04-19-2020, 03:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-19-2020, 10:40 PM by DerVVulfman.)
I spent some time looking at the script combination when I got home. It's been some time since I worked upon the Vehicles system (though I do wish for a Lycan/Vehicles combo).
Between the two, MCISendString allows you to create multiple audio channels, so you can have two BGM pieces playing, more ME Events, and so on. But to do that, I had to convert a couple specific Game_System variables into arrays. UNFORTUNATELY, Vehicles uses the unaltered original versions of these variables. DOH!
So, I spent some time... (to figure out what the HECK was going on)... and made a patch. It requires rewrites of a number of methods in Vehicles. Have the entire MCISendString system above the Vehicles system, and place the below patch .... um... below.
Don't ask why, but Ambient Audio Sounds... aka the Background Sounds (BGS) files do have a weird issue with the two combined. To have any... ANY... BGS files playing, you will need to have them in your project's Audio\BGS folder and NOT part of your RTP. I mean, you cannot have '008-Wave01' in BOTH your RTP and project folder. Your project's BGS files must have names NOT RTP.
OH, an edit of MCISendString will occur in (hopefully) the near future. A minor change. But nothing that would have fixed this issue.
I spent some time looking at the script combination when I got home. It's been some time since I worked upon the Vehicles system (though I do wish for a Lycan/Vehicles combo).
Between the two, MCISendString allows you to create multiple audio channels, so you can have two BGM pieces playing, more ME Events, and so on. But to do that, I had to convert a couple specific Game_System variables into arrays. UNFORTUNATELY, Vehicles uses the unaltered original versions of these variables. DOH!
So, I spent some time... (to figure out what the HECK was going on)... and made a patch. It requires rewrites of a number of methods in Vehicles. Have the entire MCISendString system above the Vehicles system, and place the below patch .... um... below.

The Patch
Due credit to find the issue goes to Geminil. Give him due credit as well.
# ** Vehicle SendString Patch v 2
# PLACE MCISendString above the Vehicles System Files. Then place this
# patch below both systems. It overwrites certain features from Vehicles.
# IMPORTANT: BGS Sound Playback is affected. BGS audio files MUST be in
# your project's Audio\BGS folder and cannot have the same filename as any
# RTP file. You may copy '001-Wave01' into your project, but name it some-
# thing else insteadl.
# ** Game_Player
# This class handles the player. Its functions include event starting
# determinants and map scrolling. Refer to "$game_player" for the one
# instance of this class.
class Game_Player < Game_Character
# * Change Vehicle Music
def vehicle_music(key)
# Save the original music playing
$game_system.v_music = orig_audio_process($game_system.playing_bgm[1])
# Ignore if not set
return unless Vehicles::SOUND.has_key?(key)
# Play vehicle BGM
return if Vehicles::SOUND[key][0].nil?
music_set = Vehicles::SOUND[key][0]
# * Change Vehicle Music
def vehicle_sound(key)
# Save the original music playing
$game_system.v_sound = orig_audio_process($game_system.playing_bgs[1])
# Ignore if not set
return unless Vehicles::SOUND.has_key?(key)
# Play vehicle BGM
return if Vehicles::SOUND[key][1].nil?
sound_set = Vehicles::SOUND[key][1]
# * Frame Update (when making the player exit the vehicle by key input)
def update_disembark
# Only function if Disembark Key pressed
return false unless Input.trigger?(Vehicles::DISEMBARK_INPUT)
# Used for vehicle behavior
id = $game_system.vehicle_current
new_x = @x
new_y = @y
d = @direction
stepping_forward = false
# Adjust depending on type of vehicle
if Vehicles::BEHAVIOR.has_key?(id)
if Vehicles::BEHAVIOR[id][0] == true
new_x = @x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0)
new_y = @y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0)
stepping_forward = true
tag = $game_map.terrain_tag(new_x, new_y)
# Prevent disembark
unless $game_system.vehicle_disembark.include?(tag)
# Play buzzer SE
return false
# Prevent disembark (blocked terrains though same tag)
if $game_map.vehicle_landing?(new_x, new_y, d, self) == false
# Play buzzer SE
return false
# Set Wait Count
@v_wait_count = 10
@v_wait_count = 15 if stepping_forward == true
# Reset the Vehicle Data
id = $game_system.vehicle_current
v_through = $game_system.vehicle_event_through
$game_system.vehicle_current = nil
# Reset Actor
$game_party.actors[0].character_name = $game_system.vehicle_character
$game_player.move_speed = $game_system.vehicle_char_speed
# Set the switch if needed
unless Vehicles::VEHICLE[id][5].nil?
$game_switches[Vehicles::VEHICLE[id][5]] = false
# Retrieve current event ID for generated vehicle
v_id = Event_Spawner::vehicle(@x, @y, @direction, id, v_through)
# Set Location and event ID in Game_System
vehicle_array = [$game_map.map_id, @x, @y, @direction, v_id]
$game_system.vehicle_object.vehicle[id] = vehicle_array
@through = true
move_forward if stepping_forward == true
# Retrieve Original Music (unless in Auto-Change BGM)
music_set = $game_system.v_music
# Erase music set if it is the vehicle (ala HQ) and it exists
if Vehicles::SOUND.has_key?(id)
unless Vehicles::SOUND[id][0].nil?
unless music_set.nil?
music_set = nil if music_set[0] == Vehicles::SOUND[id][0][0]
if music_set.nil?
$game_system.playing_bgm[1] = nil
# Playback Music
# Retrieve Original Sound (unless in Auto-Change BGS)
sound_set = $game_system.v_sound
if sound_set.nil?
$game_system.playing_bgs[1] = nil
# Playback Sound
# Check if menu was already disabled
unless $game_system.menu_was_disabled == true
# Re-Enable Menu
$game_system.menu_disabled = false
# Turn off Stepping
@step_anime = false
# Reset Vehicle Values to Start
# Don't flag refresh. Force it.
$game_map.need_refresh == true
@through = false
# Reveal squad members if present
# Exit true
return true
# * Frame Update (when ensuring the player is in the HQ Map)
def update_hq_entry
# Exit if not using HQ Entry input
return unless Input.trigger?(Vehicles::HQ_INPUT)
# Obtain current vehicle key
v_key = $game_system.vehicle_current
# Exit unless the vehicle has a HQ
return unless Vehicles::HEADQUARTERS.has_key?(v_key)
# Create stored vehicle array
vehicle_array = [$game_map.map_id, @x, @y, @direction, nil]
# Save it and other data to Game_System
$game_system.vehicle_object.vehicle[v_key] = vehicle_array
$game_system.vehicle_current = nil
$game_party.actors[0].character_name = $game_system.vehicle_character
$game_player.move_speed = $game_system.vehicle_char_speed
# Retrieve Original Sound (unless in Auto-Change BGS)
sound_set = $game_system.v_sound
if sound_set.nil?
$game_system.playing_bgs[1] = nil
# Playback Sound
# Check if menu was already disabled
unless $game_system.menu_was_disabled == true
# Re-Enable Menu
$game_system.menu_disabled = false
# Vehicle Animation is turned off
@step_anime = false
# Set transferring player flag
$game_temp.player_transferring = true
hq_map = Vehicles::HEADQUARTERS[v_key]
# Set player move destination
$game_temp.player_new_map_id = hq_map[0] # MapID
$game_temp.player_new_x = hq_map[1] # X
$game_temp.player_new_y = hq_map[2] # Y
$game_temp.player_new_direction = hq_map[3] # Direction
if hq_map[4] == true # Fade
# Prepare for transition
# Set transition processing flag
$game_temp.transition_processing = true
$game_temp.transition_name = ""
# Don't flag refresh. Force it.
$game_map.need_refresh == true
@through = false
# Reveal squad members if present
# Exit Method
# * Change Vehicle Music
# key : vehicle Key
def map_to_hq(key=nil)
# Exit if no valid key passed
return if key.nil?
# Exit if no valid Vehicle HQ
return unless Vehicles::HEADQUARTERS.has_key?(key)
# Set Vehicle map, postion and direction
vehicle_array = $game_system.vehicle_object.vehicle[key]
# Map ID of vehicle being deleted
map_id = vehicle_array[0]
# Obtain Vehicle Event ID
mapdata = Game_Map.new
mapdata = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id))
event_id = 0
# Set map event data
events = {}
# Cycle through each event
for i in mapdata.events.keys
name = mapdata.events[i].name
if name =~ Vehicles::VEHICLE_FORMULA
# Obtain key
veh_key = $1
# For valid vehicle keys only
if Vehicles::VEHICLE.has_key?(veh_key)
event_id = mapdata.events[i].id if veh_key = key
# Load map data from vehicle's own map
map_data = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id))
# Search and erase vehicle from map
events = {}
for i in map_data.events.keys
events[i] = Game_Event.new(map_id, map_data.events[i])
events[i].erase if events[i].id == event_id
# Save map data back to vehicle's own map
save_data(map_data, sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id))
# Setup a temp version
map_event_temp = []
# Push current map's list into array if it exists
if $game_map.current_map_event_list.has_key?(map_id)
map_event_temp = $game_map.current_map_event_list[map_id]
# Erase ID if it exists in array
map_event_temp.delete(event_id) if map_event_temp.include?(event_id)
# Reapply
$game_map.current_map_event_list[map_id] = map_event_temp
# Store the actor and initial key data as if previously boarded
$game_system.vehicle_character = $game_party.actors[0].character_name
$game_system.vehicle_char_speed = $game_player.move_speed
# Set the music and sound
# Retrieve Original Music (unless in Auto-Change BGM)
sound_set = $game_system.v_sound
if sound_set.nil?
$game_system.playing_bgs[1] = nil
# Playback Music
$game_system.vehicle_current = nil
# Set transferring player flag
$game_temp.player_transferring = true
hq_map = Vehicles::HEADQUARTERS[key]
# Set player move destination
$game_temp.player_new_map_id = hq_map[0] # MapID
$game_temp.player_new_x = hq_map[1] # X
$game_temp.player_new_y = hq_map[2] # Y
$game_temp.player_new_direction = hq_map[3] # Direction
# Don't flag refresh. Force it.
$game_map.need_refresh == true
@through = false
# Reveal squad members if present
# Exit Method
# ** Scene_Map
# This class performs map screen processing.
class Scene_Map
# * Battle Call
def call_battle
# Clear battle calling flag
$game_temp.battle_calling = false
# Clear menu calling flag
$game_temp.menu_calling = false
$game_temp.menu_beep = false
# Make encounter count
# Memorize map BGM and stop BGM
$game_temp.map_bgm = $game_system.playing_bgm[1]
# Play battle start SE
# Play battle BGM
# Straighten player position
# Switch to battle screen
$scene = Scene_Battle.new
# ** Scene_Load
# This class performs load screen processing.
class Scene_Load < Scene_File
# * Decision Processing
def on_decision(filename)
# If file doesn't exist
unless FileTest.exist?(filename)
# Play buzzer SE
# Play load SE
# Read save data
file = File.open(filename, "rb")
# Restore BGM and BGS
# Update map (run parallel process event)
# Switch to map screen
$scene = Scene_Map.new
Don't ask why, but Ambient Audio Sounds... aka the Background Sounds (BGS) files do have a weird issue with the two combined. To have any... ANY... BGS files playing, you will need to have them in your project's Audio\BGS folder and NOT part of your RTP. I mean, you cannot have '008-Wave01' in BOTH your RTP and project folder. Your project's BGS files must have names NOT RTP.
OH, an edit of MCISendString will occur in (hopefully) the near future. A minor change. But nothing that would have fixed this issue.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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