What's up, RMers?
oof 10 years ago that map script would have killed me Laughing 

What's rpg maker unite like, anybody use it? Wasteland 3 was a lot of fun
IT IS GARBAGO!!!!! So much hate for the system PRIOR to the whole Unity debacle. It isn't even considered an Enterbrain product!

Laughing Sorry, had to get that out before Remi. But she'd say the same.

Just watch:
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Well, I suspected Detective it didn't work smoothly, but I couldn't even fathom how trashy or ¡qué basura! as I say in Spanish it actually is. Shocked Just amazing for the worst reasons ever!
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9


The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.

[Image: SP1-Scripter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Poet.png]
[Image: SP1-PixelArtist.png]
[Image: SP1-Reporter.png]

My Original Stories (available in English and Spanish)

List of Compiled Binary Executables I have published...
HiddenChest & Roole

Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 3 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Just some scripts I've already published on the board...
KyoGemBoost XP VX & ACE, RandomEnkounters XP, KSkillShop XP, Kolloseum States XP, KEvents XP, KScenario XP & Gosu, KyoPrizeShop XP Mangostan, Kuests XP, KyoDiscounts XP VX, ACE & MV, KChest XP VX & ACE 2016, KTelePort XP, KSkillMax XP & VX & ACE, Gem Roulette XP VX & VX Ace, KRespawnPoint XP, VX & VX Ace, GiveAway XP VX & ACE, Klearance XP VX & ACE, KUnits XP VX, ACE & Gosu 2017, KLevel XP, KRumors XP & ACE, KMonsterPals XP VX & ACE, KStatsRefill XP VX & ACE, KLotto XP VX & ACE, KItemDesc XP & VX, KPocket XP & VX, OpenChest XP VX & ACE
Let's make a game engine as a collab with the worst business practice havers (GG games) and apply that to the most mediocre overrated engine on the market (unity)

What could go wrong?

I called this shit being bad months and months ago, but it seems even I couldn't comprehend what an absolute shitshow it would be.

Now RPGM has an even more stigmatized name even if GG games isnt really part of the core team, they used the rpgmaker brand which means by association, they bring everything down with it.

*Evil chuckles*

Just as I had hoped... So long as this vainglorious idiocy continues the ancient foe I have allowed free lease to tear themselves apart from the inside out will accomplish my mission for me!

Little did I know not much later that Unity would also tear itself down due to extremely selfish business practises that got a wave of backlash so horrific they will never recover.

The paradigm shift is beginning, and meanwhile the smart little cookie I am has not ever advertised my games as 'rpgmaker' and because of all the custom assets, no one figures that out until they learn if they like it or not, mwehehehehe~!

I'm playing the long game and it is working out!
Another bit of work being done... A bit repetitive and yet not:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1975]

A while ago, I made the scrolling list windows which you see in the top center and right, and the combo box on the right side of the screen.  Unfortunately, these cannot be added into a 'Window' of their own.  So it is currently impossible to put a combo box in the "Start Menu", the "Widgets" window in the top-left, or the "Other Widgets" window in the bottom-left.

So... do notice what am working on highlighted by the rainbow-colored box around the bottom-left!

The code is going to be quite different, but I am working on a new Scrolling listbox. For this, I have need to insert a proprietary scrollbar system and a few other touches.  Obviously, I want the math used for the existing scrollbar to be much the same.  I already know I can vertically scroll the list.  But tying the two together will be ... fun?  I think the worst part will be the creation of the scrollbar 'tab'.

Oh, yeah... on the far right, there IS a proto-drive-list drop-box.  Functional, but ugly IMHO.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Starry-Eyed   It WORKS!!!!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1976]

Okay, the scrollbar tab is green...   The Hulk   but that was just me messing with the color code. 

HOWEVER, the scrollbar buttons do cycle through the list properly, scrolling the scrollbar tab up and down.  The scrollbar tab does adjust in size according to the size of the list, and can be dragged up and down to likewise properly scroll the list up and down.  And yes, clicking on an item, despite the vertically adjusted placement in the window, does highlight and select the proper item!

There are things to touch up of course...

Painter  I have a dedicated class for all graphics. And the buttons for the new scrolling listbox does not use what I used in the previous scrollbar.  So I either migrate these new buttons to that class, or see how to adapt the old ones to work.

Detective   I don't have an '@index' value set up.  Based on the other listbox, it assumes you 'click' the desired data and it just takes it now.  There's nothing as yet to define the index position at start... as in an assumed default data.  So there's that to likewise accomplish.

Spy   And I need to ensure that clicking on the scrollbar doesn't interfere with any currently highlighted/selected data.

Mad Scientist  But with what I have accomplished, replacing the combobox (or dropdown list box) may be readily be made in much the same fashion.

But first... Editor   coding cleanup duty.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
I think Thinking I'm getting inspired tonight. I've been considering expanding 2 scripts by adding a new factor, namely bad reputation and its consequences. It might affect the KFactions and EskapeLevelsDown scripts. Plus, I might extend Falkoner by adding the weather factor. Will your birdie fly during bad weather season? Happy with a sweat

Stay tune to find out what will happen next! Shocked
"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9


The Internet might be either your friend or enemy. It just depends on whether or not she has a bad hair day.

[Image: SP1-Scripter.png]
[Image: SP1-Writer.png]
[Image: SP1-Poet.png]
[Image: SP1-PixelArtist.png]
[Image: SP1-Reporter.png]

My Original Stories (available in English and Spanish)

List of Compiled Binary Executables I have published...
HiddenChest & Roole

Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 3 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Just some scripts I've already published on the board...
KyoGemBoost XP VX & ACE, RandomEnkounters XP, KSkillShop XP, Kolloseum States XP, KEvents XP, KScenario XP & Gosu, KyoPrizeShop XP Mangostan, Kuests XP, KyoDiscounts XP VX, ACE & MV, KChest XP VX & ACE 2016, KTelePort XP, KSkillMax XP & VX & ACE, Gem Roulette XP VX & VX Ace, KRespawnPoint XP, VX & VX Ace, GiveAway XP VX & ACE, Klearance XP VX & ACE, KUnits XP VX, ACE & Gosu 2017, KLevel XP, KRumors XP & ACE, KMonsterPals XP VX & ACE, KStatsRefill XP VX & ACE, KLotto XP VX & ACE, KItemDesc XP & VX, KPocket XP & VX, OpenChest XP VX & ACE
Deez Guts

No, this isn't all I've gotten done!

But the other thingy is not yet ready~ I'm working on a long form story video that will go into my backstory as a gamedev.

Here's the title logo for it.
[Image: 2AyC7uK.jpg]
It will be about 28 minutes long, and I've done just over eight minutes of it so far, marking it as 2/7ths of the way done. Though outside of sound effects, the audio is all basically where I want it. I've also done setup for the credits in the last couple minutes.
(10-07-2023, 11:10 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: There are things to touch up of course...

Painter  I have a dedicated class for all graphics. And the buttons for the new scrolling listbox does not use what I used in the previous scrollbar.  So I either migrate these new buttons to that class, or see how to adapt the old ones to work.

Detective   I don't have an '@index' value set up.  Based on the other listbox, it assumes you 'click' the desired data and it just takes it now.  There's nothing as yet to define the index position at start... as in an assumed default data.  So there's that to likewise accomplish.

Spy   And I need to ensure that clicking on the scrollbar doesn't interfere with any currently highlighted/selected data.

Mad Scientist  But with what I have accomplished, replacing the combobox (or dropdown list box) may be readily be made in much the same fashion.

I still haven't dealt with migrating the graphics to the dedicated class, and I haven't dealt with separating list/scrollbar detection. BUT I do have a functional @index value setup.

I also ensure the following properties are completely functional:

object.width = value in pixels
Width of the widget
object.height = value in pixels
Height of the widget
object.font_name = font filename
Font/text style in use
object.font_size = font/text size
Size of the font
object.font_bold = true/false
Is the font boldfaced or not?
object.font_italic = true/false
Is the font italicized or not?
object.font_color = Color.new value
What color is the text in the list
object.font_highlight = Color.new value
Color of the text if highlighted
object.highlight = Color.new value
Color of the highlight bar
object.fill = Color.new value
Background color if no background image is used
object.image = image filename
Bacground image that scrolls with the text
object.image_stretch = true/false
Does the image stretch or tile?
object.data = defined array of new/replacement data
Replaces the widget's data list
object.add_item(text, data [index [,enabled]])
Can add an individual formatted data item
Yep.  A listed item can be disabled
And yep, the reverse
Just returns true or false if a data item is enabled
Just as it says
Erases all the data
This 'UN' highlights whatever is highlighted

Heckuva list, eh?  Well, I still have some things to take care of.

object.border = Color.new value
Color of the widget border
object.border_outline = true/false
Does a border outline exist?

THIS ... doesn't function properly.  The premise is to make an outline around the entire widget or not.  Its gonna take a little more effort.  But doable.

And when I  (1) change the size of the font, (2) add/remove items from the list or (3) change the height of the list, the scroll bar's increment system needs to be recalculated.

BUT, at least I know what's needed. Winking
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Backstory time!

Yeah, I finished it. Here i thought this hsit would take two months ha ha!

It took two days.

so yeah please enjoy it~!

Saga of the Starchaser

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