Data Backup Event System
Data Backup Event System

Before I begin, I'd like to say this is a developer's tool and not an event system for players. This event system will create backups of your data files (Just in case something were to happen to your project). With the touch of a button, the event system will automatically create a backup destination directory and another directory within it named using a time format.

Unfortunately, this isn't automatic and due to the fact that it is an evented system, it can only be used on maps and requires a switch to use it.

To use it, copy the common event to your project, change the condition switch of the common event, activate it through a map, test play the game (that's the only way you'll be able to use it) and tap the backup button (F8 by default) in a map to start the backup.

  • Plug and play!
  • Choose the path and folder name of the backup directory.
  • Set the button to trigger the backup.
  • Change the name of the folders within your backup destination directory. (Advanced.)

Download! (Event System included!)
.zip   Backup Event System (Size: 192.7 KB / Downloads: 3)
.zip   Backup Event System (Size: 394.26 KB / Downloads: 1)

Copy-paste the entire common event to your project. Depending on how far into development you are with your project, you should probably change the condition switch of the common event. To use it, you'll need to have a map activate the switch which activates the backup event system common event. Then you'll need to tap a button (default is F8) on the map to start the backup.

What if players attempt to press F8?
Actually, there wouldn't be need to worry about players attempting to back up data files. This only works during playtesting. And the only way a player would be able to backup data files is if you were to leave your project unencrypted and if the player of your project was playing your project through playtesting.

Wait, what does this back up exactly?
This will back up these files: Actors, Animations, Areas(VX), Armors, Classes, CommonEvents, Enemies, Items, MapInfos, Scripts, Skills, States, System, Tilesets(XP), Troops, Weapons and all of your maps. You may find them in a folder within your backup destination directory folder.

Why is it so slow? >:|
Results may vary, depends on data file size. :o

Credits and Thanks
Dargor: Dargor's backup script made me bored enough to make an event system out of it.
I know I have others to thank, although I really don't know who.

Author's Notes
- For those who are into the Felix and Arshes cutscenes, I'm really starting to run out of ideas as to what cutscenes to do with them. I think the cutscene within this demo will show.
- Please, please, let me know if there's any bugs in this event system.
- If there's enough support or requests for this event system, I'll try writing a script for it.
- As was said before, looking at Dargor's backup script made me want to work on an Event System backup system. As to why I did it? Boredom, I guess. :P
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i can't wait to use this(i'm at school) gives you a peace of mind when using different scripts... :D
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Any thoughts? :(
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