Atoa ACBS Target move wrong after move to center
Hello guys. Once again I need your help because of the acbs atoa battle system script.

Im using the rpg xp and the atoa acbs battle system ( a siedview battle system). Links is here:
In one of its scripts, called "ACBS | Config 2 - Advanced" you can configurate some skills and other stuff. For example you can configurate that a User move to the center when hes using a certain skill. IM NOT USING ANY OTHER SCRIPTS ONLY THE SCRIPTS IN THE DEMO OF THE AUTHOR. NOR DID I CHANGE ANY OTHER SCRIPTS!
I did the following:

Skill_Settings[12] = ["MOVETYPE/SCREENCENTER"]

The user will now move to the center like I configurated.
In the battle this is acutally working fine just hot it should be. Look therefore screen number 1. The user perfoms the skill in the center.
But after an actor or en enemy uses a skill which forces someone to the center, the actuall target move seems to be damaged.
After someone used a skill with "SCREENCENTER" configuration, the user won't move direct to the enemy when attacking as he he should do. He goes to the screencenter.
It seems like the "SCREENCENTER" configuration overwrites the acutal target move configuratio, which it should'nt! In picture number 2 you can see that he doenst go the enemy, as he should to.
The target move is wrong. And in picture number 3 you see the correct target move, when I dont use any skill that has screencenter set.

I uploaded the demo so you can see on your own. I didint change any of the scripts. I also didint add any other scripts. I just used the demo the creator of the script put online.
The only thing I add was to give the hero the skill so you can test it without having to edit it. Also look at the pictures (attachment)

1. So please download the demo
2. Speak with the red haired guy with the hairband and choice easy enemies
3. Attack one enemy and see the correct animation.
4. Use the blizzard skill which has "SCREENCENTER" configuration
5. And now attack one enemy again and understand my problem

Here are the main parts, which im sure where the things are configurated:

THIS IS FROM ACBS | Game Battler LINE: 976 - 994
# * Set movement target position
def set_move_target_postion
@battler_one_target = nil
if @movement and @step_foward
elsif @movement and @action_all and not @action_center
elsif @movement and @action_center
elsif @movement and not @step_foward and not
@action_center and not @action_all
@target_x = @actual_x
@target_y = @actual_y

and heres come the second part from
ACBS | Scene Battle 4

Line: 789 -833

Quote:def battler_can_move(battler)
return false if not Move_to_Attack
return false if battler.restriction > 3
return false if battler.skip?
return false if check_include(battler, "LOCKMOVE/NOMOVE")
return false if check_include(battler_action(battler), "MOVETYPE/NOMOVE")
return false if battler_action(battler).magic? and not
(check_include(battler_action(battler), "MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD") or
check_include(battler_action(battler), "MOVETYPE/MOVETOTARGET") or
check_include(battler_action(battler), "MOVETYPE/SCREENCENTER"))
return true
# * Set movement type
# battler : battler
def set_action_movement(battler)
ext = check_extension(battler_action(battler), "MOVETYPE/")
ext.slice!("MOVETYPE/") unless ext.nil?
battler.movement = true if ext == "MOVETOTARGET"
battler.step_foward = true if ext == "STEPFOWARD"
battler.action_center = true if ext == "SCREENCENTER"
if and battler.now_action.is_a?(RPG::Skill) and not
battler.now_action.magic? and battler.weapons[0] != nil and not
check_include(battler.now_action, "IGNOREWEAPONMOVE")
ext = check_extension(battler.weapons[0], "MOVETYPE/")
ext.slice!("MOVETYPE/") unless ext.nil?
battler.movement = true if ext == "MOVETOTARGET"
battler.step_foward = true if ext == "STEPFOWARD"
battler.action_center = true if ext == "SCREENCENTER"
# * Set fixed movement type
# battler : battler
def set_locked_movement(battler)
ext = check_extension(battler, "LOCKMOVE/")
unless ext.nil?
battler.movement = (ext != "NOMOVE" and not battler.skip?)
battler.action_center = false
battler.step_foward = ext == "STEPFOWARD"

Attached Files
.png   sacepoint.png (Size: 762.76 KB / Downloads: 14)
.rar   ACBS ATOA BATTLE.rar (Size: 2.5 MB / Downloads: 11)
You are so correct on the issue of SCREENCENTER not being reset or voided out. I took a look just now and ran a couple tests and found where to make a bit of surgery to the system.
If you go to line 782 of "ACBS | Scene Battle 4" (just a little higher than you looked), you will see this line of code:
battler.movement = battler.step_foward = battler.action_all = false
Replace it with:
battler.movement = battler.step_foward = battler.action_center = battler.action_all = false
And your problem with the center action system not being reset will be solved.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Love you man works fine!! No bug found yet.

But I've a question in addition.
I know also another bug in this script.

I dont want to open another topic for other people to give them a chance to open their topics.

So im gonna ask here if you allow me to do so.

If an actor is inflicted with confuse the actor leaves the screen and the game freezes.
But bizarrely this only happens to actor. I have tried this with enemies. Confusing works fine for enemies. Do they know how to fix this too?
Then I can die in peache :)))
The problem wasn't that the actor attempted to escape, but was attempting to attack itself. The system that made the character move in this manner attempted to move the battler 16 pixels in a given location to a target, but unfortunately, it WAS the target. As such, you had a sliding effect.

# ** Atoa Custom Battle System Repair Patch:  Self Target Movement Fix
#    by DerVVulfman
#    August 3, 2014
#    RGSS
#  This patch prevents  an accidental forced  '16 pixel slide'  when a battler
#  has itself targeted and is attempting to move-to-target.
#  Merely paste this script below the "ACBS | Scene Battle 4" script, the last
#  script in his battlesystem.   No other known add-ons alter the method being
#  repaired, so no conflicts should appear.
#  Thanks to Djigit for noticing an issue with the ACBS system by Victor Sant.

# ** Game_Battler
#  This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass for the Game_Actor
#  and Game_Enemy classes.

class Game_Battler
  # * Alias Listings
  alias dvv_repair_game_battler_action_one_target action_one_target
  # * Set move to target
  def action_one_target
    @target_battlers.flatten!       # Change into one single array list
    target = @target_battlers[0]    # Obtain 1st battler in array
    return if target.nil?           # Exit method if no target
    return if target == self        # Exit method if target is self
    # Perform the original call

Paste it right below the original battlesystem and above the add-ons, and you can rest in peaches. :)))
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Thank you so much sir. Honestly you almost fixed the entire script. If I wasnt so poor I would even pay you :))

I had so many problems and you almost completly eradicated them.


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