What's up, RMers?
you'd need tons of pictures, or devise a script that allows you to offset two lines of text into one line
I'm hoping someone might devise such a script...
"Turning iron ore into iron swords is a hard process, for one must first dig out the rock, and melt it to refine it, then one must pour that metal into a mould, let it cool a bit, and pound on it while it cools even further. Games are no different." - Ahzoh

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Vrkhazhian
ʾEšol ḵavud ʾelẕakud lav ʾezʾaẕud zwazaršeru ya lit žalneru lav lit t͛enud. Ṗal sa-ražheru lav raržižu paplam lav ṗal widsaṟam bemaḵu šuku lit ʾeyṭu waẏnilaẇ.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Your biggest hurdle is the font. Knowing you had issues with text editor within the editor itself, I tried running a bypass and just load a TXT file using a simple FILE...read...Close system. Even using nothing more than the cheap 'p' command to print the text, it still didn't do. Regardless of the font I used, neither ANSI, Unicode, nor UTF-8 wished to show properly. All I got was some text and a lot of character codes. It is neither the editor nor the message system that is your problem.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
Well just to be clear, I'm talking about the white screen area where you input event commands.
It does not show the proper letters, only as codes or question marks.
it is the fault of the RMXP program itself that you can't change the font of the event editor.
So what I got to do is assign Vrkhazhian letters to letters that the editor-font wont turn into question marks.
The Advanced Messaging script will at least change font. I got it to work in-game before, just tedious.

In anycase, now I want to get a script or way to display the language as I described above.
It will likely still require pictures...
"Turning iron ore into iron swords is a hard process, for one must first dig out the rock, and melt it to refine it, then one must pour that metal into a mould, let it cool a bit, and pound on it while it cools even further. Games are no different." - Ahzoh

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Vrkhazhian
ʾEšol ḵavud ʾelẕakud lav ʾezʾaẕud zwazaršeru ya lit žalneru lav lit t͛enud. Ṗal sa-ražheru lav raržižu paplam lav ṗal widsaṟam bemaḵu šuku lit ʾeyṭu waẏnilaẇ.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Well, I was trying to be clear that I wasn't even using the white area within the text editor. I was uploading a text file straight into RPGMaker's Game.Exe itself using this:
file = File.open('text.txt', "rb")
texty = file.readlines
p texty
$game_temp.message_text = texty[0] + "\n"

This let me forego the SHOW TEXT command with the white area itself, under the assumption that it could be screwing up your requested text. However, it wasn't. I attempted to directly import text using custom characters ( R y S æ ê ¼ ½ ? ) that you can find using charmap. It still didn't work. All I got was R y S [] [] [] [] ?, and I would like to add the R y S and ? were not the default ones on the keyboard but got converted somehow from Cryllic-like counterparts.

Now the 'p' popup window that alerts you to errors or the like COULD have been flaky, so I thought... Could it be the bbcode like commands in the Message window code in the scripts? Unfortunately, no. I took them all out, leaving only the piece of code that checks for line breaks and I still received garbage for the odd characters. This in both RPGMaker XP and in ReGaL.

It has nothing to do with the font used being Tahoma or Arial or Times New Roman, nor the message and display system, nor the hidden bitmap class as I understand its workings. But here's a thought. Do you know anyone with the Japanese .dll and .Exe for RPGMAKER XP? My testing was with RPGMaker XP with the Western/English DLL and with ReGaL that has no such limit (it's built-in). Perhaps I can test with that.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
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I just can't understand why you are having such weird issues with this. You *can* display the text in other programs, I assume. What about VX/Ace? Or is RMXP's interpretation of unicode somehow out of date/neglecting Cyrillic? This makes no sense to me.

I'm meanwhile wondering if I should drop my map screen system as it is and rewrite it, replace it with something image-based. Right now it's based on passability settings. That sounds super convenient at first... but... no. It looks pretty ugly in practice, especially with outdoor areas:
[Image: forsetamapping_07.png]

It was originally based on a minimap script. So design-wise, it wasn't considered that you'd see the whole map. And since this is VXAce, the maps are assumed to be simple and using VX/A's "style". As in my old write-up, it looks great for dungeons and indoors, but it falls apart elsewhere.

I did want to avoid having to manually update map images or passability images, though... ... but when I think about it, messing with an image for the map-screen might save more time than getting passability correct so it looks nice.
Have you considered using the Map Generator I linked a while ago? though one doesn't have much control over what the seed will look like, it is very high detailed.
Oh, but that isn't what you are looking for...
"Turning iron ore into iron swords is a hard process, for one must first dig out the rock, and melt it to refine it, then one must pour that metal into a mould, let it cool a bit, and pound on it while it cools even further. Games are no different." - Ahzoh

Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Vrkhazhian
ʾEšol ḵavud ʾelẕakud lav ʾezʾaẕud zwazaršeru ya lit žalneru lav lit t͛enud. Ṗal sa-ražheru lav raržižu paplam lav ṗal widsaṟam bemaḵu šuku lit ʾeyṭu waẏnilaẇ.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(04-15-2015, 01:20 AM)Taylor Wrote: I just can't understand why you are having such weird issues with this. You *can* display the text in other programs, I assume. What about VX/Ace? Or is RMXP's interpretation of unicode somehow out of date/neglecting Cyrillic? This makes no sense to me.

I have VX as well, so ... no go (though it uses $game_message instead of $game_temp). Couple that with seeing the default scripts for RPGMaker VXAce and seeing the similarities, I know it won't work with Ace. Has anyone a means to see if it is RUBY itself? ReGaL uses a version even higher than Ace. But again, the Japanese version uses some pretty odd characters, so I'm wondering about the usefulness of its RGSSJ##.dll.
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

[Image: QrnbKlx.jpg]
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]    [Image: liM4ikn.png]    [Image: fdzKgZA.png]    [Image: sj0H81z.png]
[Image: QL7oRau.png]    [Image: uSqjY09.png]    [Image: GAA3qE9.png]    [Image: 2Hmnx1G.png]    [Image: BwtNdKw.png%5B]
  Above are clickable links
I remember reading something about japanese RPG Maker having unicode support. So that might be something to try
Even english RM should be fine as long as the font has the support for the character in question. ... well, Ace at least. I'm not sure Ace differentiates the E/J dlls like XP. ... actually that could be the question, what kind of text are you trying to display? Maybe I should see what I can do, or I dunno.

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