FPLE : First Person Labyrinth Explorer
Hello, I'm new in this forum and I'm french so , sorry for my bad english.
First, MGC, I'm a fan of this Engine (I tried to promote it in other sites, because to my mind it is the best script for RPG Maker).
I use it in all my Rpg Maker projects and I'm happy of it. But just one restriction "disturb" me (I don't kwnow if it is aproppriate) :
why can we put sprite with unlimited sizes ? Because if it's possible, all the game could be create with this engine : exteriors and interns map.
Sorry for my english, but I encourage you !

Salut à tous, je suis nouveau sur le forum et désolé pour mon anglais douteux.
Premièrement MGC, je suis fan de ton moteur (J'ai essaie de le faire connaitre sur d'autres sites, parce que je pense que c'est de loin le meilleur script qu'on puisse trouver sur RPG Maker).
En faite, je l'utilise pour tous mes projets et je suis vraiment content des résultats qu'on a avec. Mais il y a une petite restriction que je trouve gênante, c'est la limitaiton de taille des sprites. Pourrais-tu l'enlever ou au pire l'augmenter ? (En faite j'ai essayé en modifiant ton script mais bon ... je suis pas bon). Si tu réussis à lever cette limitaiton on pourrait utiliser le moteur pour tous les environnements interieur et exterieur.
Bon courage à toi, si jamais je peux t'aider.

PS : a screen of my project

[Image: 539109_458157827541104_560115897_n.jpg]
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Feel free to leave the same message in French underneath the English version if you want. MGC speaks French so it might help you understand each other. :)
Ca ne gène pas si tu veux laisser une version française de ton message en dessous. MGC parle français aussi donc ça pourra t'aider à te faire comprendre.
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hi there i have been working on a game with fple on and off for a few months and it is fantastic but could someone be as kind as to slightly change the script for random battles my problem is I wanted to show a weapon on screen if you have on equipped
[Image: th_helpplease1_zpsd8b4b283.png]
but when you go into battle the image stays on top is there anyway to erase the image before the battle starts
[Image: th_helpplease2_zps8c4bf677.png]
I am using both the turn to face enemy and use dungeon screenshot as background addons if anyone could help my I would really appreciate it
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You'd need to edit your screenshot as background script to remove the weapon picture before the screenshot is taken. Add:
but replace 'number' with your picture's number. You'll also have to figure out how to restore the picture after the battle is over.
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I so sorry to be a pain but I don't know jack about scripting and I just can't figure out where to put it in the script I just keep getting undefined method for pictures nil:NilClass error could you post the whole script so I could just past it in my script editor I put the picture number in the script but do you mean the number you give it when you enter in the information in the show picture command in a event [Image: th_helpref_zps092f453d.png]
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Let's see if we can teach you! The method we want to edit is
def call_battle
    if $game_system.fple

let's add our picture hiding code after the "if $game_system.fple" so it only works on FP dungeon maps. The code we are going to use is
$game_screen.pictures[1].move(1, $game_screen.pictures[1].origin,
        $game_screen.pictures[1].x, $game_screen.pictures[1].y,
        $game_screen.pictures[1].zoom_x, $game_screen.pictures[1].zoom_y,
        0, $game_screen.pictures[1].blend_type)
This says " over 1 frame (instantly), keep everything the same but change the picture's opacity to 0." Then we tell the game to update the picture so it will run our changes.

Now once a battle starts, the gun will be invisible! Let's see if we can restore it after battle. look at
def main
    if $game_system.fple
      @spriteset_map = FPLE_Spriteset_Map.new
      @spriteset_map = Spriteset_Map.new
Without looking at the original Scene_Battle main, we can guess that once the @spriteset_map is disposed, it is no longer needed. Therefore, battle is probably over. So let's add
$game_screen.pictures[1].move(1, $game_screen.pictures[1].origin,
        $game_screen.pictures[1].x, $game_screen.pictures[1].y,
        $game_screen.pictures[1].zoom_x, $game_screen.pictures[1].zoom_y,
        255, $game_screen.pictures[1].blend_type)
after it, which is the same code as we used to hide it, but with 0 replaced with 255.

And that should do it! if you still can't figure out I can help more, but it is my belief that you should learn how to make such small edits on your own so you have better control of you game.
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you sir are amazing not only have you created this fantastic script for rpgmaker but you went out of your way to help me thank you so much it worked perfectly
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You are very welcome. If you want to thank me properly you may click the little heart with plus on it under my helpful post. And if there is anything else you need feel free to ask around. We're a nice bunch.
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Is there any way to set it so events that make sounds will change volume for the distance?
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well sort of... if you want to go with an event system...

First, store your event X and event y into variables, and store your player x and y into variables...
Now you want the sound variables to have a x and a Y sensor variable...

For instance, SOUNDX = PlayerX and then another event system saying SOUNDX subtract EventX
This will give you the distance between your sound and your player on the X axis, repeat for the Y axis...

Then if you need to play a noise, it can be a conditional statement or even tabs of the event...

Variable is 5 or above, well that would be a faint sound, 4 or above would be slightly louder, 3 or above even larger, and well 1 or above, it's right on you...

I like this method in FPLE dungeons because it gives me the echo effect. I could be right next to a sound event on the Y axis and be 20 tiles away on the X, and I might still get a echo of a sound. Playing with the reverb on major distances like that can have some spooky effects.

Alternatively, you should check out http://save-point.org/thread-2771.html for View Range 3 by near Fantastica and our own DerVVulfman!
[Image: AVvXsEga1vIr5Rx3FkoFbGo1OoMJAqgq6TeqcbpF...L3AWg=s752]

BLOG: JayVinci.blogspot.com
Currently working on:
Ambitions: RPG Developer Bakin
Heart of Vox: RPG Developer Bakin
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