09-09-2016, 03:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-08-2017, 04:46 PM by DerVVulfman.)
DerVV's Simple Popup System
Version: 1.2
Version: 1.2
Seriously, this is a simple popup screen that can be used to generate windows that popup on the screen witn important texts. But I posted it as a skeleton for would-be script users to show how to make pop-up windows for their own systems.
The Script
# ** DerVV's Simple Popup System
# by DerVVulfman
# version 1.2
# 10-08-2017 (mmddyy)
# RGSS / RPGMaker XP
# Seriously, this is a simple popup screen that can be used to generate
# windows that popup on the screen witn important texts. But I posted
# it as a skeleton for would-be script users to show how to make pop-up
# windows for their own systems.
# This version includes a module so you can position the popup window
# where you want on the screen and decide if the popup freezes the map.
# Also, it includes a feature so you can use a timer system to make the
# popup automatically vanish instead of relying upon player input. It
# is based on seconds passed. If the Timer value is set to any value
# than 0, then the popup will stay on the screen for the number of sec-
# onds indicated. But if set to 0, then it will rely on button input.
module Popup
Y_Pos = 50 # Height of window
Width = 250 # Window Width
Timer = 0 # if 0, uses button. Otherwise it is seconds passed
Button = "OK" # Button text
Interrupt = false # Does map freeze when pop is on (recommended true)
# ** Window_Popup
# This window generates a pop-up window.
class Window_Popup < Window_Selectable
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Compute window height from command quantity
super(0, 0, Popup::Width, 32 + 32)
# * Refresh
# text_lines : text string array
def refresh(text_lines)
# Get number of lines of text for window size
@item_max = text_lines.size
# If we have no timer, using button
if Popup::Timer == 0
# Set window height and contents bitmap with extra 'button' line
self.height = 32 * (@item_max + 2)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, (@item_max + 1) * 32)
# Otherwise, if timer is used
# Set window height and contents bitmap without extra line
self.height = 32 * (@item_max + 1)
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, @item_max * 32)
# Clear contents
# Cycle through and draw the text
for i in 0...@item_max
draw_item(i, text_lines[i], normal_color)
# Draw Button text if timer is 0
if Popup::Timer == 0
draw_item(@item_max, Popup::Button, normal_color)
# Set index position depending on timer or not
self.index = (Popup::Timer == 0) ? @item_max : 0
# * Draw Item
# index : item number
# text : rendered text
# color : text color
def draw_item(index, text, color)
self.contents.font.color = color
rect = Rect.new(4, 32 * index, self.contents.width - 8, 32)
self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
self.contents.draw_text(rect, text)
# * Frame Update
def update
return if Input.repeat?(Input::UP)
return if Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN)
# * Update Cursor Rectangle
def update_cursor_rect
# Don't draw cursor rect if using a timer
return unless Popup::Timer == 0
# Otherwise, draw cursor rect on button
# ** Scene_Map
# This class performs map screen processing.
class Scene_Map
# * Alias Listings
alias scene_map_pop_main main
alias scene_map_pop_update update
# * Main Processing
def main
# Setup the popup window
@pop_window = Window_Popup.new
@pop_window.visible = false
@pop_window.active = false
@pop_window.x = (640-Popup::Width)/2
@pop_window.y = Popup::Y_Pos
@pop_window.z = 1500
# Perform the original call
# Dispose of the window
# * Frame Update
def update
# Update the Hotkey Popup Window if active
@pop_window.update if @pop_window.active == true
# If popup interrupts actions
if Popup::Interrupt == true
# Exit the Hotkey Popup Window if active
return update_pop if @pop_window.active == true &&
# The original call
# If popup doesn't interrupt
if Popup::Interrupt == false
# Exit the Hotkey Popup Window if active
return update_pop if @pop_window.active == true
# * Frame Update Testing Popup Condition
def update_pop
# If using timer
return update_timer unless Popup::Timer == 0
# Otherwise, must be keyed
return update_button
# * Frame Update Popup Timer Testing
def update_timer
# If waiting
if @pwait_count > 0
# Decrease wait count
@pwait_count -= 1
# End Method
# Hide Hotkey Popup
@pop_window.active = @pop_window.visible = false
# * Frame Update Popup Key Testing
def update_button
# Return if Enter isn't pressed
return if !Input.trigger?(Input::C)
# Play decision
# Hide Hotkey Popup
@pop_window.active = @pop_window.visible = false
# * Passed call
# added_text : text string array
def begin_pop(added_text=nil)
# Set the wait count to seconds (value * game frame rate)
@pwait_count = (Popup::Timer).abs * Graphics.frame_rate
# Ensure no invalid text. Must be string (even empty) if set to nil.
added_text = [""] if added_text.nil?
# Refresh pop window with new text
# Make pop window visible and active
@pop_window.active = @pop_window.visible = true
Basically paste it below Scene_Debug and above Main.
When you want to run it, make a script call of $scene.begin_pop. The syntax is:
$scene.begin_pop( array_of_text )
where an array of text could be like [ "One line of text here.", "Another line of text" ]
The window will close either by player input or will close by itself if the timer setting is put to use.
Just for RPGMaker XP, though principles would work in other engines.
Terms and Conditions
Oh, this is a simple skeleton script. Nothing needed by me for its use. Heck, other people probably figured this routine out in no time.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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