Creat new script below h-mode7 script and paste this in new script to fix animation bug
module HM7
  class Surface
    def screen_x
    def screen_y
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It's nice...
But it's too much configuration...
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First of all, congratulations for this script.
Just an amazing work, it makes possible a lot of new things for the RMXP engine. Only testing it for about half an hour and getting aware of its potencial.
My question: i noticed that when you add a panorama graphic like "006-Mountains01" from the RTP, and you make a short walk to the bottom of the map, you'll get to the Y loop for the slicing of the panorama. Is there any way to fix the panorama so it doesnt move on the Y axis?.
Maybe a picture is worth a thousand words:

PD: English is not my native language,so please forgive me if i express myself oddly.
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hello all im new in this forum and newbie.
nice work to Mr Mgc.
I have a problem with H mode7.
Here's the SS.
[Image: 51550942.jpg]
the grounds like a rice field, and when the character move it move like a sewing machine, up down up down.
Im very newbie please tell me how to fix it.
1 more question, I can make a Texture But I Cannot make the roof for the texture i make. please tell me how to make a texture and the roof

Thanks for the attention.
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@felicalexa: about character move up down,go to tileset option and turn on "bush flag" on grass tile.
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(05-24-2012, 04:49 AM)finalholylight Wrote: @felicalexa: about character move up down,go to tileset option and turn on "bush flag" on grass tile.
ooh i see that tile is rough grass, 1 problem solve. thanks mr. Finalholylight :)
how about make a Tileset wirh the roof ?
i have new problem, I try to make my own Char, i've done make the char but when i apply it in RM i found problem.
there's White Outline that surrounding my char.
here the screenshoot.
[Image: charwithproblem.jpg]

Please help me to solve this problem too :)
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This is not really the topic to ask, but it's because of anti-aliasing. You'll either need to use an aliased brush, or save it as a 32bit PNG.
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(05-24-2012, 06:09 AM)Taylor Wrote: This is not really the topic to ask, but it's because of anti-aliasing. You'll either need to use an aliased brush, or save it as a 32bit PNG.

Last and as my first question.
still about H Mode 7
Can someone tell me How the Texture and Roof work ?
is Texture_002.png = The first High Tile in the map as roof ? ( Im using Map from H mode7 V 1.4 Demo )
are we must make a Duplicat map that black and white coloured to make this H mode 7 work ?
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after i read the instruction before use from mr. MGC, i almost understand How tu use this Art.
Thank you Mr MGC & Thanks Everybody :)
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(05-21-2012, 07:20 AM)carfonu Wrote: First of all, congratulations for this script.
Just an amazing work, it makes possible a lot of new things for the RMXP engine. Only testing it for about half an hour and getting aware of its potencial.
My question: i noticed that when you add a panorama graphic like "006-Mountains01" from the RTP, and you make a short walk to the bottom of the map, you'll get to the Y loop for the slicing of the panorama. Is there any way to fix the panorama so it doesnt move on the Y axis?.
Maybe a picture is worth a thousand words:

PD: English is not my native language,so please forgive me if i express myself oddly.

In the end i was able to find a solution (or sort of...), if somebody has the same problem, find this line in the HM7 MODIFIED CLASSES script (is 723, 724):

    @panorama.ox = ($game_map.display_x / 8)
    @panorama.oy = ($game_map.display_y / 8)

This controls how the panorama moves according to the movement of the character, so a solution is to set the y movement to 0, also you can set both movements to the x axis, but sometimes it looks strange. I'm not an scripter, i just compose BGMs, so that's my solution, i'm impressed that it worked and that my computer didn't exploded or rebealed against me when i started to play with the code xP.
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