MAWS - Modified Advanced Weather Script
And BUMP!!!

I'm made the new version of script! Now for VX and XP! Download and rejoice!

This is for scripters:

"I also found a couple of bugs in the conversion script Ccoa, and would like to understand how they can be corrected, because I'm pretty mediocre scripter, and in RGSS2 I understand very poorly.
Bug ?1) I can not implement a system of user-defined. Perhaps I made a mistake in the code of Event (I have prescribed the same thing as the script RMXP, except for the replacement of weather conditions), but it is also possible that this is a mistake in the code. That is the part of the code, which is responsible for this:
Code ?1:
Bug ?2) I found a bug in the system changes the image size bubbles. This system is somehow not working. Here's the code:

Code ?2:

Code ?3:
Anybody can help me with this?
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I found a bug... i think this dont works with XAS and moghunter scripts i think is incompatibble here is the screenshoot... my list of scripts are the following:
(all are edited by me :P) yo hablo español si quieres me mandas un pm y me ayudas en mi proyecto vale?¿?

mog xas
mog xas title
mog scene menu
mog scene end
mog scene shop
mog scene status
mog scene skill
mog scene item
mog scene file
mog scene equip (casi todos mog XD)
Scene_Movie (para ver peliculas)
Anti Lagg
Letter by letter message by dubealex
barras enemigo
barras aliado
XAS particle effects
XAS Faces
XAS Terrain effects
2 many XD but i think 1 is incompatible :(

Attached Files
.jpg   bug.jpg (Size: 23.3 KB / Downloads: 1)
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How do it placed? Try to move MAWS higher than scripts XAS.

Most likely, possible incompatibility with the XAS Particle engine or Terrain Effects. I'll try to test.
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Try to move MAWS higher than all scripts :)
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mm i used the old verson made by ccoa and it works perfectly :) here is the code:

ccoa's weather script
(EDIT: Replaced the code with a link within the forum - DerVVulfman)

but i see in the new version the script works with images i think :P maybe the particle effects affect the system... i tried 1 put the script in diferents places but it still doesnt works :( the error is in the meteorite effect....

i think too i edited each mog scripts XD 2 make it more original...
SO i will wait and try 2 edit all my systems :) i think i will put the videos the next week... and then i add the demo :) so i need 2 correct the bugs :)
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Yes, most likely the case in XAS Particle engine. I'll try to find out why it does not work with my version.
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Maybe not worth to spread the code? Or upload it is not in the quotation and in the code? Wow ..
The fact is that if the script produces an error in Each, so chances are that something is not given correctly within the settings of weather (for example: strength, effect ID).
His script hve a little differents with Coca's script, only in some new effects, where an errors could come from?
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XD i see the problem is not in xas particle effects XD i think is xas incompatible... when u use the quick setup in xas the error appaears :) i think i will use the old version i tried 2 quit the scrits i dont need many but the problem still is here :P so thanks 4 all ;) i think if i edit ur script and i quit the effect is doing the problem i will use the effects i like :)
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Said ya.
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I think I might be the only one having a problem here with this script. I had the old version, just replaced it with this one, and now whenever I try to move to another map, I get this charming glitch as a gift.
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So I check it out in the editor, and this is the line in question
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The only other scripts I have are MrWiggles' full screen prompt, a menu BGM script, and PK8's damage text script, and I think those are all safe. Is anyone else having this problem, or am I just special?
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