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Face or Head Options

When the shading of the default head isn't enough, an optional face may be just what you need. Here, you can find a blank (eyeless/earless) face to use upon the bodies available.

Recommended folder path:

[Image: BackToTop.png]

[Image: T-Face-Klingon.png] Forehead ridges and shading to reflect slight changes to the skull

[Image: T-F-Heads-BlankfaceFull-Med_DerVV.png] [Image: T-M-Heads-BlankfaceFull-Med_DerVV.png] A blank face head with transparent areas for template body arms to show through

[Image: T-F-Heads-BlankfaceFull-Med_DerVV.png] [Image: T-M-Heads-BlankfaceFull-Med_DerVV.png] If you want a floating head without the body

* All Faces assume the same palette as the Body Templates above, without the need for the Eye colors.
Eye Selections

Here, we have eyes for both male and female templates, longer eye-lashes for the female variations.  All color variations from the original HKCP project have been duplicated, though new additions have been included (Fremen, Silver, Vampire).

Recommended folder path:

[Image: BackToTop.png]

[Image: T-Eyes01.png]
Eyes 01 - No Glint Basic

[Image: T-Eyes02.png]
Eyes 02 - With Glint

All the eye graphics are saved in a palette format with these 13 principle colors.
8-Color Palette for Eye Graphics
Ear Variations

Here, we can use ears that are not part of the template, or those that may be used within templates that have neither eyes nor ears by design.

Recommended folder path:

[Image: BackToTop.png]

[Image: T-Ears-Human.png] A copy of the default template ear design

[Image: T-Ears-Elf.png] A long, sweeping style popularized in Berserk, Record of Lodoss Wars and even Tenchi Muyo

[Image: T-Ears-Vulcan.png] A more restrained pointed ear seen in LOTR, Star Trek and Re:Zero

* All Ears assume the same palette as the Body Templates above, without the need for the Eye colors.
Facial Hair

Ooh, one may now add some facial fuzz to their hero, be it a full Santa Claus beard or evil Dr. Robotnic mustache. The choice is yours of course.

Recommended folder path:
{Stylename}\Hair Face

[Image: BackToTop.png]

Eyebrow Options

Wow, I bet a few people never thought that the hero of a game may have bushy eyebrows. But here, one may find something that could make your hero look insane.

Recommended folder path:

[Image: BackToTop.png]

Hair Styles

Here, you get to choose the hairstyle worn by your hero or heroine, lest you want him/her to be bald.

Each hairstyle has a rendered example of the style worn above their related spoiler. Within each spoiler, you should have a separate spoiler for either male and/or female characters. And with each of these, links to downloadable .png files for each color specified.

* SPECIAL: There are edited variations of Hair resources from the HKCP: Half-Kaiser Construction Project to be found, and thus due credit must be observed. Like due credit isn't required anyway, right?

Recommended folder path:

[Image: BackToTop.png]

[Image: T-Hair-01-Venetia.png] An edit from the Half Kaizer Construction Project
Hair style 01 - by Venetia

[Image: T-Hair-02-KazeN.png] An edit from the Half Kaizer Construction Project
Hair style 02 - by KazeN

[Image: T-Hair-03-KazeN.png] An edit from the Half Kaizer Construction Project
Hair style 03 - by KazeN

[Image: T-Hair-04-Akaire.png] An edit from the Half Kaizer Construction Project

[Image: T-Hair-05-Venetia.png] An edit from the Half Kaizer Construction Project
Hair style 05 - by Venetia

[Image: T-Hair-06-CeruleanSkye.png] An edit from the Half Kaizer Construction Project
Hair style 06 - by Cerulean Skye

[Image: T-Hair-07-KazeN.png] An edit from the Half Kaizer Construction Project

[Image: T-Hair-08-Deebs.png] An edit from the Half Kaizer Construction Project
Hair style 08 - by Deebs

[Image: T-Hair-09-CoyoteCraft.png] An edit from the Half Kaizer Construction Project

[Image: T-Hair-10-CoyoteCraft.png] An edit from the Half Kaizer Construction Project
Hair Extensions

For those that think that the currently acquired hair styles needed a little extra touch, it is here where you can find pig tails to add, ponytails to show off, or more.

Recommended folder path:
{Stylename}\Hair Ext

[Image: BackToTop.png]

Custom Tails

So who says the hero doesn't have some animalistic traits? Here, one may find tails be they feline, canine, serpentine or more.

Recommended folder path:

[Image: BackToTop.png]


This begins a collective of apparel that covers both the torso and leg areas of your characters, such may be long dresses, wrestling leotards, one-piece swimwear, leotards.... or the new Superman outfit (New52) Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Recommended folder path:
{Stylename}\Clothing - One Piece

[Image: BackToTop.png]


[Image: T-F-Bodysuit01%20-%20Teal_DerVV.png] [Image: T-M-Bodysuit01%20-%20Teal_DerVV.png]
Bodysuit 01 - DerVVulfman


[Image: T-F-Dress-Knee-Holder.png]
Dress 01 - Knee-length - Holder

[Image: T-F-Dress-Strapless-Holder.png]
Dress 02 - Strapless Knee-length - Holder

The kimono(s) displayed here are not displayed with their obi (or belt of cloth).

[Image: T-F-Kimono01-DerVV.png]

Right here, you should be able to find upper garments, tops, and coverings for the actors. Who knows how much covering they may be.

Recommended folder path:
{Stylename}\Clothing - Upper

[Image: BackToTop.png]

Shirts/Blouses - Long Sleeve

[Image: T-F-Shirt01%20-%20Red_DerVV.png] [Image: T-M-Shirt01%20-%20Red_DerVV.png]
Shirt 01 - Base

Shirts/Blouses - Short Sleeve

Tube Tops / Tank Tops

[Image: T-F-TubeTop01_DerVV.png]
TubeTop 01 - DerVVulfman

[Image: T-M-TankTop01_DerVV.png]
TankTop 01 - DerVVulfman

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