Stuff you love but no one else seems to
We all have that one thing that we love but no one else can stand. Games, movies, comics, TV shows, breakfast cereals, politicians from the 1940's... What are some of the things that you love but everyone else seems to hate?

For me, it's Batman & Robin. I don't care how many people hate it - I love this movie. Is it dumb? Yeeeeees but it's still fun and at least it has an identity because of its stupid campiness as opposed to The Dark Knight Rises, which just fills every plot hole by screaming "BECAUSE HE'S BATMAN!" in our faces.

The runner-up is Final Fantasy X-2. Now, as a story, I like this about as much as the other Final Fantasy stories (which is to say, not that much) but the actual gameplay mechanics hold up actually pretty well if you're prepared to get past the eyeball-crunching abysmal story and writing (which not everyone can). Combat is fast, the job system adds a lot of strategy, and there's no Sphere Grids or Licence Boards or such nonsense. It's back to traditional, good old-fashioned levelling up; which I like.

What about you guys? Anything you love but no one else seems to be able to stand?
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:Shocked: Dude, I collected the Cape and Cowled one since I was six! EAAAAAGGGHHH!! The only good part was the double entendre "She's trying to kill you, Dick."

For me, it's black licorice. Not the strawberry Twizzlers, but the original black variety. Some people say it tastes like medicine, but I like it.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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Final Fantasy X-2 was a pretty darn decent game, it's the sequel to X-2 that I have a problem with. (The Novella)
The premise of the Novella is actually quite disturbing, and so many things get changed around to be extremely ridiculous! Confused

Oh, and Licorice... I've never really been a big fan of any Licorice, but I definitely could never hate them Very cheery

Anyway, something I love that people seem to hate would have to be Final Fantasy VIII. Confused

Everyone seems to have a problem with the game, from the Draw system, to Junction system, to many, MANY other random complaints that people seem to have. No matter how many you answer (The Draw system isn't the only way to get magics, like people seem to complain, Junctioning isn't any harder to understand than Materia, GFs aren't "Hidden" very well, except maybe Doomtrain, and Squall is NOT dead after Disc 1!) people will always come up with something else to complain about in the game. Confused Confused Confused Confused

People even say that the graphics of Final Fantasy VIII are "Pathetic compared to VII", which is... laughable? I don't know, people love their nostalgia glasses Winking

Anyway, the game is FAR from perfect, but I love it, and people always seem to have something to hate about it. Laughing + Tongue sticking out
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starwars prequels~
I actually think theyre better then the original trillogy.
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Hm. There are a few things that would fit this topic. Let's see...
How about Star Trek V? Many people did not like that movie, based on various reasons.
The much lower visual effects weren't really their fault, so ignoring that argument, there's the goofy feeling of it and certain aspects of the characters that seem to be brought up a lot as negative points.
So was the film goofy? In some places, certainly, but it still felt true to what strange and bizzare things happened in the series sometimes as well.
And in terms of characters, this is definately up there with the ones I've enjoyed the most. And actually reminded the viewer that there are more people to the crew.
I especially remember a scene early on with two characters, that I - during the series and prior movies - always acknowledged and liked, but didn't spend a lot of additional thought on. That scene made me wish that TOS had been able to give more character development and personal story arcs to the rest of the (bridge) crew; give them time to interact with each other outside of the bridge. Similar to what the TNG cast got. In terms of characters, that movie shines and it's a main reason why I enjoyed it a lot =)
Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." (C.S. Lewis)
For the time you're laughing, there's nothing wrong in the world. (Colin Mochrie)

If it's funny, make sure people laugh. If it's not funny, make it funny (unless it's actually really serious). (silvercheers)

Please don't spell my name "Yamina-chan". It's all small. Thank you =D
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(03-18-2015, 03:34 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: :Shocked: Dude, I collected the Cape and Cowled one since I was six! EAAAAAGGGHHH!! The only good part was the double entendre "She's trying to kill you, Dick."
Uma Thurman in a skimpy leotard? *Shot*
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

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Uwe Boll films... Joking aside, raw onions. Everyone I know can't stand them. Everyone I know is dumb.
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
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I have a bunch of things I love that I don't necessarily think others dislike so much as they simply don't know about them, so I'm busy obsessing or gushing over some obscure or niche thing. Better still if it's some visual novels I can't even talk about why I love them because they're heavy on spoilers~.

For things people can't stand, its complicated because it depends on what direction I'm looking. I'm fond of Homestuck, but most people I seem to know are tired of it and I can rightly understand their issues. But there's definitely a sizeable fanbase. It's all a matter of how broad your awareness of things are.
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Superman Returns. People seem to dislike it mainly for the superman's son plot element. I liked it: exciting supes-saves-the-day scenes, a little romance, great Luthor-Kitty actors duo, and a new take on John Williams' score.

The second Tiger Mask anime series. What? Yes, it exists.

Ham and olive oil. I invented it.
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