Maps and screenshots thread
Hey, guy. Your maps are pretty good. Lots of eye candy (that's what they call it right?). The arrows are a nice touch too, but I think they are a bit too big. I like how you did the sideways thing, I've been looking for a way to do that and let the player know that they can go in that direction for so long. I'll maybe try that method out if it goes with my game.
I like the indoor map better though mostly because of the fireplace. I like the aura.
Nice use of eye candy and nice idea with the arrows. I've seen Quintessence The Blighted Venom make nice use of that. I agree with Yin, try making the arrows a little smaller.
Alright cool. Yeah Quintessence gave me the idea actually lol. I'll try to make them smaller and see how that turns out. Thanks!
No prob. Oh hey, here's something I didn't notice about your first screenshot when I posted. The lilypad looks out of place with the rest of the map. :o
Oh, like it looks too bright or doesn't match the tileset? Either way I could always just the use the RTP ones.
The lilypad looks very saturated (I think that's the problem) compared to the rest of the tileset, imo. Try desaturating the green a little. :D
Alright, I'll try that. Thanks. :P
I need someone to judge my desert maps... I don't want them to look too full of life, but I also don't want it to be so barren and dull
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They're good, especially the last one. If I had to say something, I'd say the first and second ones look a little too empty sometimes... I'd try adding some dust or something on the road for the second, and some dead trees to the first one.

Except that, I see no problem, and it doesn't look too full of life, and it's not too "not full of life" either!
I know that something was missing :) Ok, dust and dead trees. Hmmm..... I'll have to add a dead tree to that tileset.

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