Getting the ID of "This common event".
Heya, is there a way I could obtain the ID to "This common event"?

Y'know how map events have @event_id? Is there something like that for common events?
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I think. Don't hold me to that. I'm still learning.
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Doesn't work. ;_;

*doesn't hold Yin to it*
Reply }
Obtain?? Confused

Common Events are called by map events are generally parallel processes. I mean you may be able to 'pass' the id of a common event into a script call to run an event (if you're good enough), but I never heard of one needing to retrieve the ID of a common event itself.

Happy You could set up an event in each common event:
CONTROL VARIABLES[0001: Event-ID] set = '1'
or whatever for each common event.

Then when the common event is run, it changes that one variable (#1) to that value. Then within the script, you can access that through $game_variables. Happy
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Cry Sorry.
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It's alright, Yin. :P
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That's evil punk.
You should tell when you get a solution.

Here is an XP solution where I overwrite setup_starting_event rather than alias it because the other way will be computationally more intensive.
Yes, the structure is not set up to allow the id of the running common event to be retrieved easily >_<
class Game_CommonEvent
  alias :zeriab_interpreter_id_refresh :refresh
  def refresh
    @interpreter.common_event_id = @common_event_id unless @interpreter.nil?

class Interpreter
  attr_writer :common_event_id
  def common_event_id
    @common_event_id = 0 if @common_event_id.nil?
  # * Call Common Event
  alias :zeriab_common_id_command_117 :command_117
  def command_117
    if $data_common_events[@parameters[0]] != nil
      @child_interpreter.common_event_id = @parameters[0]
  # * Starting Event Setup
  def setup_starting_event
    # Refresh map if necessary
    if $game_map.need_refresh
    # If common event call is reserved
    if $game_temp.common_event_id > 0
      # Set up event
      setup($data_common_events[$game_temp.common_event_id].list, 0)
      ## Added
      self.common_event_id = $game_temp.common_event_id
      # Release reservation
      $game_temp.common_event_id = 0
    # Loop (map events)
    for event in $
      # If running event is found
      if event.starting
        # If not auto run
        if event.trigger < 3
          # Clear starting flag
          # Lock
        # Set up event
    # Loop (common events)
    for common_event in $data_common_events.compact
      # If trigger is auto run, and condition switch is ON
      if common_event.trigger == 1 and
         $game_switches[common_event.switch_id] == true
        # Set up event
        setup(common_event.list, 0)
        ## Added
        self.common_event_id =

[Image: ZeriabSig.png]
Reply }

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