06-28-2015, 11:48 PM
DerVV's Quickie Enemy Info Chance
Version: 1.0
Version: 1.0
This lets you begin your own custom bestiary scan book where enemies start with nothing known about them except their picture/battler (not even their name)... and you have to keep battling them to fill their stats.
Not really a feature driven script. It's really designed for scripters to create their own bestiary or scan system.
Hold the pickles.
It's actually in here!!!
# ** DerVV's Quickie Enemy Info Chance
# by DerVVulfman
# version 1.0
# 06-28-2015
# This lets you begin your own custom bestiary scan book where enemies start
# with nothing known about them except their picture/battler (not even their
# name)... and you have to keep battling them to fill their stats.
# NOTES: This is only a rudimentary system, and assumes a number of things...
# 1) That the party has no familiarity with any enemy (even by name)
# 2) That all stats have an equal chance to be determined
# 3) That fighting multiple of 1 type (ala party of ghosts) increases
# the chance to learn each stat.
# 4) That all data displayed is text data (otherwise no '???' shown )
# The key sections in this script are as follows:
# EnemyChance This module is the configuration module, setting the
# 'chance to learn' for each enemy. I recommend expanding.
# Game_System As values in this class are saved in all save games,
# I created the enemy stats here. All enemy stats will
# then be saved with each save-game.
# Game_EnemyData The initialize method creates the empty values for each
# enemy while the refresh method assumes the player had
# fought it and is attempting to learn a facet or two. It
# is the refresh method that works the wonders of increasing
# the knowledge about each enemy. >> Here, I would make
# conditions like having 1 or 2 stats learned... not all
# having equal chances, or giving each stat a different
# percentage or something <<
# Game_EnemySet The initialize method creates the entire collection of
# enemy data for saving, the [] array method returns the
# data when asked (with $game_system.enemy_set[idx]), and
# the refresh method refreshes and updates an enemy called
# by its index value in the database.
# Scene_Battle The start_phase5 method is run when you won the battle,
# so this is where it goes through all defeated enemies
# and refreshes each. >> If you have multiples of one type
# of enemy in a troop, but only want ONE refresh, you will
# need to do work here. <<
# Scene_EnemyData This is a VERY rudimentary class that just shows a record
# for an individual enemy.... Only intended to show it work.
# $scene = Scene_EnemyData.new(index)
# ** EnemyChance
# This module holds the percentage chance for each enemy that something
# may be learned after each kill.
module EnemyChance
CHANCE = {} # <--- Do not touch this value
# CHANCE PER ID [enemy_idx] % Chance
# ========================= ========
CHANCE[1] = 8 # Ghosts get 80%
CHANCE[4] = 3 # Hellhounds get 30%
# ** Game_System
# This class handles data surrounding the system. Backround music, etc.
# is managed here as well. Refer to "$game_system" for the instance of
# this class.
class Game_System
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :enemy_set
# * Alias Listings
alias game_system_enemy_chance_initialize initialize
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Perform the original call
# Create a new enemyset object, saved with game_system
@enemy_set = Game_EnemySet.new
# ** Game_EnemyData
# This class handles the individual enemy statistics for each enemy.
class Game_EnemyData
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(idx)
@enemy_idx = idx
enemy = $data_enemies[@enemy_idx]
@battler_name = enemy.battler_name
@battler_hue = enemy.battler_hue
@name = "????"
@hp = "???"
@sp = "???"
@atk = "???"
@mdef = "???"
@pdef = "???"
@str = "???"
@agi = "???"
@dex = "???"
@int = "???"
@eva = "???"
@exp = "???"
@gold = "???"
@item_id = "???"
@weapon_id = "???"
@armor_id = "???"
@t_prob = "???"
# * Refresh
def refresh
# Get enemy ID
idx = @enemy_idx
# Get valid Chance
mchance = 5
mchance = EnemyChance::CHANCE[idx] unless EnemyChance::CHANCE[idx].nil?
# Set var... To actual data.... Per each roll made
@name = $data_enemies[idx].name if mchance > rand(10)
@hp = $data_enemies[idx].maxhp.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@sp = $data_enemies[idx].maxsp.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@atk = $data_enemies[idx].atk.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@mdef = $data_enemies[idx].mdef.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@pdef = $data_enemies[idx].pdef.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@str = $data_enemies[idx].str.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@agi = $data_enemies[idx].agi.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@dex = $data_enemies[idx].dex.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@int = $data_enemies[idx].int.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@eva = $data_enemies[idx].eva.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@exp = $data_enemies[idx].exp.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@gold = $data_enemies[idx].gold.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@item_id = $data_enemies[idx].item_id.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@weapon_id = $data_enemies[idx].weapon_id.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@armor_id = $data_enemies[idx].armor_id.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
@t_prob = $data_enemies[idx].treasure_prob.to_s if mchance > rand(10)
# ** Game_EnemySet
# This class is the enemy data collective created by the Game_System class.
# Refer to $game_system.enemy_set for all instances of this class.
class Game_EnemySet
# * Public Instance Values
attr_accessor :data
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Create enemy data array
@data = []
for i in 1..$data_enemies.size-1
# * Get Enemy Data
# enemy_idx : enemy index
def [](enemy_idx)
return @data[enemy_idx]
# * Refresh
# enemy_idx : enemy index
def refresh(enemy_idx)
# ** Scene_Battle
# This class performs battle screen processing.
class Scene_Battle
# * Alias Listings
alias scene_battle_enemy_chance_start_phase5 start_phase5
# * Start After Battle Phase
def start_phase5
# Cycle through all enemies
for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
# If enemy is not hidden
unless enemy.hidden
# Add Enemy Encounter Information
# Perform the original call
# ** Scene_EnemyData
# This class performs screen processing for the Demon Picture Book
class Scene_EnemyData
# * Object Initialization
# enemy_idx : index of the enemy in the database
def initialize(enemy_idx=1)
@enemy_idx = enemy_idx
# * Main Processing
def main
# Just show the enemy stats for the called enemy
p $game_system.enemy_set[@enemy_idx]
# And exit back to the map
$scene = Scene_Map.new
This is really for scripters to make use. Sure, you can plug it into your game and run an event that draws up an ugly popup menu (really). But this is primarily for those who want to create a bestiary that doesn't give EVERYTHING away at one time.
Well, I wrote this in about 30 minutes on RPGMaker XP. The primary data classes are new. I leave it to scripters in other ruby languages to adapt it to their engine. But I left in a good number of notes they should be able to follow.
Credits and Thanks
Actually... Taylor. He got me thinking about it this week.
Terms and Conditions
Due credit. It's fine enough to use in a commercial project. Heck, it's only a barebone skeleton of what's needed to do what it's made to do. Not even a windows or monster/paging/selecting option.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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