No explaination is good enough. *Smiles evilly*
ChaosMaxima -- Now's the chance! Knock 'em out.
Kalier -- *Strikes again just for good measure*
Punkid89 -- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *faints*
Kalier -- Got him! Good job, guys.
ChaosMaxima -- Now we can peacefully drown him. MUAHAHA.
DerVVulfman -- *looks around* Don't see anyone down here, do you?

DerVVulfman -- Waitaminute... can't do that. Who'll pay for the site?
ChaosMaxima -- Kalier... who did you hit?
Kalier -- Oh, he must have a bank account somewhere...
Kalier -- W-what? Chaos, what do you mean?
DerVVulfman -- :mellow: Check his wallet.
ChaosMaxima -- Point taken. Leave punk alive... but send him to Cuba or something...
ChaosMaxima -- Are you sure you hit punk... 'cause I don't see his body anywhere...
Kalier -- What?!
DerVVulfman -- It's that lump over there...
Kalier -- I'm pretty sure I broke his legs. What the hell IS that creep?!
DerVVulfman -- Fainted from the site of blood.
ChaosMaxima -- Hahaha.
Kalier -- I can make him bleed some more...
ChaosMaxima -- Hey Kalier, did you just see, you were the member of the moment.
Punkid89 -- (ot: I should make a bleeding Rebirth skin. :lol:)
Kalier -- Huh? I haven't done anything.
DerVVulfman -- Looks like he's waking up. *slaps him* SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ATTACK A MEMBER!
ChaosMaxima -- Punk's ALIVE!? Oh wait... we wanted him to be.. but what IS this guy, he can think when he's unconscious.
Kalier -- Let me hurt him some more.
Kalier -- I can break a few more bones, right? No one would know the difference.
ChaosMaxima -- Sure ^__^. Just make sure you don't kill him.
Kalier -- Let's see...fingers--one by one. Hahahahah!
Trickster -- you all should participate in ccoa's contest the prize is Hot cocoa! she told me this earlier
Trickster -- http://ivi.b1.jcink.com/?act=ST&f=3&t=99...etlastpost
Alistor -- Hey... are we beating the snot out of punk again?
Trickster -- Hot cocoa for the winner!
DerVVulfman -- Breaking his toes. Needs his fingers to keep the forum up. Break his toes and he has to STAY seated to work here.
Kalier -- How about an arm? Toes are no fun. Too easy.
Kalier -- And we could always tie him to his computer...
DerVVulfman -- Hmmm...Think your friend Hadrule would have any ideas?
ChaosMaxima -- He needs his arms... listen to DVV.
Alistor -- *grins evilly* i call dibs on the achillies tendon... *insert evil snicker*
DerVVulfman -- ;) He was always.... inventive....
Kalier -- Do you want me to get REALLY gory?
ChaosMaxima -- Remember, leave him alive.
Kalier -- He only needs ONE arm.
ChaosMaxima -- And... people die of loss of blood, so be careful.
DerVVulfman -- There goes Hadrule then.....
Kalier -- How about his ears? He doesn't need THOSE. You only need ONE eye, too...
Alistor -- hmm... we could always cut him with pen knives while giving him dual blood transfusions, in order to keep him from bleeding out.
DerVVulfman -- Mmmm.... Punk de Picasso...
ChaosMaxima -- ... I think he's waking up again... DVV, do your job!
Alistor -- i know! torture by paper cuts! thousands of paper cuts, stinging pain, but no chance of death by blood loss.
DerVVulfman -- Someone... GET A REAM OF PAPER!!!!
Kalier -- *mutters*I want BLOOD! Lots of it!
Alistor -- yes!!!!! and, then we can pour peroxide on his body.
DerVVulfman -- Alcohol!!! IODINE!!!
Kalier -- Can I skin him?
Kalier -- Rip the flesh from his bones?
DerVVulfman -- That you, or Xylis?
Alistor -- yes, skin him, one painful layer at a time. between layers, douse him with astringents, and blast of heat from a blow dryer.
DerVVulfman -- ;)
Kalier -- Is there much of a difference?
Alistor -- that way it burns and dries out, making the next layer easier to peel away.
Alistor -- god... i'm good at this. I have issues.
Kalier -- Who said I wanted it to be easy? I want to make him feel every agonizing moment.
DerVVulfman -- @Kalier. Nope... guess not. @Alistor. Keeps it clean too, eh?
Alistor -- i didn't say t would be easy for him... it makes it way easier for us to cause pain, but he'll still feel every agonizing moment as his flesh separates from the layers under neath, exposing raw nerves and new, unweathered flesh.
DerVVulfman -- Um... where did he go?
DerVVulfman -- Chaos. I thought you were watching him?
Kalier -- Don't tell me he's fled again?! The only way we're going to beat this guy is if you let me destroy him!
DerVVulfman -- You... broke his... legs. How... did he... escape?????
Alistor -- as the air blasts against the exposed nerves, his body will feel like it is on fire, like a million needles are pricking him on every inch of exposed skin. he'll be begging for death, but it will be denied, untill our blood lust is satiated. I have an insatiable blood lust though, so he'll be there for a while
Kalier -- I tried to tell you! You should have let me slice them off!
Kalier -- Just give me five minutes, and there will be nothing left of him to escape.
DerVVulfman -- *thinking*
DerVVulfman -- He won't report us... He'd be too embarrassed.
Kalier -- I'll cut his legs off at the hips, and slice an arm off, so he can't pull himself along the floor.
ChaosMaxima -- Back... gone to get myself a weapon.
ChaosMaxima -- What!? He escaped again?
Alistor -- Hey, Vader pulled himself with one arm after Obi-Wan decimated his other limbs
Kalier -- I'll also take an eye, and both his ears. Strip the flesh from his face, so he resembles nothing more than a pile of flesh.
DerVVulfman -- Yeah... and you were supposed to watch him.
Kalier -- Er, bones.
ChaosMaxima -- ... Yeah, but I didn't have a weapon. Oops.
DerVVulfman -- THERE HE IS!!!!!
Alistor -- Kalier, you are my new best friend... your style of violence so neatly mirrors my own sadistic tendencies.
ChaosMaxima -- Anyway, he couldn't have gotten that far, he barely even has half his body.
Kalier -- Thank you, Alistor. And Wolfman! Get him! Hold him for me!
ChaosMaxima -- CATCH HIM! @_@
DerVVulfman -- *Mad dash* Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr!
Punkid89 -- OH GAWD!
Alistor -- *does a flying leap and grabs a nub.* Help me hold him!
Kalier -- Don't let him get away!
Punkid89 -- *runs!*
ChaosMaxima -- Nevermind, I've got him. I knew that my new weapon would help :)
Punkid89 -- *runs*
Punkid89 -- I LOVE MY MEMBERS!!! :D
ChaosMaxima -- Gotcha! Now you ain't running anywhere, I got a whip!!
Alistor -- your name is blue and ours are green!
DerVVulfman -- Triggers the 'mancatcher' snare!
Kalier -- Hahahaha! You're mine, Punk! I'm going to strip your flesh down to nothing!
Punkid89 -- OH DARN IT!
DerVVulfman -- See what happens? Do something and it comes back to you times three!
Alistor -- I HATE GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Punkid89 -- :(
Punkid89 -- rawwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Kalier -- What?! I knew it! He's not human!
Punkid89 -- *Punkid89 transforms into a gigantic demon. :D
DerVVulfman -- Kalier? Go XYLIS on him. ;)
ChaosMaxima -- Oh... mah.. gawd... *runs away*
Kalier -- You got it, Wolfman! Here I come!
Alistor -- anyone here got a katana i can use?
Punkid89 -- rawrrrrr! I like pie. ^,..,^
Punkid89 -- What Katana?
Punkid89 -- I don't want to hurt you!
Punkid89 -- I just want to give you some pie I made! o,..,o
Punkid89 -- <( ^,..,^ <)
Punkid89 -- (> ^,..,^)>
ChaosMaxima -- Watch out!! Punk's Pie = Poison!!
DerVVulfman -- *Tosses Katana with black wood sheathe to Alistor*
Kalier -- Pie? Your face is going to be a meat pie when I'm done with it!
Punkid89 -- what? It's not poison!
Punkid89 -- It's delicious! ^....^
Punkid89 -- Mmmm yum.
DerVVulfman -- *Draws a semi-automatic Lochester RSV from Kalier's weapon stash. Loads high explosive incendiary 13mm rounds*
Punkid89 -- Why the violence.
Kalier -- *summons a horde of shadow demons to rip through Punk's scales*
Punkid89 -- WHY!!!!!
Punkid89 -- YOUCH!
DerVVulfman -- I wouldn't move. One shot will blow your head clean off!
DerVVulfman -- *looks at ... what's left...* Yeeesh...! :(
Punkid89 -- *runs, jumps off a cliff and cries*
DerVVulfman -- *blarg*
Punkid89 -- ;,..,;
Kalier -- *Leaps after him, giving chase*
DerVVulfman -- Wait!!!! Whoops... that's a bit... high up?
Kalier -- Xylis is a cat demon, remember? You told me to go Xylis on him.
ChaosMaxima -- Anybody got a aeroplane or something?
ChaosMaxima -- I don't think we're gonna be able to climp up that cliff.
ChaosMaxima -- WAY too high...
Kalier -- What about my claws?
ChaosMaxima -- Uh... that's only YOU. What about the rest of us, eh?
DerVVulfman -- *Transforms to werewolf*
DerVVulfman -- Find a rope... ;)
Kalier -- I don't mind. I'll bring the what's left back down to you.
ChaosMaxima -- Lucky people... well... at least Alistor's here...
ChaosMaxima -- Or... not?
Punkid89 -- Stop chasing meeeeee! :D *claws himself to death*
ChaosMaxima -- NOOOO!! Who'll run the site!
DerVVulfman -- Restrain him! He'll transfer to another body!!!
ChaosMaxima -- You guys do that.. I'm stuck down here >_>
Kalier -- Not if I can help it. Isnaras cani iscul taransh
Kalier -- Oops That didn't turn out right.
Kalier -- *Casts restraining spell*
DerVVulfman -- Combines incantation with soul-catcher: Our souer sisourum patistatin!
Kalier -- Now, Punk. I'm not nice, so I'm not going to let you go peacefully. Prepare to return to the lower recesses of the Underworld!
DerVVulfman -- Um... you thinking "Archadmir's" flaming flesh realm? Youch!
Kalier -- *Slices at Punk with six inch long claws*
DerVVulfman -- I'd rather have suffered the 1000 paper cuts torture Alistor dreamed up.
Kalier -- Hehe! I'm not Alistor.
Kalier -- Look at him. He's trembling in terror. Do you think I should have pity on him?
Kalier -- Hmph! I have no pity for such a diabolical soul!
DerVVulfman -- Do not let his soul pass. We may still have need of it. ;)
Kalier -- *begins to summon Hell Hounds*
Kalier -- He can rule this forum from the Underworld!
DerVVulfman -- *bends low. Sharpened teeth exposed*
DerVVulfman -- I could rip your throat out with my teeth, mortal........
Kalier -- Too bad the others can't watch his demise. It's going to be fantastic.
Kalier -- *licks claws*
Firestalker5 -- Um.... I'm hiding now. This is getting scary.
Kalier -- *Hell Hounds begin to surround Punk*
DerVVulfman -- *lips peel back revealing sharpened teeth* HOWWWLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!
Kalier -- Any last words?
Firestalker5 -- *Casts protective charms on Punk, then runs away like a girl!*
DerVVulfman -- RARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!
Firestalker5 -- <<<<< is scared of Hell Hounds
Punkid89 -- *dead and soul has passed on. *
Kalier -- Ah, Wolfman. It looks like we've got a new game to hunt.
DerVVulfman -- *begins 'winding'... catching the scent*
Firestalker5 -- WAIT!!!! Not me, right?
Kalier -- You got it! Now, let's get him!
Firestalker5 -- DAMN!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
DerVVulfman -- LEAP!!!!!
Firestalker5 -- Ummmmm..... help?
Firestalker5 -- Duck
Kalier -- You're not getting away, firestalker! You had to meddle in the fun, now prepare for retribution!
Firestalker5 -- roll
Firestalker5 -- run
DerVVulfman -- * Claws bared as pounces*
Kalier -- No one's going to help you up here. We've got you cornered.
Firestalker5 -- *Summons Raw Meat and throws it at Hell Hounds*
DerVVulfman -- HOWLLL!!!!!
Firestalker5 -- duck
Firestalker5 -- ouch
Kalier -- Now, how am I going to kill you? Slowly? Or quickly? I don't really need the Hell Hounds to do my business for me.
Firestalker5 -- *died horribly and in much pain*
Firestalker5 -- Actually I believe DerVV got me
Firestalker5 -- oh wait I'm dead......
DerVVulfman -- Mmmm... fresh meat. Lady's first.
Kalier -- The game has ended? And I was having so much fun. *pouts*
Firestalker5 -- I mean..... OOOOooooo I 'm a ghost and DerVV got me
Kalier -- Yech! You have it. I prefer the soul.
Firestalker5 -- ok I guess since I'm dead I should be going now. I am supposed to be on vacation after all
DerVVulfman -- Kinda... small, though. Didn't live that long.
Firestalker5 -- Hey Kailer if you eat my soul how will be reincarnated and have you chase me again?
Kalier -- Hehe. You WANT me to chase you?
Firestalker5 -- Sure.... i would have put more of a fight if I had more time to be chased
Firestalker5 -- I'll be better next time.... If Kailer doesn't eat my soul that is.
Kalier -- Well, I suppose. You DID try to help someone, so that doesn't make you evil.
Kalier -- You can keep your soul. For now.
Firestalker5 -- I really only came by to check my PM box and saw you all chasing Punk thought I's help out.
Firestalker5 -- I be ready for the next time.
Firestalker5 -- :P
Firestalker5 -- I better get going. Talk to you all later
Firestalker5 -- it's been fun
DerVVulfman -- *Transform back to human*
DerVVulfman -- Bye.
Kalier -- *sheaths claws*
Kalier -- Bye. Me, too.
DerVVulfman -- And with that, I too say Adieu. Thanks for watching Creature Feature.
Kalier -- Oh, I had fun! Good night!
* Not intended to be continued in this topic, but fun posts like this are welcome. :)