[XP] Enhanced Details
Enhanced Details
Author: Xuroth
Version: 0.7
Type: Details Display


This is my first script! This script allows you to show details for your Items, Weapons, Armors, and Skills. This is just a very basic system.

  • Show Item details!
    Show Armor details!
    Show Weapon details!
    Show Skill details!
    Display 10 lines of text!

    I suppose you can have one

    http://www.mediafire.com/?5dyfj896yfsj132 MediaFire (195.14KB)


    Content Hidden


    You need 4 text files to make this work. They have to be named "Armor_Detail.rxdata", "Item_Detail.rxdata", "Skill_Detail.rxdata", and "Weapon_Detail.rxdata" (without the quotes). Place these in your /Data folder.
    Also, due to my scripting ability (or lack thereof), each item starts every 11th line. The first armor will display from line 11 to line 20 of the text file. The first ten lines of each file should be either empty or contain the placeholder text I included in the demo.
    I will try to update this later to allow the script to automagically determine the number of lines, and possibly make the window scrollable. But for now, this is it.

    To use this, just insert above main. It only edits Scene_Item and Scene_Skill so as long as its below those, it should work just fine.


    Probably won't work with custom item windows or skill windows such as those used by fancy CMS'. This was designed from the DMS, and I am a n00b scripter after all. I may figure out a way to increase compatibility with CMS' later
    Also, this script uses aliased methods and does not rewrite any existing methods, only adds to them.

    Credits and Thanks
    • Xuroth (for making this script)
      Jackatrades (for the original idea)
      game_guy (for help with alias)
      DerVVulfman (for help with basic coding and the original idea)
      Blizzard (Inspiration)
      ForeverZer0 (Inspiration and help with coding)
    Thanks to you guys, I was able to complete this system. You guys Rock!

    Author's Notes

    Remember: You need the text files re-named as .rxdata files. You can grab mine from the demo and edit them to match your game (if you use it)
    This is a VERY basic system. It has potential for more, but it is only my FIRST script.

    Post any bugs you find here, and I will try to fix them... if I can.
Jolly good show old chap, well done!
This is something that RPG Maker seriously lacks.
This is actually really handy, think I might put this to use. Not sure about using for what it's shown as here though but it's given me something to think about.
[Image: logonew.gif]
@Holder2: When I "finish" this system, it can be used for much more than just item/armor/weapon/skill. I plan on updating the interface, adding compatibility with some CMS' and adding some other features. Glad it could help you!

@MetalRenard: Thanks! This was just an idea for a first script, and I'm glad people seem to like it.
Tried it out and didn't have any errors. nice job
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]
Somebody was needing details in the shop menu as well, so I wrote this addition up real quick. You can view the detail window by pressing Input::A (the Shift button by default).

# ** Scene_Shop

class Scene_Shop
  alias_method :itemdetails_scnshop_main,   :main
  def main
    # Create window, turn off visibility and active
    @detail_window = Window_Details.new
    @detail_window.visible = false
    @detail_window.active  = false
    # The usual
    # Dispose of window when main loop finished
  alias_method :itemdetails_scnshop_update, :update
  def update
    # The usual
    # Update the window
  alias_method :itemdetails_scnshop_updatebuy, :update_buy
  def update_buy
    # The usual
    # Set item
    $selected_item = @buy_window.item
    # Call update details
  alias_method :itemdetails_scnshop_updatesell, :update_sell
  def update_sell
    # The usual
    # Set item
    $selected_item = @sell_window.item
    # Call update details
  def update_details
    if Input.trigger?(Input::A)
      # End method if selected item is nil
      return if $selected_item.nil?
      # Refresh detail window
      # Reverse visibility and activity of detail window
      @detail_window.visible = !@detail_window.visible
      @detail_window.active  = !@detail_window.active

It was kind of a rush job so if you find any bugs just post here to let us know :D
[Image: Button-BOTB.png]
[Image: Save-Point.gif][Image: Button-You-Tube2.png][Image: Button-Sound-Cloud2.png][Image: Button-Audio-Mack2.png]
[Image: LS-Banner.gif]


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