Cheap Map Wrap
Cheap Map Wrap

Yet another product of my boredom. I decided to go work on this really cheap attempt at a map wrap system. (Although I'm aware of there being scripts for RMXP which pulls off map looping better than this and a built-in map wrap system for RMVX.) Here's how it would "loop". The player would move to the edge of a side. Moving to a certain side for so long would then move the player over to the other side of the map. If the other side has a tile at the edge that is impassable, you wouldn't be able to go to the other side.

  • Plug and play!
  • The developer can set which maps would "loop" either horizontally, vertically or in all directions.
.zip   Cheap Map Wrap (Size: 188.97 KB / Downloads: 22)
.zip   Cheap Map Wrap (Size: 242.11 KB / Downloads: 3)
Copy-paste the entire common event to your project. Depending on how far into development you are with your project, you should probably change the condition switch of the common event.

Author's Notes
I understand that making a VX version of this was pretty pointless.
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