Super Simple Vehicle System - Enhanced
Terrain tags likely.

Certain terrain types (water, desert, grass, oceans) can have different terrain types which allow/disallow travel on these types. Not only do you consider terrain types which allows vehicles to travel along the terrain, but you also need to consider the terrain types for where vehicles are allowed to dock/disembark. You may have considered the movement terrain tag, but not the landing/docking tag.
Thanks for your help, really.. But had another problem,

It isn't compatible with my swimming system, Both uses Terrain, When I removed the swimmimg system,
It works! It Lands! But when I landed it, It disappears... I tried to press shift on where I Left it before I rode on it,
Then the next thing is, i'm riding on it, i tried to land it near, but it still vanishes and goes back to where it was before :(...

Hope you can Help...

EDIT: Nevermind! I found the Solution! It should be Map1, so I copied and pasted all my other maps to the other one and copied the World Map then pasted it on my game folder to be first! Now it probably Works!! *Off to work on the Room! :)
Hm I have a small issue with this: when I fill my map on layer 1 with water and on layer 2 I build my Isles, I can't walk on the Isles because the water terrain has a higher priority even it is only on layer one. could this be solved?
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
No. The terrain detection feature in RMXP only works on the first layer. With RPGMaker XP, subsequent layers (and I checked this on various minimap systems too) do not play any factor on terrain tags as the first layer is intended for terrains.
ok then I have to map my worldmap in a more complex way :D but ty anyway for this^^
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
I hope I'm not necroposting, but this script is really cool! It's more than what I was hoping to find, especially the ability to have a mobile HQ. I'm trying to make a game somewhat similar to Star Trek online (except not online of course), that allows you to Captain a starship (or possibly a steampunk battle airship--haven't decided yet). The problem I'm now having is being able to do battle with your ship, and rather than use the main player party, you'd use your vehicle. The way I had thought of doing this was using special characters for each vehicle in the game with it's own weapons, armor, etc., and skills. Then when you go to enter the vehicle, the game saves your current party characters for later and switches them for the vehicle character. That way when you do combat it's using your vehicle's stats and skills and weapons.

That's easy enough to do in events, but I'm also using a script that allows for large parties and changing party formation. That seems to complicate things too much for events. Can an option be built into the script that allows the game to switch out the actors in the party, for the vehicle's actor when embarking, switching back to your player party when going to your mobile headquarters or disembarking. Is that possible or would it be a real pain to do? Thanks so much.
Hey DerVVulfman, I have another question for you about this great system. I was wondering if you could some how transfer from a vehicle(while traveling around the world) directly to another map? For example:

The group needs to travel to a cove in the ocean to find a cave in order to get something from the cave. Well the group can't walk there on foot so they need to dock their ship on the cove. So you would be traveling on the world map on your ship and when you ran into the cove on the world map the next scene would be the group on the ship docked to the cove(not the HQ).

I tried using the enter_hq method in the add-on feature and transferring the player from there, but when I did this my main character's image and speed was the "ships" image and speed.(I was walking around as a ship!) I also tried to get an action that would "force" the player to press the "esc" button using:


but I could not figure out how to get the script to force the action.(This would bring the character to the HQ if pressed by the player) I also tried using the board HQ method in the add on trying:

# Get Off Current Vehicle
v_counter = actor_disembark(map_name)

but again that did not work, since I'm guessing there is more code to be entered. Anyway, if you could find a way to do this that would be much appreciated. Thank you for you time.
Well, from what you're saying...

You wish to be able to sail/fly/drive around on a map designed as (for an example) a world map. Normally, you could disembark on that map as normal. But if you go to a hot-spot like a cove or beachfront, disembarking takes you to another map. Normally, you can only disembark from your vehicle on the same, but you need to have it transport you to another.

Currently, I am working on it at a fairly decent rate of speed. However, you are forgetting one important feature: transporting back to the vehicle from that same location. Under the normal circumstances, you can only board a vehicle when you click next to it... or use the current add-on patch I designed. But, it only works with the vehicle being on the same map. As such, I now have to make boarding a vehicle work possible from another map.

Be interesting if you're making a 'Star Trek' game and you beam your away team to an alien planet and back.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Um. It could be a gratuitous bump... But to my surprise, VEHICLES works with MGC's H-Mode7 script. And if you want looping MGC H-Mode maps, you can use both Vehicles and the Mode7 MGCaladtogel patch I wrote years ago so vehicles can loop around with H-Mode7.

Sarcasm Funny how the patch didn't work with NeoMode7. But it does with H-Mode7.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
I apologise for the necropost, but I have found a bug (I think it's a bug) in the Vehicle system.

A number of times when I finish a level through a cutscene, I teleport my player directly to the HQ. I guess I'm probably not supposed to do this, but it fits better when the ship comes to pick the current characters up from their location.

However there's a problem. When I use the hq_exit command, rather than my ship being where I landed it, it's in the last place I accessed the HQ. Would it be possible to fix this?

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