Self Parameters v1.1
Self Parameters
Version: 1.1

First off, I'm not sure whether this is a good name for the script or not. If it isn't, suggest a new name. This script is pretty confusing to explain. Basically, it allows the developer to tag events with any kind of information. (example: Map 1's event 1's "gender" => "male") I'm not sure what it would be useful for, or how someone would make use of it but this was an idea I didn't want to go to waste. It's like self switches/my self variables script but for giving events certain information.

I'm having an awful time explaining this.
DerVVulfman Wrote:Remember how to set and retrieve .ini values for windows? Same difference, but using events to narrow the data further.

Within an event, you can call self_parameter(id, value) to set a single identifiable id string (ie 'gender'), and then set that id's value (like 'male'). That id/value combination is unique for that event. Go to another event, and you can set THAT value to female. Each event can be set to a different value for that id.

You can then use value = self_parameter(id) to retrieve that same said value.

Now if you want to have a default set of values, look into his 'Autoselfparameters' add-on... I think.
Also, check out the Auto Self Parameters add-on script.

  • Tag events with information.

No screenshots.

No demo.

? Self Parameters                                                              ?
? Version 1.1                                                                  ?
? by PK8                                                                       ?
? November 2nd, 2009                                                           ?
?                                                             ?
? ? Table of Contents                                                          ?
? ?? Author's Notes                - Line 18?20                                ?
? ?? Introduction & Description    - Line 22?28                                ?
? ?? Features                      - Line 30?32                                ?
? ?? How to Use                    - Line 34?53                                ?
? ?? This aliases the following... - Line 55?63                                ?
? ?? Thanks                        - Line 65,66                                ?
? ?? Changelog                     - Line 68?70                                ?
? ? Author's Notes                                                             ?
? A random idea came into my head. I'm not exactly sure how people would use it?
? but I didn't want to let this idea go to waste so I decided to make it.      ?
? ? Introduction & Description                                                 ?
? This script is pretty similar to that of the built in feature: Self Switches.?
? For those not familiar with Self Switches, Self Switches pretty much pertain ?
? to a specific event. Example: Treasure Chests.                               ?
?                                                                              ?
? Self Parameters allows users to set certain parameters pertaining to a       ?
? specific event. Examples include: An event's gender.                         ?
? ? Features                                                                   ?
? ? Set self parameters of an event via call script. (How to use is below)     ?
? ? Get self parameter of an event via call script. (How to use is below)      ?
? ? How to Use                                                                 ?
?                                                                              ?
? ? Setting up a self parameter:                                               ?
?   To set a self parameter for an event, you'll need to call this script on a ?
?   map event:                                                                 ?
?     self_parameter(id, value)                                                ?
?       id:     Self Parameter Identification. Example: 'gender'               ?
?       value:  Give it a value.                                               ?
?                                                                              ?
? ? Getting a self parameter:                                                  ?
?   To get a self parameter for an event, you can call this script.            ?
?     self_parameter(id)                                                       ?
?       id:     Self Parameter Key.                                            ?
?                                                                              ?
? ? Using self variables in evented if conditions.                             ?
?   You're probably wondering how, right? Alright. To do this, go to the       ?
?   conditional branch event command, click on the fourth tab, select Script   ?
?   and type either of these in the input form:                                ?
?     self_parameter(id) == value     <- Equal to.                             ?
?     self_parameter(id) != value     <- Not Equal to.                         ?
? ? This aliases the following...                                              ?
? RMXP Version:                                                                ?
?   command_new_game           - Scene_Title                                   ?
?   write_save_data            - Scene_Save < Scene_File                       ?
?   read_save_data             - Scene_Load < Scene_File                       ?
? RMVX Version:                                                                ?
?   create_game_objects        - Scene_Title < Scene_Base                      ?
?   write_save_data            - Scene_File < Scene_Base                       ?
?   read_save_data             - Scene_File < Scene_Base                       ?
? ? Thanks                                                                     ?
? Lowell: He liked the idea which was enough for me to want to make it.        ?
? ? Changelog (MM/DD/YYYY)                                                     ?
? v1.0 (11/02/2009): Initial Release                                           ?
? v1.1 (11/24/2009): "Merged" the RMXP and RMVX versions.                      ?

# IMPORTANT! RMVX users, set this to false!
class PK8
  Self_Parameters_RMXP = true

# ** Game_SelfParameters
#  This class handles self parameters. It's a wrapper for the built-in class
# "Hash." The instance of this class is referenced by $game_self_parameters.

class Game_SelfParameters
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    @data = {}
  # * Get Self Parameter
  #     key : key
  def [](key)
    if @data[key] != nil
      return @data[key]
  # * Set Self Parameter
  #     key   : key
  #     value : key's value
  def []=(key, value)
    @data[key] = value

# * RMXP Version
if Self_Parameters_RMXP == true
  # ** Interpreter
  #  This interpreter runs event commands. This class is used within the
  #  Game_System class and the Game_Event class.

  class Interpreter
    def self_parameter(id, value = nil)
      if @event_id > 0
        key = [@map_id, @event_id, id]
        if value != nil
          $game_self_parameters[key] = value
          return $game_self_parameters[key]
        if value != nil
          $game_map.need_refresh = true
          return true
  # ** Scene_Title
  #  This class performs the title screen processing.

  class Scene_Title
    # * Alias Listings
    alias pk8_self_parameters_command_new_game :command_new_game
    # * Create Game Objects
    def command_new_game
      $game_self_parameters =

  # ** Scene_Save
  #  This class performs save screen processing.

  class Scene_Save < Scene_File
    # * Alias Listings
    alias pk8_self_parameters_write_save_data  :write_save_data
    # * Write Save Data
    #     file : write file object (opened)
    def write_save_data(file)
      Marshal.dump($game_self_parameters, file)

  # ** Scene_Load
  #  This class performs load screen processing.

  class Scene_Load < Scene_File
    # * Alias Listings
    alias pk8_self_parameters_read_save_data   :read_save_data
    # * Read Save Data
    #     file : file object for reading (opened)
    def read_save_data(file)
      $game_self_parameters = Marshal.load(file)

# * RMVX Version
if Self_Parameters_RMXP == false
  # ** Game_Interpreter
  #  An interpreter for executing event commands. This class is used within the
  # Game_Map, Game_Troop, and Game_Event classes.

  class Game_Interpreter
    def self_parameter(id, value = nil)
      if @event_id > 0
        key = [@map_id, @event_id, id]
        if value != nil
          $game_self_parameters[key] = value
          return $game_self_parameters[key]
        if value != nil
          $game_map.need_refresh = true
          return true
  # ** Scene_Title
  #  This class performs the title screen processing.

  class Scene_Title < Scene_Base
    # * Alias Listings
    alias pk8_self_parameters_create_game_objects :create_game_objects
    # * Create Game Objects
    def create_game_objects
      $game_self_parameters =

  # ** Scene_File
  #  This class performs the save and load screen processing.

  class Scene_File < Scene_Base
    # * Alias Listings
    alias pk8_self_parameters_write_save_data  :write_save_data
    alias pk8_self_parameters_read_save_data   :read_save_data
    # * Write Save Data
    #     file : write file object (opened)
    def write_save_data(file)
      Marshal.dump($game_self_parameters, file)
    # * Read Save Data
    #     file : file object for reading (opened)
    def read_save_data(file)
      $game_self_parameters = Marshal.load(file)

Instructions are in the script.

Definitely awaiting question.

Scene_Title's command_new_game, Scene_Save < Scene_File's write_save_data and Scene_Load < Scene_File's read_save_data. - RMXP
Scene_Title < Scene_Base's create_game_objects, Scene_File < Scene_Base's write_save_data and read_save_data. - RMVX

Credits and Thanks
Credit me.

Author's Notes
The script was a pretty random idea. Anyway, I'm not too sure how anyone would use this script. It's so quirky! But Lowell liked the idea behind it so I'm sure he'll figure something out.

Terms and Conditions
Exclusive to RMVXP.
Reply }
I'm going to use this script for my Golden Sun clone :P
Reply }
Hey cool thingy. If I resurrect my RMXP project I'm propably findin a way to use this :)
Reply }
That seems like an awfully roundabout way of adding a hash to game_character o_o

Actually that doesn't appear to be adding it to the events, it's just making it a global.
It... has nothing to do with events. O_o
Reply }
It does have to do with events.

Remember how to set and retrieve .ini values for windows? Same difference, but using events to narrow the data further.

Within an event, you can call self_parameter(id, value) to set a single identifiable id string (ie 'gender'), and then set that id's value (like 'male'). That id/value combination is unique for that event. Go to another event, and you can set THAT value to female. Each event can be set to a different value for that id.

You can then use value = self_parameter(id) to retrieve that same said value.

Now if you want to have a default set of values, look into his 'Autoselfparameters' add-on... I think.
Reply }
Ah, just took a closer look at it.
It's using an array as the hash key o_o I see.
I suppose that's advantageous in that you can access it anywhere instead of just on the map the event is on.

Ignore my statement o_o/
Reply }

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