What's up, Kainers?!
Protected in prison? Bro, I hope he ends up in Gen Pop where someone is bound to pop him.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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You're probably misinterpreting what I wrote or the way I wrote it. He will be protected in prison by always being in a high security solitary confinement. No interaction with other prisoners, only guards. If he was to be placed in general population, he wouldn't last very long, he's too high profile to not get a shank to the kidneys.

This dude was under two FBI investigations and Clinton's state department blocked them. This incompetent witch wants to increase dragnet surveillance and increase "gun control". What about the other 37,000+ gun laws we've already got passed? What about the millions of guns that have already been purchased year over year that are still out there on the streets? Are those going to magically disappear? Guns are here, criminals don't worry their precious little heads over "common sense gun control", "universal background checks" or your "gun free zone" nonsense.

One of the biggest problems I think these alphabet agencies have, namely NSA at the very least, is warrant-less dragnet surveillance. Having data is great, but these folks are probably absolutely drowning in useless and trivial information, so much so that no algorithm can save them from the ever-growing cluster fuck they must manually sift through. How are you going to flag that data? 13 keywords? How many people use any one of those 13 keywords daily just talking about world events? I'm sure everybody is flagged at one point or another, possibly on a daily basis.

Imagine you're able to collect 90% of the world's E-Mail contents, 90% of the world's text messages and voice audio from phone calls. How much are you and your team going to be able to listen to on a daily basis? I'd figure such an agency would need to employ 10% of the U.S. population just to spy on the other 90% of the citizens, if everybody was assigned the same ten people daily, giving them an hour for each person each day. So if you have an estimated population of 320,000,000, you would need to employ 32,000,000 people to keep track of the other 288,000,000 people.

^That's only based on blindly assuming the NSA "we're spying on everything" myth is true. It wouldn't surprise me if it was, they're so bad at stopping terrorism. Either that or there is no NSA spy network, whatsoever.


It was only a few days ago that I mentioned how much these guys hate homosexuals. I had a feeling this sort of thing was going to happen any day now, I'm not even surprised they shot up a gay club. I already have a feeling I know where they'll hit next but... no, I shouldn't make predictions, it's bad luck and bad juju.
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Lots of these shootings, especially terror attacks, are happening in gun-free areas anyway.
Chicago? Gun-free zone, HUUUUGE gun crime rate.
California? Good luck finding guns there with those crazy gun laws.
The night club? No weapons allowed.

It's a pattern where people who are not armed are struck down by the single crazy person. Taking guns away from people wouldn't help, because the ones who already have guns can still do what they do.
What we NEED is for people to speak up without fear of being called a racist xenophobe by libtards!
Every single one of these cases, we find out that the person had a LONG history of crazy talk, but since they were Muslim, NOBODY SAID ANYTHING!
If someone is "Joking" about killing people on a daily basis, and you're pretty sure they're unstable in the head, that's not a Muslim thing. SAY SOMETHING.

Tired of the PC culture that is turning us all into cowards. I saw someone say they wished all religions would be culled from the planet, and they had some serious mental problems. Someone else reported them, and the crazy guy was caught carrying a large butcher knife inside a store. All because someone spoke up, and they were watched. Police believed he was gonna use the knife to hurt someone and/or himself, so it was lucky...

If you see something, say something. You may save lives...
Don't be afraid.  Indifferent 

Side note: How did the terrorist guy know that when the place closed down, they didn't get patted down? Has he been there before?
THAT is a scary thought.
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This guy was on a terrorist watch list and underwent not one but two FBI investigations. Oh, an investigation couldn't go through because something... something... racial profiling? You're a racist if you investigate a guy with extremist ties and extremist views. RACIST, I tell ya. So yeah, somebody did see something and say something but it happened anyway.

All this money spent on alphabet soup intelligence services and yet they don't really seem to be of any use. The bad guys always seem to slip through the cracks, either through too much info on too many people (needle in a haystack syndrome) or due to agency incompetence. I'd go so far as to say I believe they may even stage and set up things just to psychologically justify their existence.

"Oh look, we simply let somebody from a terrorist watch list commit a horrible atrocity so we could remind the public how much they need us to protect and save them."

Does that sound about right? I'm sorry, but that's how it appears to me personally. Do your jobs, or find new ones. We're sick of paying your salaries. McDonalds is always hiring. You'll never be a James Bond, get back there and make us some damn fries!

They can't stop anything unless they helped set up the show. At least that's how it appears to me, on the outside, looking at the inside. I'm sure there are wonderful people within these units who've done something useful and heroic, but I hardly hear of them. Oh, FBI stopped a guy from shooting up a Masonic temple. How come that is the only incident that I can remember that wasn't related to shutting down a drug operation? Meanwhile, SWAT teams keep screwing up over and over and over again, shooting mothers and tossing grenades in bassinets. The TSA might be doing a good job preventing toothpaste but those long lines and missed flights seem like a major security risk in more ways than one. More funding for the TSA? We don't need no stinkin' TSA, quit begging Congress for money!

The funds would be better spent on arming and educating a population suffering blow back from decades of middle eastern warfare, retaliation that I'm surprised has taken so long to be carried out. Citizens who've never had a felony or been under a serious investigation should be able to get a tax rebate on firearm purchases. Instead of these stupid paper target gun ranges, they could be employing veterans to run a facility that teaches basic self-defense and infantry skills. We don't need to teach people how to be a Rambo, but we should make a sport out of training civilians on how to handle themselves in a stressful and surprising combat situation.

One thing I've noticed though; people are more scared of gun owners than they are of radicals. In their minds, every gun owner is an extremist with a mass shooter psychology. Oh, the husband purchased a firearm, the husband must be gearing up to kill the family. The teenager just graduated high school and is going to the gun range a lot, he must be getting ready to shoot up the work place. Mister Joe Public open carries in the grocery store; nobody (except Joe Public) would ever shoot up a grocery store. Isn't that right, libtards? Safeway isn't a soft target, no siree.

I'm not a gun-humping ammosexual, I don't open carry nor conceal carry everywhere I go. I understand though, I completely understand. We're not living in the age of men who use their fists to fight; we're in the age of cowards that attack public places where people aren't likely to be packing heat. In this period of time, sometimes a store clerk gets shot just for not getting somebody's cigarettes fast enough. Gee, I wonder why the hell people would carry a firearm with them?! Oh.

So this night club shooting, yeah, such a tragedy. Regardless, I'm more wary of government incompetence and corruption than I am of some cowardly mass murderer who favors Gun Free Zones. Go take your "common sense gun control" and shove it; these people lack the common sense to legislate and enforce such a measure, let alone allow an investigation and surveillance to continue. You can put up all the security cameras you want on our traffic lights, all the shot detectors, Stingray towers... it's not going to make a difference if you keep letting in potential radicals by the thousands and are unable to find your head from your ass.

Last thought for the night : Quit using soft terms like "moderate rebels" and call a spade a damn spade. We're sick of your cute language.
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The story of the Orlando shooting gets... weird. I should've took a screen shot yesterday morning of when I looked up "Orlando Shooting Footage" in the YouTube search bar because all I wanted to do is see if there was some leaked inside footage from the club. I went down the list and it's all Hoax, hoax, hoax, HOAX, hoax, Hoax, hoax, HOAX, Hoax.

Was it all a hoax? They did a mass casualty training event 3 and 6 months ago. Actually, they go on all the time, they just did one in Indiana the other day too, can't find the link at the moment. What the heck? Did anybody really die? They can't fake such a massive event, can they? Strange.

I stepped away from the internet and turned the TV on; here is some CNN footage, judge for yourself.

The internet comments on this official CNN video accurately describe how I feel. Bad crocodile tear acting? My dad cried harder than this when his fucking DOG DIED, and it is highly unlike my dad to cry. I mean WTF is with this dude?! Get off the stage...

Screen Cap of Comments

Okay, so that last video was on YouTube user millsmost's channel, but it was a legitimate CNN news clip I watched yesterday. This next video is from CNN official; many people are still NOT buying into it.

Please go on actual YouTube and view this, look at the comments, I'm not going to screen cap each video's comments. Its unanimous, internet people think the news is full of shit. Is it? I... don't know, but I'm starting to question the legitimacy of everything I hear on T.V. these days.

Apparently the door holder is an actor. A crisis actor? Yeah, that's what they've said about the Sandy Hook incident; crisis actors.

Everybody has a camera phone nowadays. Why is this the only inside footage? The media have been parading around this ONE video, nobody else happened to be recording the moment of the shootings. Right?

A day after the shooting; he got shot. Watch him give an interview from the comfort of his couch. He doesn't even give off the vibe of somebody who just survived and witnessed a tragic incident, let alone suffered a gunshot wound.

"Oh you're alright. I'll just fuckin' laugh and dance around."

Couldn't have said it better.

Another fake media darling coming to push the fake casualty gun ban agenda? Well, I don't know how else to interpret it, she doesn't seem sincere after tragically losing her son. Based on her micro-expressions, she seems like she's playing a role.

One day, somebody is going to come clean and expose these CNN fraudsters for the propagandists they are.

[Image: cnn_propaganda2_zpseaxdn9hj.png]

Maybe it'll be Anderson Cooper. Whenever I see him, he seems to have that look in his face like he knows the game and he's sick of playing it. I can't wait for him to write a Tell All book or something. One day Cooper will stop playing this stupid game and come clean! I think he's too good for CNN, but maybe I'm wrong. I wonder what he will do when his contract is up for renewal.

"Yes, it is fair to call it a conspiracy."

Anyways, back on subject.

What makes me mad is there is one key interview on there that is so horrifically bad that I don't know what to make of it other than HOAX. Extra points to anybody who is able to find an internet clip of the video in question.

One guy, the morning after the incident, was among the victims and lost ten friends at the night club. Ten friends. Like, gone, dead, R.I.P., he'll never see them again. So he's going to go on live TV the next day and tell you all about his tragic loss in a braggadocio fashion.

Yeah, I just lost ten friends, I'm going to come here the morning after and give an exclusive CNN interview in the middle of the street for live television. Right?

And I'm going to keep a level head and not start crying in the middle of the interview. Right?

The story I'm going to tell will be so elaborate, I'll tell you all about how I hid under a table, held some girls mouth to keep her from screaming. Right?

I'll tell you all about the gunman opened fire and show you his body movements as he drops one clip and loads another. Right?

Seeing that particular interview was a major red flag to me. Seriously, if anybody finds it, please re-post it here, it's internet gold. Its a short, brown skinned bald guy. The background of his interview was the same exact one used for the alleged mother with the glasses in the video above, cop car and all. I'll kiss your ass if you find that video.


Did anybody honestly die in this incident? It's questionable but I do believe they might've. What about these live television interviews with all the dry tear testimonials? I'm starting to believe it's a mix of paid propagandists, especially "Mr. Ten Friends" as he was way too excited to tell everybody his story. I find it suspicious that I can't even find his interview on the official CNN YouTube channel, they must've removed it because it was just that bad.

R.I.P. to any of the alleged victims, nobody should have to go through such a tragic incident, if it even really happened at all. Also R.I.P. to the dinosaur media, people are slowly waking up and drifting away from the fiction they've been peddling.
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I don't think it has much to do with gun banning. People are seeing through that quicker than they see through a window.
Look at all of the coverage. Look at all the rainbows. Ever since the incident, look at all of the statements.
It's about acceptance of LGBTQ, not guns. The rainbow Twitter filters are back in full force, the rainbow ribbons, the rainbow flags, the rainbow this and that, the LGBTQ hashtags, it's all back in full force.
It was never about guns.

And yes, it was fake. Going down that rabbit hole, you'll find Sandy Hook was empty right before the "Incident" there, and suddenly all of the buildings were full of people? It was literally considered a GHOST TOWN before the incident. 

Anyway, if you don't want to go mad, avoid the rabbit holes and move on. Things get scary when you see the same crisis actor in 5 scenes...
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Oh god, the Sandy Hoax clowns. If I could I would condense the parts that are repeated in these two videos, but they each have their own unique evidence.

Even cracked.com played along with their 6 Horrifying Realities of Dealing With Sandy Hook 'Truthers' where they go on to interview that clown Lenny Pozner, the HONR Network pedo-bear extraordinaire.

There is already acceptance of the LGBTQ community, certainly there is more now than ever. There is still lots of faux outrage over gay marriage and bathrooms, but I don't think they'd stage a false event to get bathroom legislation passed... or would they? o.O

I used to think the martial law / gun grab theories were crazy but I recognize it is the government and these crisis actor libtard wingnuts that are absolutely bonkers. If the FBI did let this guy go after three interviews, that makes the government look even stupider than it already does. If we have no faith in alphabet agencies, and if we're planning on bringing more potential radicals in, why ban assault weapons? Who's going to protect us, National Guard and the big daddy police departments? Incompetent FBI stooges? Hahaha.

The media have been saying the alleged killer used an AR-15. Except, oh nevermind, he didn't use an AR-15. It's okay though, a Sig Sauer MCX carbine fits the agenda just fine. Let's just get rid of "assault style" guns and bring in more potentially radical refugees, makes complete and total sense in libby la-la land. Forget the fact that one guy of Afghan decent allegedly slaughtered approximately 50 people in a night club.
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Many people are too afraid of being sued or called out by people to NOT show/feign "Acceptance" to LGBTQ these days.
You don't want them to get married? LET'S TROLL YOU NOW! You don't want them using whatever bathroom they chose to go to that day? EVIL! YOU'RE TRIGGERING ME AND TAKING MY RIGHTS! LAWSUIT! LAWSUIT I SAY!!!111!ONE!

I don't accept them, but don't think they should be murdered.
I'll leave it at that.

Ultimately, the media will move on back to bathroom bills within a week or two, or maybe a month. You'll see. 
And when that day comes, it'll pass, because LGBTQ were recently shot, and they "Wouldn't feel safe in a bathroom they don't identify with". 
The lawmakers will say it's to avoid violence like the shooting.
It will happen.

And that's a Lani Guarantee, so like... it's worth at least 1.1 times more! Maybe...
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Every single speech about Orlando has been about LGBT, "Equality", "Acceptance", and "Bigotry".
There has even been some bathroom law talk.

Lots of channels have the rainbow ribbon in the corners, many websites are changing colors to the rainbow, spreading "Pride" hashtags everywhere...

Told ya  Confused
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Destiny of End Thread: http://save-point.org/thread-5585.html
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Destiny of End Youtube: (Coming soon)
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Not from what I have been watching.

Perhaps it is a difference between Social media and News media, because the main topics have been the DOJ's initial watered-down transcripts of Mateen's 911 phone call and the subsequent Senate vote on guns.

I mean... Seriously. Who did the White House think they were fooling when they took out all references to ISIS after the FBI and all the outlets stated clearly that Mateen swore an oath to Isis on the call? Did they think changing phrases from 'for Allah' to 'for God' was going to fool anyone? Hell, the FBI was fairly outraged at this, and couldn't see why the DOJ even tried to post something as blatantly whitewashed as this.

It'd like Bnghazi all over again. Hillary fed us 'it was a riot spawned by a video' and the White House ran with it a week, even when the rest of the world said Terrorist attack. And just like Benghazi, the Administration had to backpedal to admit the truth. At least it didn't take a week this time but a few hours. The most transparent U.S. Administration my butt... Lies upon lies!

But it isn't just political correctness insofar as the current administration. It is actually, and be forwarned that this IS touchy, politically religious biasness.
Obama's Muslim Biasness and his Advisory Council

After that, you have the Senate's failed rush job on instituting more gun laws. Seriously, you rush something and it is DOOMED to fail. And before anyone asks how he acquired an assault rifle, he did not. The AR-15 is made to look fairly military and decked out, but that is its looks. One of the misconceptions is the name. The AR in AR-15 does not stand for Assault Rifle, but is the initials of the designing corporation, 'Armalite'. So Assault Rifle bans wouldn't do anything. In fact, gun bans do nothing but restrict legal ownership. And if you look at the recent worldwide shootings, they have been in areas with the toughest gun laws.

Those wishing to perform murder always look for end-run-arounds. While we all recall the San Bernadino shooting, we may forget that the FBI uncovered propane tanks being set up as bombs in the terrorist's home. The farily recent Planned Parenthood Colorado shooter had a series of propane tanks rigged to explode. And these are legal. Meanwhile, YouTube videos can show people how to make actual guns from lead pipes (personally witnessed).

But the administration refuses to acknowledge WHO is responcible for this aggression. Obama's venture has been the removal and destruction of the 2nd Amendment. If someone is hit by a car, do you blame the car? No. Blame the driver. But, How about this? If these shooters were all driven by a radicalist movement, should you not blame the radicalist movement? Obama won't. Remember that the DOJ did whitewash the initial Mateen 911 phone call. And remember that he refused to call the 2009 Fort Hood shooting anything but workplace violence until 2015, even with shouts of "Allahu Akbar!" coming out of Nidal Hasan's mouth.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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