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You mean??
Code: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Change Equipment
# equip_type : type of equipment
# id : weapon or armor ID (If 0, remove equipment)
def equip(equip_type, id)
case equip_type
when (self.dual_wield? ? 0..1 : 0) # Weapon
if id == 0 || $game_party.weapon_number(id) > 0
Meh, why not have a patch that just replaces it? Got no probs there.
Oh, and for the record, I am planning a little extra work to MultiSlots where unarmed/unequipped characters do not suffer from '0' Attack, Strength, etc scores. Kinda like having an Unarmed Attacks script built in.
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I mean there are two or more calls to equip itself (not sure, I'm at work now) within the equip method. That is going to give many headaches everytime you alias it, because the extra code gets unexpectedly executed twice and with a status that is neither before nor after the execution of the basic code, with hardly predictable results.
EDIT: The SLS steps in at this point by removing all the equipment skills before the equip command is called and adding all the equipment skills after the equip command is executed; the extra equip calls crash everything...!
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I forgot to...
... this last night...
Now at version 2.0
Version 1.8 had added the Offhand System so you could limit your character so his 2nd weapon (if dual weilding) cannot be something bulky like a broadsword. Seriously, who be able to wield a pair of 'Conan' swords effectively?
Well, version 2.0 has two things.
One... Hey, Charlie. I caught the recursive self.equip(0,0) thingies you meant. It was a shortcut on my end and I overlooked it. It's not using those statements to unequip weapons when dual-wielders are handling two-handed weapons.
So it should be fine and your skill patch should be easier to work on now. ^_^
Two... I added a feature so characters who have no weapons may still be able to have SOME measure of combat skill. Seriously, even an unarmed man can land a punch, right? Well, if they're not wearing armor, they can still have some measure of defense too.
The system considers your strength for ATK, dexterity for PDEF and Intelligence for MDEF. Just a multiplier system. Oh, and as an added bonus, your unarmed stats may work in place of armor/weapon stat values or they're added TO the armor/weapon stat values. Your choice.
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Downloaded and tested. That problem with my patch seems solved.
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Bump to version 2.1
A new feature to conceal element and state names from the equipment is available, thanks to Charlie Fleed.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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I was never satisfied with the way my multi-slots script handled an actor's ability to use two weapons at the same time. Of course, I wasn't alone... other multiple slot scripts handled using two weapons at the same time the same way. Turn on a switch, you get to use two weapons... but no shield. Turn it off, you get the shield, but not the 2nd weapon.
So, without any further delay.
To version 2.2
Now, you have a switch for the player which is (still) called dual_wield, but it turns on a player's ability to be ambidextrous. This means, the player can choose to use two weapons or sword/shield style combat without any difficulty. The item list for the second equipment slot now holds both weapons and shields. Just choose the weapon or shield. No further headaches!!!
And, Sixtyandaquarter asked me if the system had a monkeygrip feature.
Monkeygrip? What the heck is that?
Well, it boils down to allowing an actor to be able to use two two-handed weapons at the same time, or using a two-handed weapon and a shield as if the two-handed weapon is a normal weapon for him. And at the same time, he doesn't have to worry about offhand weapons. No weapon would be an offhand weapon to him.
Just set the actor's monkeyflag switch to true, and he can use any two-handed weapon as if it's a butter knife.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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That sounds awesome. I especially like the monkeygrip aspect. Can't wait to get to the battle system in my game so I can really screw with this script.
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Hey, I haven't checked this in a while...Seems you added several cool new features! Thanks for doing the "offhand" thing!
Still...have you reconsidered triple-wielding and beyond? I know most people won't have a use for it...but I have several ideas that call for characters that have more than 2 arms, and they'd like to hold a weapon in each hand...I don't know how hard it would be to have that dual-wield/shield thing to work with that though...
But come on...what if Gilgamesh joined the party!?
![[Image: gilgameshmc.jpg]](
I know it would be silly, but wouldn't a character with EIGHT weapon slots be... epic? And look, in that picture he's holding a weapon in each hand, but he's only got 5 weapons. It looks like he has 2 one-handed weapons, and 3 two-handed weapons. Which makes me wonder, what about three-handed weapons!? Four-handed weapons!! It would certainly be a unique twist on dual-wielding, it could almost be considered parody even. A sword that's so freaking huge no normal human could wield it, but your four-armed character could use it. I really like pushing boundaries in ways like that, so I think it would be a fun feature. idea. From what I can remember, Guillaume777's Multi-slots script lets you have more than 2 weapon slots. I think one time it froze when I tried putting Gilgamesh in one of my games, I gave him 6 weapon slots (it was a different picture, lol)...I reduced it to 4 to make it work, but I was sad to have to restrict it like that.
Again, I think it might be really hard to make this work with that shield effect you implemented, but if you couldn't make this work with that, I'm fine with using one or the other. Of course, you don't have to listen to my bizarre request at all if you don't want. Reading my ramblings is enough...
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Wow great Idea. I really like it. Would be awesome :D
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Actually, it was by intention and design to limit it to a two-handed system and not go with a weapon system consisting of more than two arms.
While going all 4-armed 'Goro' or 6-Armed 'Kali' may appeal to some, it didn't to me. And I always felt that the multiple weapon system he had seemed like an offshoot of Guillaume777's effort to make a two weapon using system. But it was always my intent to craft a system where you could have an ambidextrous character where you could personally change from a sword-shield system to a sword-sword system without the need of a script call.
It was difficult work to make the player be able to change between sword/shield and two-sword style automatically, and I don't wish to take such a step backwards to add multiple arms.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)
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