What's up, RMers?
Vengeance and my MMO escapades have gone into "haitus mode", I'm doing some commissioned maps for a commercial game (not sure how that will turn out), and I've been musing about creating an offline game (first in a few years ha) with completely custom scripts and whatnot.

To be honest I'm starting to move away from RPG Maker anyway.
:( @ Wyatt

Still working on strings. I'm debating whether I should actually map the preset strings to negative integers or keep it the way it was.

Edit: Currently working on the demo for the Game Strings.
Bump because it deserves it.

I'm finally done with the string script and I will be posting it in a few minutes!
Well I told ya in chat last night of my idea: The Containers script. Kinda ambitious, but I'll see what I can do tomorrow.
I still think that's a pretty good idea. :D
Oh, I forgot to tell you this last night. I got the 'containers' system going... mostly.

I go up to a chest and open it, and a splitscreen window pops up and I can move items from the chest into my 'party item' list. Then move those items back into the chest.

I haven't gotten it to add 'NEW' items from your 'party item' list to the chest though. Still in the works. Cheery

Oh, and saved games do recognize the containers. The saves work.
My containers script is done!!! Happy

Whee!! I posted it! Demo and all! Just a first version though. Nothing special like equipment weights or limits to carrying capacity. But it's out now. Winking

Missed talkin' to Punky last night though. He just left when I came in. Sad
I had a hard drive failure and completely lost Universe Insane :D
decibel Wrote:I had a hard drive failure and completely lost Universe Insane :D

Confused Man, since I almost lost my thesis 5 years ago for the same reason, I backup everything every week...
"Remember the Sabbath day and backup your data..."
I got most of my RMXP stuff on flash drives. Heck, I travel from home to a friend's place with it, just so I can work on the stuff elsewhere.

Has there ever been a flash drive crash?

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